Extensive OC Development Quiz: Hikari


138. What is a typical day like? Or is each day different?
Each day's different.

139. Are you a morning or a night person?
Definitely not a night person! Haha!! XD

140. How do you usually dress?
I like loose clothes that cover me up so I don't get sun-burnt.

141. Is there anything you keep with you at all times?
Not really; I don't have a whole lot. ^^;

142. Do you keep a journal? Why or why not?
Nope. I don't like writing, and I never learned to write very good.

143. Are you regularly in trouble or do you always follow all the rules?
I'm always in trouble, but not 'cause I break the rules. ^^;

144. Do you ever drink or get drunk?

145. Do you ever go to parties?
HA! Are you kidding?!

146. Describe your bedroom. What is in it? Is it messy?
It's just a place to sleep.

147. What would you like most to change about your life?
I wish I'd never gotten these powers.

148. Are you happy with your life?
What do you think? *rolls his eyes*

- Session Six -

Personal Information:

158. Do you snore?
I might??

159. Do you have any secrets?
I'm an open book! ^^ (Author: ...Really, now?)

161. How do you deal with physical pain? Have you ever been seriously injured?
I have no choice but to deal with it. Yes.

162. How do you cope with deaths of people you know?
I don't wanna talk about this!!! *covering his ears*

163. Have you ever killed anyone? Why? How?
I've never killed anybody!

164. Have you ever seen anyone die? What happened?

- Session Seven -

167. Do you have any bad habits?
I annoy Joel. ^^;

168. Are you typically willing to help people who you ask for it? To what extent would you willingly help them?
Sure! ^^ As long as they're not hurting anybody.

169. What is your speaking style (fast, monotone, loquacious)?
I ramble. And I talk fast.

171. Do you have any quirks or eccentricities?
I forget things a lot.

176. If you could know anything, what would it be? (Like how the pyramids were built, what your boyfriend was thinking five minutes ago)
I'd like to know where my family is.

179. If you got one wish (no wishing for more wishes), what would you wish for?
To have my family back together. Definitely. ^-^