Totally Dysfunctional


Never in my whole life was I worried about her like I was when she went missing. To even imagine what could’ve happened to her was like imagining the apocalypse; it was too painful. Though Lady Luck was on her side and we managed to find her, but who knows what could have happened if we didn’t. She might have died out there and we wouldn’t have known until it was too late.

After the doctor gave her a thorough checkup, I was let in to visit her. Cezoram was suspiciously absent; he probably didn’t even care she was hurt.

“Ya doin’ alright?” I asked her, looking at the various bandages around her arms and legs. “Looks like ya got pretty cut up out there.”

“I keep telling you I’m fine.” She gave me a soft smile, a true soft smile, to show that she wasn’t hurt as bad as it looked.

“Well, try not t’ wander away like that. Ya told me what happened th’ last time that happened and I’d rather not imagine that again.”

“That was an accident.” She waved like the whole incident was really nothing. “Besides, I’m able to head back to class whenever I want.”

“That’s good. It would’ve been boring if ya didn’t head t’ D.A.D.A. with me.” Patting her head, I handed her a daisy I had been hiding behind my back. “This’s for ya. I found it growin’ on th’ edge’a th’ woods.”

Just as I thought, her entire face lit up as she accepted it. She always had an affinity for flowers of any kind, especially wildflowers and daisies and I knew that no matter where she moved to, that wouldn’t change. In fact, just seeing her smile in gratitude was enough for me to know that everything would be okay.