Affiliation: Las Noches | Rank: Leader of the Arrancar Army | Zanpakuto Name: Kyōka Suigetsu
- Created By Sousuke Aizen
Mission: Grimmjow
Aizen sat to his throne as he looked down to Grimmjow. "I have an assignment for you, Grimmjow. I hope for your success on this mission, however,” Aizen paused briefly, “You will be facing a god.” He stood walking toward ...Secret Santa Wishlist (Bleach RP):
Well this is odd. I never thought I would be asking Santa for something at this age *smirks* though, since I am making a list. I have but only one thing I want for Christmas. So…
Dear Santa,
If you would be so kind as to stuff my stocking with the King’s Key. I would forever be grateful.
Thank you,
Lord Aizen
If that is not possible the animes I like are as listed:
Samurai Deeper Kyo
Cowboy Bebop
Report: As Expected
Ulquiorra slipped quietly into the presence of Aizen. His news was not pressing... merely expected. But he would not rush it. No, no. He was above that. So he wrapped himself in a cloud of brooding thoughts and waited to be acknowledged. ...Return to Las Noches
Kita entered the room seeing Aizen standing next to his throne speaking to Lord Gin. She quickly went down to one knee bowing her head. The dagger she killed Toshiro with still gripped tightly in her right hand. His blood dried to the blade. She wanted to --
But all she did was hang her head as her silver locks fell around her face.
"I have returned, Lord Aizen and in my return I bring you a gift."
She extended the dagger in front of her and laid it to the floor in front of her. Slowly she pulled her hand back and waited for Aizen to acknowledge her.
Users, Lairs, Treachery -- Who Will Win This Game?
It would appear that news travels very quickly *smirks*
With the new information I possess it will only be a matter of time and I shall have the Seraph back in Las Noches and Ulquiorra will have his fraction.
*laughs* Pathetic soul reapers actually believed they could beat me at my own game.
Your time draws near, Captain Hitsugaya. Enjoy her company for the moment in time she fancies being with you.
For that will not be much longer.
*smirks, going to find Ulquiorra to inform him of the newest information*