Affiliation: Las Noches | Rank: Leader of the Arrancar Army | Zanpakuto Name: Kyōka Suigetsu

Report on Mission: Find THE Book

Kita headed to Aizen's throne room the second she stepped out of the gate. Once at the doors she knocked and waited for an answer,

"Enter, Kita."

Kita walked into the room and bowed, "I have found the book you wanted me to get for you."

She set it to the floor in front of her and backed away from it. Aizen was walking toward her as she stepped back. Stopping at the book Aizen picked it up and quickly thumbed through it. A cunning smile spread across his face.

"You have done well, Kita."

Kita lowered her head in a slight bow, "Your praise is not necessary. I was only carrying out your orders."

"Yesss, you were." Aizen turned with book in hand, "You are dismissed."

Kita nodded and turned leaving the room. She was relieved that he accepted the book since it was a fraud. Though, Urahara knew what he was doing. He was not out to get Kita hurt or killed. So the book had to have some authenticity to it to fool Aizen. Kita now headed to her masters room to report to him.

Kita: Mission

Your mission is to go to the human realm and find a book. This book will be in Kisuke Urahara’s possession. I am sure he has it hidden somewhere within his Shop. I do not care how you come about this book, however, within one week I expect it to be in my possession.
