Totally Dysfunctional


“Say you like me.”

It was a simple request from Cezoram after lunch, but it was certainly an odd one.


“Say you like me please.” He repeated with a smile.

“Why the hell would I do that?” Looking back down at my book, I could feel my face heating up and my heart just decided to kick into overdrive.

“Because I just want to hear you say it once.”

This is why we worked so well sometimes. We were both stubborn and would never give up. Sadly, when we work against each other, it’s an indefinite standstill. He had no idea that he just worked himself into a fight against a brick wall that wasn’t about to admit a painfully obvious fact due to pride issues.

I’m never going to hear the end of his requests if I say no, but I’m too stubborn to say the truth.

Cezoram began playing with one of my longer bangs and was whispering not to me, but in my ear. His voice grew a slight husky tone to it and my poor over-worked heart just about leapt out of my chest. “Tell me you like me. If you do, I promise that there will be a reward.”

My sole savior was noticing that Mita didn’t look well. Not sick unwell, but emotionally unwell. She was never depressed or “sick” in that sense. She was usually happy… that wasn’t like her.

I excused myself from my personal Cheshire Cat and walked up to her.

“What’s wrong-” I was about to put my hand on her shoulder when she turned away and walked off, saying a quick “Tell you later” and just blowing me off.

Something was definitely wrong.


I finally caught her after dinner (she wouldn’t even tell me during Transfiguration!) and she looked way worse. By best friend’s intuition told me that it had to do with a guy.

“I know that I can get away with lying about how I’m feeling but you’re not quite there yet. If you do lie to me, I’ll know.” I warned before we actually talked about her problem. “After all, you can’t beat a master at their own game.”

She sighed and ran her hand through her long wavy brown hair. “It’s about-”


Yes, stop interrupting.”


Mita smiled a bit at my sing-songy attitude in my voice. We had that effect on each other; if one is panicked, the other panicked as well. However if one is calm and collected, the other is. (The only exception being when I’m complaining about writing/doing work/Cezoram.)

“I think he already has a girlfriend.”

Oh snap. A girlfriend? That’s SO not good...

“Is it a rumor or have you actually seen him with her?”

“Well, it’s a rumor...”

That would explain it. “Then you shouldn’t worry. It’s just a rumor and you know those aren’t true. So don’t fret about it. Now, if you actually see him with this supposed ‘girlfriend’, then start to freak out.” As I assured her everything would turn out alright, a sudden thought hit me. There was one person I knew would be able to verify that everything was hunky-dory and that would be the resident blunette. Even though Mita protested a bit at the beginning, I somehow coerced her into giving me the permission to ask him. What she didn’t ever find out was that even if she said “no” I would’ve asked him anyway.

Yet that still didn’t really explain how I got into this situation.

So, yeah. After telling Mita that I would get to the bottom of this, I tried to do the impossible: find Anluan. No matter how many times I tried in this lifetime, Anluan was never found by you; you were found by him.

Which was causing a bit of a problem. No matter where I looked for him, he obviously didn’t want to be found. After searching for what felt like an entire day, I decided the only way to find an informant was by using another. The only issue with that was the fact that the informant I was using to finding Anluan just so happened to be the person I was supposed to be asking about.

Gotta love complications.

Thankfully, Fred and George really did want to be found they guided me to Anluan.

So how did it end up like this again?

“You know, I’ll come back at another time.” I said, turning on my heel and walking out of the dark classroom. I did NOT need to see the sight I had stumbled upon. I guess it was all my fault that I didn’t know what “snogging” meant. But it would’ve been wonderful to know beforehand.

“Anluan?” Fred and George snickered a bit after I asked him where my friend was. “Oh, it wouldn’t be wise to be looking for him right now.”

“Why?” I knew Luan wasn’t the type to have a busy sechdule or get into trouble, so hearing it was a bad idea to try and find him raised some eyebrows.

“He’s in one of the empty classrooms down the hall and he is a bit busy with something personal.”

“What does that mean?”

George answered for the both of them that time. “Because he’s snogging a boy.”

I had wished now that I had now that “snogging” was the British-English equivalent to the American-English term “making out”. I never knew Anluan swung that way... How interesting. I thought he liked me. Guess I was wrong.

“H-Hey! Kimi! Wait up!” Anluan shouted from behind me.

“Oh you’re done.” His face was bright red and he was fixing his shirt. Don’t overthink this now, Kimi.

“You don’t have to put it like that...”

“We’ll talk about that later, okay? I was looking for you because I need some information.”

“Er, about...?”

“Fred Weasley’s relationship status.”

“That’s an easy one.” Out of nowhere, he pulled out his shiny PDA that I assumed was new and had all of his information. “Weasley... Weasley... Fred Weasley... Here we go! Relationship Status: rumored taken, confirmed single.”

“I see... thanks.”

“Mita worried?”

I nodded and sighed, rubbing my temples. “She heard the rumor and was freaking out. So... care to explain why you were making out or going further with another guy in an empty classroom?”

Anluan’s face turned bright red once again and he began stuttering random words and feeble excuses that I couldn’t even begin to understand. I had to wait for him to stop trying to talk in something other than gibberish before I could ask another question.

“I- Y- How- But- Well- uh-”

“Let me rephrase that. Are you bi or gay?”

“Don’t be so straightforward! It’s embarrassing!”

“Then how do you want me to ask it?”

“Never mind.” He slumped against the wall and hung his head. “I-I don’t really know. I mean, I’ve always thought that I was straight because I’ve always loved this one girl but when Aiden kissed me... I don’t know. I felt much... happier, I think, than when I kissed her. I still love her but... I think I’m falling in love with Aiden, too.”