Extensive OC Development Quiz: Hikari


26. What is your blood type?
No idea.

27. Do you have any mental illnesses?
No~pe! (Author: Yup.)

28. Do you have any disabilities?

29. Do you have any addictions?

30. Do you have any allergies or medical problems?

31. Do you have any problems sleeping? What's wrong and why do you think that is?
Sometimes. I dunno, I have bad dreams.

Supernatural Abilities:

32. Do you have any supernatural abilities? If no, skip this whole section.
*scowls* Why do you want to know?

33. What exactly are your abilities?
I'm not telling you!! (Author: Energy absorption/transfer.)

34. When did you discover them?
*ignoring the interviewer* (Author: He got them when he was around ten.)

35. Where did your abilities come from (genes, radiation)?
NOT. TELLING. (Author: No one knows for sure. "Gifted" abilities may be genetic.)

36. How do you use your abilities (speak some language, wave a wand)?
*ignoring the interviewer again* (Author: He has to leave his markings uncovered. But, actually, he's always unconsciously using them.)

37. How much control do you have over your powers?
Tch. You're annoying. (Author: Depends on his emotional state.)

38. What does it cost to use your abilities (energy, focus, blood)?
Stop asking me! (Author: Energy.)

39. Can you die or pass out from overusing your abilities?
You'd love to know that, wouldn't you? You humans are all the same! *bristling, ready to fight* (Author: *restraining Hikari* Yes.)

- Session Two, after Hikari's a bit calmer -

41. Do you feel that your abilities are a blessing or a hindrance? Would you trade them or get rid of them if you could?
I would get rid of them, if I could.

42. Are you happy with the abilities you have?

43. Are your abilities secret?

44. Do many others have abilities where you come from? The same ones?
Some have different powers. *crosses arms*

- Session Three -


46. What is your earliest childhood memory?
Uh, you see, my memory's a bit sketchy. ^^;

47. What is your happiest childhood memory?
I can remember star-gazing with my mom. ^-^

48. What is your worst childhood memory?
*scowls* Too many to count. (Author: Oh, boy, there he goes again...)

49. What was your childhood like?
My parents turned their backs on me! What do you think that was like?!

53. Have you ever had a near death experience? Have you ever died?
Thanks to stupid humans, I have almost died!!

59. Have you ever experienced anything traumatic?
*shoots interviewer a sarcastic glare*