image coming soon

Please hold while the introduction is under construction. Previous iterations of bland pretentiousness are being remodeled or removed.

Thank you for your patience!

Discord | Allamorph #4278
Skype | Allamorph

You know....

....oblique posting is worthless. If you have something on your mind and you don't want to talk about it, don't talk about it where dozens of eyes lurk and watch, especially if those eyes pay attention to detail.

It's a rule I like to follow in this format. If I don't have the guts to make a semi-public issue out of it, I don't mention it.

"Discretion is the better part of Valor" applies in more places than the battlefield.


Yes. I am. Very much so. 'Tis nice, but now I have to unpack everything so I can actually move around in my room. At the moment I have to jump off of my bed onto my armchair to get to my door. Also waking up at a decent hour is very hard, not...

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Doo-wop, diddy-wop, diddy-wop, doo.

While we're doing song quotes, and all. One exam down. Took all of twenty minutes. So now I'm typing without any letters. Looks like this: ...

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My fanart got deletord.

Mean people. =P Exams next week. And it's going to be rough for a bit. I mean, Monday I only have th...

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Mood: querulous.

In the past year I have been confronted with the same term multiple times in reference to several of my expressed positions and—well, any time I speak seriously. And it's begun to gnaw at me a tad. I do not understand the concept of ...

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