Extensive OC Development Quiz: Hikari


180. Are you a social person? Or do you prefer solitude?
I like being with people! (Author: Hmm...I wonder about that sometimes.)

181. How would you describe your personality?
Too relaxed?? (Author: I don't know about that either.)

182. Are you an optimist or pessimist?
I dunno.

183. Are you creative?

184. Do you like to take risks?

185. Are you usually an honest person?

186. How would you describe your personal hygiene? Would others agree?
... ^^ I, uh, get dirty a lot...

187. Do you think you dress well? Would others agree?
I dunno, probably not.

188. Are you sentimental?
Maybe a bit.

189. Are you openly emotional?
Maybe a little.

190. Are you a hard worker?

191. Are you usually a leader or a follower? Are you happy with that?
Follower! Sure, why not?

192. Are you confident?
Sometimes? ...^^

193. Are you introverted or extroverted?
What does that mean? (Author: Do you keep to yourself, or are you outgoing?) Oh! Definitely outgoing! :D

194. Are you a stressed person?

195. Are you easily embarrassed?

196. Are you very proud?

197. How do you think other people see you?
Joel thinks I'm weird. XD

198. What things do others say are your weaknesses?
I'm air-headed. XD

199. What do others say are your strengths?
Uh... I dunno, nobody really says anything good about me. *shrugs*

200. Do people generally like you or dislike you?

204. Overall, are you happy with yourself?


205. What is your favorite food?
FISH!! :D :D :D

206. What is your favorite drink?
Water!! Or juice!

207. What is your favorite color?

208. What is your favorite animal?

210. What is your favorite movie?
What's a movie???

211. What is your favorite music genre?
Miss Kirsty listens to classical. I like that kind. ^^

213. What is your favorite weather?

214. What is your favorite season?
Summer's too hot, hate winter, so either Spring or Fall.

216. Do you like to travel or stay in one place?

217. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains?
The beach is more fun. ^o^

218. Would you rather have a life full of adventure or an uneventful life?
I think I'd like to have a quieter life. ^^

220. What is your favorite flower?

223. Do you prefer the city or the country?

224. Do you prefer showers or baths?