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Random blather. Like usual.

First: I am not fond of poetry. Adding circular logic does not help.

Second: Oh my freakin' gosh.

I, like, just discovered Sour Starburst. This stuff is absolutely amazing. Starburst is now amazing, and this variant ranks a permanent second on my all-time Sour Candy Win list—the 1st place position obviously belonging to Warheads, which I am beginning to suspect are extinct.

This is tough to do, guys. I mean, I've had sour candy, and they all have to measure to the Warheads. Almost all of them fall short of even making the Sour flavor, settling into a vat of Tart mediocrity. Sour Skittles almost made it, but the flavor is only a crystal coating that lasts maybe four seconds, and you have to eat five at a time and risk getting your taste-buds burnt off to get any real enjoyment out of the flavor. Not really worth it, but since they're Skittles they still get eaten.

So tonight I'm at Wal-Mart, and while I'm grabbing my monthly fix of chocolate-covered raisins—which I always seem to devour before two days have gone by—I saw this box of Skittles on the multi-pack shelf, and I grab it. Turns out it has four packs each of regular, Wild Berry and Sour Skittles, as well as four rows of Starburst packs, two of which are regular, one is Baja, and I don't recognize the other but I figure it's worth a try.

So I get back to the dorm and pass around a few packs of Skittles ('cause I'm, you know, such a nice guy and such egocentric blather and what), and I grab one of the unidentified Starburst and read "sour" as the only other word on the front, and my curiosity is aroused. I mean, it's Starburst; they either did it right or screwed the hell up, pardon my French.

They did it right.

Okay, so their flavor choices are good, and 50% unique. I mean, I'm not surprised at all to see a (tasty!!) Green Apple, or really a (best of the pack!!) Blue Raspberry, but Tangerine and Strawberry?

No, think. Sour Strawberry??

Serious win.

If you guys run across Sour Starburst anywhere, I highly recommend you snag some. And don't worry; they ain't the Kill-Your-Face sour that Warheads are famous for. This is extremely tastefully mixed sour so it blends just so with the fruit flavor. I am positive you'll be pleased.

It occurs to me.....

...that I don't really like the word 'blog'. I think it's the whole word, really; just feels offensive to say. Nowhere near as fun as, say, 'gastrointestinal', or as pretty as Jaleh. (Gorgeous name, that one. The girl who owned it was rather pretty herself.)


At any rate, I also dislike it because it seems to me to become nothing more than a summary of one's day for all to read, and that's really not all that interesting for you least, not from me, anyway.

So though I like havin' you guys around, don't go expecting a whole lot of life-journaling from me. I just don't feel it majorly important that you guys know when I get sick, or what yesterday's itinerary was, or such like that. Instead, you guys get the stuff I get excited about, or the stuff I decide needs a good ranting on.


In other news, I'm sure you've noticed that nice little banner up topside o' this thing. You follow the link (least, I think it's a link) and it'll take you to my current pet collaborative role-play project, Shinigami Dance. Forgive the mediocre title—there are reasons for excusing it that I'll gladly enumerate privately—but the original creator (and one other player) dropped shortly into the game, and the story has been continued by myself, Darren, SunfallE, and Indi....and just recently by Indi's rather bubbly roommate, Sabrina. If you ever feel the need for a good internet read, drop by; the story gets better as it goes, and it is definitely worth, in my opinion, sticking it out until after the four of us break home free and start actually building the universe.

Plus, there have been a few posts that I have flat enjoyed writing, and one or two of the others' in which I got to see several of my ... ideas ... come to satisfying fruition.

And there's a French bishounen vampire.

That's always fun.


I do not like the rain.

Well, that's not entirely true. I love the sound, and the atmosphere a gentle one brings, and just sitting and watching it while I think about whatever I'm not thinking about. It's really quite pleasant.

As long as its not on me.

I take to being wet about as well as I take to a shot in the mouth. Makes me feel all pinned down and slinky and I start a tic of repeatedly wiping myself off as best I can, and just makes me want to shake it all off and ... !!!!

It started raining every time I stepped outside this afternoon.

And not just any rain, either. This rain was cold and wind-whipped and full of large, nasty unpleasant drops that made you shout just on contact. I mean, I was sprinting probably fifty feet between buildings, and when I got inside I looked like I'd had a five-gallon bucket of water thrown at my left side.

At least my hair is short right now. That's be a bunch of mess I don't wants to be dealin' with.


I probably should have clarified last time, 'cause a bunch of you darn people took me all literally and what. =P

I was referring to writing for fun. Even though a lot of essay stuff and papers and what follow a similar process for me, I consider them completely separate from writing for me. So yeah, I know that that kind of stuff takes a bit more time and planning than normal, but hell, guys, I don't write dissertations on a regular basis. =P

Miss A.Someone seriously needs to draw the Tron squirrels.
I would be unbelievably entertained. (Where ya been, by the way?)

Writing Methods, Practices, Habits

I've been writing since I was six. I suppose it came naturally, what with me being a voracious reader, blazing through moderate-length children's novels in a mere three or four hours. (To be fair, Tolkien's books took me around six or eigh...

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MyOtaku Memories

Although I have not been involved in the so-called "myOtaku versus Worlds" scene, and I can't really say too much because I never involved myself with myOtaku, I keep hearing a statement that bothers me, and I feel I must speak to it. Is it...

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