Xiaolin Showdown Fanfiction

Chapter 4:


"C-Calm down, Jackie-"


For the past hour, Jack had been chasing Kai around the neighborhood aiming for her neck or any other vital organ. Clearly, he was still ticked about the night before.

"Not only did you force me into a dress, you also forced me to put on layers of makeup OF WHICH I DID NOT WANT TO DO and you also made me be RAIMUNDO PEDROSA'S DATE FOR THE NIGHT so NOTHING YOU CAN DO WILL STOP ME FROM KILLING YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"And is your genius plan to kill me involve telling your entire neighborhood that you dressed in drag last night?"

"SHUT THE HELL UP KAI!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"I won't. Besides, just as long as those Xaolin guys don't find out, you'll be okay."


"Psh, as if you could kill me." Swiftly, Kai ducked and narrowly avoided one of the more annoying Jack-bots. "I'm your older cousin~! I get immortality via family connections!"

"If family immortality actually existed, then WHY DO I HAVE THIS URGE TO MURDER YOU?!?!?!"

"Because you are an emotionally imbalanced teenage gir-"


"Can you please stop yelling, Jackie? You're giving me a headache."

"ENOUGH!!!" Finally exhausted, Jack collapsed on the ground. "What on this great earth possessed you to do that?"

"What?" Kai joined him. "Putting you in drag-"

"YES. That. Why???"

"Because I was bored. And before you say anything, that wasn't the only reason."

Suppressing irritation even more so than before, Jack went on. "What was the other reason?"

"I have a feeling that something good will come out of this."

"What good could come out me being in drag and getting hit on by another guy?"

"I'm still working on that."

Jack sighed. Once his crazy cousin got an idea in her head, there was no turning back for anyone. No matter how deranged, insane, obscure, or completely outlandish an idea was, Kai acted on it. Hence, the current situation. Kai had no idea where this metaphorical train was heading, and yet she was willing to ride is off the equally metaphorical cliff just as long as she was entertained.

Sadly, Jack was her newest form of entertainment.

"Aw, what's wrong Jackie? Did I hurt your feelings or something?" Kai poked Jack's arm with a rare concerned look.

He shrugged. "No. I'm just tired. Thanks to you, I didn't get home until midnight, and I was up early in the morning working on the newest version of my Jack-bots which should have been done yesterday or even last night-"

"You see?" Kai jumped up accenting her argument. "This is why you need a boyfriend! You spend all your time with those lifeless robots instead of other people!"

"Hey, hey, hey! BOYFRIEND?! I don't recall ever being GAY."

"Dude, I can already tell you're gay. Why else would I set you up with a guy?"

"Kai, you set me up with a straight guy who thinks I'm a girl."

"Your point being? Anyways," Once again, Kai grabbed Jack's arm and began dragging him back into the house. A small voice in Jack's conscience told him that this was going to happen a lot. "We need to get you ready."

"Ready? For what?" Jack whined as he tried to get out of her terrible death grip.

"Your date with Raimundo Pedrosa, of course! We can't have you showing up like THAT."

"Hey! What do you have against trench coats and goggles? And wait a second-!"

"No decent teenage girl would even DREAM of dressing like that - except for cosplay." As Jack was complaining, Kai overpowered him with her ideas for outfits. One half wasn't too bad, but the other half made Jack die a bit on the inside.

This was going to be one very, VERY long year.