Hiya, I'm Angel! This is my most personal place on the internet.

Discord: frieza5570
DeviantArt: Angel1nks
Twitter: Michelangeline3
Instagram: michelangeline3

I'll be gone

tomorrow I'm leaving for another state for a week and I will have almost no internet... which means... You won't see updates for a week.

Dear Secret Santa!!!

Dear SS, this year I would like either:
A drawing of Amelia from my webcomic, Valle Lacrimarum, having a tea party with Lady Venetia, and Azriel.
Or a drawing of Ganondorf from Legend of Zelda, Twilight Princess.
Or of Dr. Strange from Marvel comics doing something... magical.

lol, I read the rules but totally didn't add three options! XD

I got a deviantart account!

so like i finally got one. nothing is there yet but i'll try to get something there soon. my username is sympatichnaczarina but i would've chosen mrs. dragmire if it wasn't already taken!

*I Need Your Help!!!*

I hate to write this but I'm looking for a publisher for my comics. I'll be writing sample chapters of my stories to send to publishers and was wondering what I could do to improve my comics. This means I want constructive criticism. Take this for example: "I like the way you draw __________ but I would suggest working on _________ and _________. Try this or that instead." If something needs improvement, tell me what it is and how I could possibly fix it. If something is good, tell me why its good and I will try to improve that too. I'd like some suggestions regarding these particular subjects aswell:

  • Should I change the font?
  • Should I try harder to make the paneling straighter? (No wait, nevermind. God knows this needs to be done)
  • Should I switch the direction in which the story is read?
  • Should I add more backgrounds?
  • Should I do less screen tones?

Keep in mind that I am NOT looking for a list of publishing companies. I would greatly appreciate your help!

Back from the Youmacon!

I'm back! It was alot of fun but because of my lack of money, I had to break my four year old tradition of buying a cute stuffed animal every time I attend. Atleast I got two really cute rings from Paradise Rose and Tasty Peach Studio!

It was the first year that I found a Ganondorf cosplay and even though he wasn't the Ganon from Twilight Princess, I was still happy (because, you know, Ganondorf is my husband). In previous years we saw a zillion Wolf's Rain cosplayers but this time it was just me and an illusive Hige. There also wasn't a lolita photoshoot (or Nintendo!) like last year though there were plenty of lolis.
If you wanna see some more pictures of my Cheza cosplay, check out my album.