Totally Dysfunctional


For some reason, the air was thick with tension during free period. I could tell that neither Cezoram nor Anluan were relaxed. In fact, it felt like they were throwing daggers at each other.

I stood up, not able to take the aura of the library anymore and started to leave.

Both Anluan and Cezoram grabbed one of my arms.

“Wait!” They said simultaneously, then glaring.

Just by how they looked at each other, I understood the entire unsaid conversation.

Back off, O’Rylie. She's mine.

Says who, Zor?

“Boys.” I whispered. “Take it outside and away from me.” I shook of their hands and continued walking.

‘Whatever do you mean?” They followed me like loyal dogs. Or really, a loyal dog and an interested cat. The latter of which just spoke.

“Do you really think of me as an idiot? It's obvious that you two hate each other and it has something to do with me. So fight about it AWAY from me. I don't want to be too deeply involved.”

Anluan laughed and ruffled my hair. “Oh come on, Kimi! Ya gettin' a big head 'r somethin'? We aren't fightin' over ya. We're just bein' guys! Ain't that right, Zor?”

“Sod off, Yank.” Cezorem icily. “Don't you dare lump me with your ilk.”

“Hey!” I shouted at him when we were out into the hallway. “That was so not called for!”

Cezorem backed up a bit at my sudden outburst. “Why do you keep defending him?”

“Because he's my friend, duh!”

“Your friend?” Cezorem scoffed. “He doesn't deserve to be your friend. He is a dirty rat that belongs on the sewers. I don't even know what he is doing here.”

He was getting too close to the edge. I marched right up to Zor and got right up in his face. “Take that back right now.” I said, my voice dangerously low.

He wasn't even fazed. “Why should I? I was speaking the truth.” That was the final straw. I whipped my hand and slapped him right across the face with all my strength.

“You are an ASS.” Taking Anluan's hand, I calmly walked away with him in tow.