Confession or Surprise?

Aizen sat in his chambers waiting for the arrival of his Espada. He had sent word with Menoly to gather them for assembly. They were to appear in his throne room the second they got word. Becoming annoyed at his waiting he stood to his feet. Just then, Ulquiorra entered bowing discreetly at his lord. Aizen turned eyes narrowed as he looked down his nose at Ulquiorra. He had one question for him.

“Where is Kita, Cuarto?”

Before Ulquiorra could answer the others were walking through the door behind him. Ulquiorra turning to see them walk in. They all bowed to Aizen standing off to the sides and around Ulquiorra as Aizen’s eyes scanned the room.

“Where is Kita? A very good question, my lord I have not seen her in days nor have my daily searches for her been productive.” Ulquiorra thought to himself as the other Espada entered the room. His eyes slowly narrowed as the thought of Kita running off from Los Noches entered his mind. “She would not dare! Why must she be so defiant?” Aizen then broke his thoughts.

“Where is Nnoitra?”

No one spoke up they just looked at one another shaking their heads. Aizen narrowing his eyes more; spoke to them again.

“Kita has been missing for three days now. Do any of you have knowledge of her whereabouts?”

Aizen’s eyes scanned the Espada once more when Nnoitra stepped into the room, a wide grin across his face. He stepped up beside Ulquiorra and bowed to Aizen.

“My lord, I left Kita in the Forest of Menos’. Dead.”

With Nnoitra’s statement the Espada looked quickly his way. Ulquiorra still stood next to him clinching his fists in his pockets, his eyes narrowing more.

Aizen looked down on Nnoitra, “You know this how, Quinto?”

“She and I fought in the Forest of Menos’. She lost.” Nnoitra chuckle a hateful laugh beneath his breath looking at Ulquiorra from the corner of his eye. “It appears Cuarto could not handle the defiant little tramp, and she snuck out the night Ulquiorra was following orders from you, my lord. I took the liberty of following her and ‘then’ punishing her.”

Ulquiorra looked at Nnoitra his eyes narrowed to slits. His hands balled into fists tightly. He knew not to attack Nnoitra within Lord Aizen’s throne room, but once they stepped foot from the room. Nnoitra was fair game.


He turned his glare from Nnoitra looking Aizen’s way, “Yes lord Aizen?”

“Go to the Forest of Meno’s, find Kita.”

Ulquiorra bowed and was about to speak but was cut off by Nnoitra’s outburst.

“But she is dead, my lord! I know she is! There was no way she lived through the beating I gave h--”

Aizen glared at Nnoitra quieting him down quickly. He then looked back to Ulquiorra, “Go to the Forest of Menos’. Find Kita, and bring her back here.”

Ulquiorra gave a quick nod then spoke, “My lord, once I have returned to Los Noches with Kita. I will be making her my fraction.” He bowed again to Aizen then turned to leave. As he did so he looked to Nnoitra, “and if ever you touch Kita again. I will rip Tesla into so many pieces you will never find him.” Ulquiorra’s tone was quiet yet threatening toward Nnoitra. He looked to Aizen once more as Aizen nodded to Ulquiorra with a smirk. They watched as Ulquiorra walk from the room his hands in his pockets and coat tails course behind.

