Xiaolin Showdown Fanfiction

Chapter 3:

I can't believe how easy this is! As the slow music was playing, Jack spun around the floor under the careful guidance of a certain brown-haired Brazilian. I'm barely doing anything! Man, why can't world conquering be this easy?

"You know, you look kind of familiar." Rai mentioned as he twirled Jack closer.

"R-Really?" Oh no!! "You don't say..."

"Yeah. I think it's the eyes." And it was going so well! What should I do???

"W-Well, I haven't met you before tonight." As far as you know.

"I know, Jackie. But perhaps this is deja vu. Because this is really weird." What a nice thing to say to a girl - Wait, who am I kidding??? I'm still a dude!!!

The song began to fade into the night and couples began to leave.

"Hey Jackie." Rai asked as they left the building to the limo that was already parked to pick them up. "How's about you and I hang out again some time?"

Somehow, Jack found himself saying "Sure. I'd love that."