Hiya, I'm Angel! This is my most personal place on the internet.

Discord: frieza5570
DeviantArt: Angel1nks
Twitter: Michelangeline3
Instagram: michelangeline3

I saw the Guardians of the Galaxy movie

So the other day I went with my dad to see the new Guardians of the Galaxy movie. I don't really care about GotG, but this one was probably my favorite out of all of them.

Movie spoilers!

Rocket's backstory really reminded me of Nanachi and Mitty from Made in Abyss. The High Evolutionary reminded me of Bondrewd of course. and then those rapid evolving pods or whatever were like the curse/blessing elevator thing. Nanachi crying scene was basically in the movie too lol

Maybe I'm just too obsessed with Made in Abyss, but when I told my sister about it she said her friends in her Discord server were talking about it too! Her boyfriend was saying a lot of things feel like Made in Abyss lately, like Tears of the Kingdom and Pokemon scarlet/violet. There was even a thread on r/madeinabyss that mentioned the similarities between the anime and Guardians of the galaxy.

I'm pretty sick of the MCU overall, but the new Gotg movie was better than all the other recent MCU movies (Thor Love and Thunder was a disgrace to Gorr the god butcher). Makes me a little sad because I used to love Marvel. My dad was a silver-age Marvel comics collector back in the day. He used to have THOUSANDS of old 1960-70s Marvel comics in boxes down in the basement. He sold almost all of them, but he gave me a random box that, no shit, had the VERY FIRST Guardians of the Galaxy comic inside. I thought about framing it. I think its time for the MCU to conclude, but atleast one of the movies was basically a live action version my favorite anime

Saint Goblin pg.9 Lineart

So its been a minute since I updated Saint Goblin and I wanted to let you guys know that pages 9 and 10 are finished inking. Now all that is left is to color them digitally! Since editing the lineart is a process all by itself, I thought I'd show off the pre-color finished product.

This is what I consider the halfway point. After editing the lineart, I finish the page with coloring and lettering. Unfortunately after inking these past few pages, my inks have begun to run dry. I'll need a new ink set. I thought about switching from pens to brushes once I get some 11"x17" Bristol board. I need new textures that nibs can't make.

Why do I fangirl for the most random characters?

While rewatching some Dragon Ball Z a few weeks ago, I realized I have a squish on Kibitoshin!!! I'm always jealous of people with one single anime waifu or husbando, and then there is me with a whole list of characters! Not even sure if I remember them all lol.

I remember in middle school I had a huge squish on Edward Elric from FMA. Right now I'm pretty obsessed with Erwin Smith from AoT and, now, Kibitoshin from DBZ. If I actually had only one waifu/husbando, I'd probably become one of those people with body pillows of their favorite character. I am a merch collector, sometimes. But I'm not a Dakimakura enjoyer... yet...

I used to read a bit of OCxCHARACTER fanfiction when I was younger. They were usually stories with Mary Sues as a romantic interest, but part of me misses those type of fanfictions. Who can resist those eyes that changed color with your mood, or having characters fall head over heals for the mc? I'd love to read some old school self insert stories. I'm not sure where everyone posts their fanfiction nowadays, but back in my day we used Quizilla!

Now I'm 30 years old!

So March 30 is my birthday and I celebrated today by going to Frankenmuth MI for dinner with my sister! We're twins so it was a double celebration which is always fun. It's almost tradition to go there at this point. ...

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Saint Goblin Pg. 8 Raw Inks!

So I don't really ever get a chance to show off what my inked comic art looks like before it gets colored digitally, so here is the next page of Saint Goblin in black and white!

This was one of the last two pages I drew using graphite for some of the shading. I bought my gray scale ink set soon after finishing page 9, so I stopped using graphite after this.

I won't be able to color this page until Friday because of my busy schedule this week. But I've got plenty of new pages freshly inked and ready to be scanned! Stay tuned!