Hello, and welcome to my personal World!

Here's where I'll share some personal notes, fun/random stuff, and my original writing. Enjoy!!

Featured Fiction:
Dreamer | Eternal Rain | Pet Projects | Search for the Sky | So Distant | Unraveled

Role Plays:
dis-colour | Prismatic Haven

Original Character Profiles & References:
OC Library | Character Refs

Just for Fun
Ask Us! | 30 Days of Art Event | DA 30-Day Drawing Challenge

You can also find me on DeviantArt and Unvale.

TO-DO list!

Simplified list to be edited as I see deadlines coming up. Might not get to all of these, but I hope to be able to do them!


Other projects
Eternal Rain world/web banner update

Little Update

Hey, guys! How is everybody? I haven't really had anything big going on since last update, still working full-time and yet still finding time to draw. So... remember that RP group on DA that I got wrapped up in last summer? "dis-col...

Read the full post ยป

Updates and Stuff

With my second job, I haven't had as much time to draw, plus I've been in a bit of an art block recently (though I'm slowly trying to work my way out of it). I OWE PEOPLE STUFF -- I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN! I promise I will get those challenge prizes done!

  • Keba Si Rota - Fan art request
  • Dianote - e-card request

...Anyone else notice that the main page hasn't been updated since October? That's just sad.

My First GIF!! :D

I just made my first gif! It's Naoyuki ~<3
