Xiaolin Showdown Fanfiction

Chapter 10:

Even while on the flight to Rio, Jack’s face didn’t lose its redness. Not that having Rai right next to him helped any. He honestly didn’t know what he was worrying about since Rai only saw Jackie. Well, less like “saw” and more like “stared at”. Rai couldn’t keep his eyes off of Jack, which only unsettled him even more. The entire plane flight couldn’t have been more awkward. It was as if Rai was avoiding Jack for no apparent reason.

Which only made Jack freak out like a teenage girl on the inside.

What... why is he avoiding me??? I haven’t done anything- Hold up, is he mad that I haven’t talked to him awhile? No, that can’t be it. I’ve texted him a lot. AH! I’ve texted him too much, that’s it!! He’s annoyed with me! Jack, stop! Why would Rai be annoyed with you? He’s coming with you on this trip, right? Well, it’s not like we’re in the same room… because I’d love to be- WHY DOES MY MIND KEEP GOING TO THAT?! Bad, bad thoughts! God, if Dia knew that I was thinking about that kind of stuff, she’d either kill me or find some way to make it happen! WAIT, why am I even THINKING about that stuff???? No normal guy thinks of that! I’M. NOT. GAY. I’m not. I’m not I’m not I’m not!!!

While Jack was in denial and having a mental breakdown in his mind, Rai noticed that he was tensing up and – yes – looked like he was panicking. So he did what any good boyfriend (for that was the nature of their relationship) would have done and he held his girlfriend’s hand. Well, his girlfriend that was actually a boy.

That being said, even though Rai thought that Jack would have calmed down, it only made him panic even more. Jack was always easily flustered, you see. Even more so that he feared his cover might have been blown by the way Rai was doing what seemed like avoiding him.

Needless to say, it was a very, very long several hours. Thankfully, sooner or later, both Rai and Jack fell asleep listening to Rai’s iPod. Dia couldn’t help but give a soft smile seeing to two of them so close together. It almost made her jealous that her younger cousin could find someone to love so quickly. Laughing under her breath, she watched as Jack’s head lost balance and fell with a soft thud onto his boyfriend’s awaiting shoulder.

Ah, life was good.