Xiaolin Showdown Fanfiction

Chapter 5:

About an hour, two apologetic phone calls to Raimundo, several hidden pictures, and a hell of a lot of complaining later, Jack Spicer was ready. Complimenting his original style, Jackie wore a black knee-length skirt with red lace trim on the edge, a black leather vest with a red tank-top underneath, black boots and a yellow headband with red swirls to top it off.

Boy was Kai impressed and Jack pissed by the time they were done.

No matter how much Kai told him that you could hardly that Jack and Jackie were one in the same, Jack still refused to leave.

This is going to be routine at this rate. Kai thought. I can’t keep fighting with him about this. If it’s already this hard to get him into a skirt, God, I can’t begin to imagine how much he’s going to fight about getting him into shorts for the summer! If I knew he was going to be this much of a BRAT, I wouldn’t have set Jackie here up with Rai in the first place! Ah, I really hope this is worth it!

As if on cue, a strong knocking on the door interrupted what was soon to be World War III.

"Anyone ho~ome?" Rai banged on the doorknocker a few more times. "Jackie? Kai?"

"Coming!" Kai responded first, dashing down the stairs while Jack mumbled a response and slowly followed, already starting to regret saying that it would be a fantastic idea if his cousin Kai could stay with him while she finished up her senior year at the local high school. After all, the last time he saw her, she was completely normal and not thinking that her straight cousin Jack was gay. Then again, three years ago, he was building toy robots with the dream of building a real one someday with no idea what Shen Gon Woo where and fighting over them the furthest thing from his mind.

"Well, I leave Jackie in your very capable hands, Raimundo." Kai smiled, and lightly shoved Jack into Rai’s awaiting arms. "Don’t come back too early, you hear?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Jack grumbled and took Rai’s hand, leading him away from the dreaded house.