Hey! This is were your host Asagi, posts her fanfics, fanpoems, and life posts! So go have a lot of fun! Feel the IchiRuki!

And to be clear, here are the couples I write for: Ichigo and Rukia (Bleach), Momo and Toshiro (Bleach), Uryuu and Orahime (Bleach), Youraweichie and Kiuske (Bleach), Kagome and Inuyasha (Inuyasha), Sango and Miroku (Inuyasha), Ayame and Koga (Inuyasha), Kagura and Seshomaru (Inuyasha), Seya and Haji (Blood), Winry and Edward (Full Metal Alchemist), Roy and Riza (Full Metal Alchemist), Naruto and Hinata (Naruto), Sakura and Sauske (Naruto), Rachel and Jimmy (Case Closed), Harly and Katie (Case Closed), Ren and Kyoko (Skip Beat!), Kenta and Karin (Chibi Vampire/Karin) Maki and Winner (Karin),

Winter Nights Like These

Rukia flipped a page in the magizine she was reading, "Ichigo," she said, "i'm bored" "Then stop reading and do something else" he replied, irritated, at wat? Well, with him there's no telling! "But, I love reading magizines!" "Then you aren't bored!" "I don't no how to explain it... My mouth is bored!" "Then chew on some bubble gum!" "Bubble gum?" "Oh no! Don't tell me you've never had bubble gum before!?" "No, we don't have as many treats back in Soul Society" "Were did I go wrong? The night you got here I shoulda given ya' some gum!" Ichigo walked out of the room, returning moments later with two peices of wrapped bubble gum "No wounder you're so boring!" he stated harshly, wich earned him a good kick in the shin "Me boreing?! I bow down to the KING of bordeum!" "Just shut up and chew this! And watever you do DON'T SWALLOW IT!" "Why?" "Gum is for chewing not for eating!" "Why?" "Why am I having this conversation with you?! I didn't think I would ever have to have this conversation again after Yuzu was born! Or atleast, not right now" that also earned him a kick in the shin "Why?" Rukia repeated "Because it is sticky, and gooy, and WILL glue your insides together! Trust me I no a guy!" "It dosen't feel that way!" "It feels diffrent ounce you chew on it a wile" about 20 minutes later...
"Ichigo?" "Wat now?" "Can you do anything with bubblegum?" "Wat do you mean?" "Like with cherry stems, can you..." "Use it as a kissing test? No! Blow bubbles with it? Yes! Watch," Ichigo popped his gum and blew a rather big bubble wich soon popped as well, "Cool! Show me how to do that!" Rukia demanded, acting alot like a child at the time "Ok, spred your gum out like a sheet using your teeth and your tounge," He replied deminstraiting "Den, ou move ur ounge an bow!" he demenstraited, albeit muffled and blew a bubble then Rukia tried she blew a tiny one "It's ok, you'll get it! Just keep trying!" Wow! Ichigo actually encouraged her! So all that afternoon Rukia read magizines and continued to practice blowing bubbles, unfortinatly, within that time, they both fell asleep, and Ichigo had fallen off the bed, with his head next to Rukia's mouth and sure enough... 2 hours later, "AHHHHHH! There's GUM in my hair!" Ichigo screamed, 'Why didn't I tell her to NOT fall asleep with gum in her mouth!? Although, she does look sweet like that, curled up on the floor, my midget! I mean my Rukia! I mean! I don't no wat I mean! She isn't mine! But,...' "Ichigo!" "Wah! Wat?!" "There's gum in your hair!" "Yes! I no that Captin obviouse! Go get some peanut butter!" "Why?" "To get the gum out!" "Why peanut butter?" "It works!" "Why?" "I don't no now shut up and do it!!!" thus began the "Get the gum outta my hair" saga
The next morning... "Ichigooooo!" "Wat?!" "How much longer will it take to find a lead on these Espada?" Rukia complained "I dunno, the way I see it, wile we wait for Toshiro to get a lead, we get a vacation!" "Yeah! But it's so hard to wait! I want him to find a lead soon so that our initiation ceremony will come quicker!" The young Soul Reaper wined "I no!" She began "Let's go outside!" Outside they were happy, but didn't quite no wat to do, Rukia layed down in the snow and began to make a snow angel, she rose up slowly, leaning on her hands, suddenly, BOOM! A mound of snow fell on her head "Wat the-? Ichigo?! Ugh! That's freezing!! Do you want my face to freeze!?" "Not like that, it'd be terrifying!!" "Why you!" But instead of going over to pound or kick Ichigo sensless, she did something else, she used snow! And thus, the crazy snow war began! Using everything from snow balls to mounds of snow on tree branches to dump on eachother, finally, it got late, and they got tired, so they truged into the house through the back door, lest they be caught by Ichigo's phsyco dad!
Laying on the floor of Ichigo's room, Rukia shivered, chills going up and down her, Ichigo lay on his bed, one eye closed, with the open one he glanced down at the small bundle of chills spred eagle on the floor, both of them panting, "So?" he said between pants "Who won?" "Tie" Rukia wispered a sudden break of chills shot through Rukia "I-I-I-Ichigo?" she asked shivering "Yeah?" he responded, not so cold "I'm c-cold" she wispered "Oh?" he asked getting up off his bed, he went over to the closet were he reached up to a high shelf and pulled down a spare blanket, he unraveled it and walked over to her, shaking it lightly, he then threw the cloth straight over Rukia, much like a tent, it then surronded her and took form, "HEY!" She yelled, half confused at wat the orange haired teen, had done, "Wat is the meaning of this!?" "I wanted to warm you up! Most heat escapes out of your hot head ya' no!" "WAT!? 'Hot head'? Yes it does, so does all of my breath!!! Let me outta here!" "You get out!" "WAT?! Ok, fine!" Rukia stood and proceeded to try and shake the blanket off her, but instead she actually made it worse, as the blanket was twice Ichigo's size, and he was a little less than twice her size, do the math! It equals a big blanket! "Let me out!" Rukia sqealed by this time Ichigo was in hystarics! He laughed so hard that not long after that Rukia herd a THUD! Then an "Ow!" "Ha ha!" Rukia mocked the two despretly tried to get out of their perdicaments, and keep their breath wile laughing hystarically at eachother, Rukia under the blanket and Ichigo on the floor, in a war with the bed sheets! Finally Ichigo untangled himself and walked over to free Rukia from the monster blanket trying to consume her, wich he could swear had gotten bigger, "Here! Let me help!" he said in between gigles "I don't want karma to hurt me anymore!" he laughed, as the first bit of light began to emerge under the "tent" a little popping noise came about with each tug it popped "tch, tch, tchhhhhh" and as it came off Ichigo noticed wat the "tch" was, it was static electricity, and it had punished Rukia's hair, wich was sproinged, standing out, unraveled, and just plane messy!
After a well deserved hair brushing Rukia looked normal, and walked over to Ichigo "Ichigo?" she said "Mm?" "It took me a long time to get my hair back to the way it should be," "M-Hm" "Since then I repeat, 'I'm cold' and if you do that to me again, a kick in the head is comin' your way!" "Alright, Alright! I'll admit that the closet is pretty drafty, you can sleep in my bed tonight, but only tonight" "Gee, I was told that that was wat is always said to puppies, and yet, is never meant" "Tch" is all Ichigo responded with, then he got off of his bed and returned to the room moments later with to cups of hot choclate "You've had hot choclate before right?" "No, I told you, we don't have such treats in Soul Society" "Oh, but you have abundent rock candy?" "Yep" "It is going to be really ruff going to live there!" he said handing the ravin haired girl the cup, she simply shrugged "Careful, don't burn your tounge!" he said, setting his cup on his night table "Now you tell me!" she says, partically sticking her tounge out and making a sad face "There are two ways to cool you down, one is to eat a popsicle, but I think we're out, so the only other option is," he trailed off, closed his eyes and kissed the girl deeply, coming up for air later, "Was that it?" she asked, "Yup!" Ichigo said, "There's always one thing that puts me at the perfect tempiture," Rukia replied "Wat's that?" "Strawberrys" she said, a devilish grin playing on her features, they both fell back on the bed, Rukia burried her face in Ichigo's chest, breathing in the softness that was him, "Kokoro kara anata o ashite imasu" Ichigo said "Wat does that mean?" Rukia asked gazing up with her vilot eyes to see that both of his amber eyes were closed, but we was defentitly still awake "I love you very much, it's the only Japenesse I no" "Kokoro kara anata o ashite imaso ashiteiru; I love you very much too, and yes, I new wat it meant, I just wanted to hear you say it for real" "I love you very much" 'I love you very much too" Ichigo pulled the large "tent blanket" over them both, the two soon fell asleep, comforted in the warmth surronding them, not the blanket, but the curling up of each other 'It's winter nights like these, that make me glad to be alive, and love, to be in love' they both thought peacfuly, as sleep entered, they were ready, for more of these winter nights

1,600+ HITS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wooohhooooo!!!!!!!!!!! You read the title! That many hits baby! Woohoo! Now, wat to post... how about this! I re-post my first post! How's that?

Truth Of The Moon

(Note: For Thyme Girl! A MomoShiro!) I woundered that night, if I would ever have wat Rukia had, the lucky Rukia, no, I don't think she has the perfect life, with no problums, or that she, or anyone else is perfect, no I don't envy her, but sometimes, I do feel just a twinge of jealousy, but we all get jealouse, Rukia, the strongest Soul Reaper in Soul Society, asides from her overwelmingly powerful husband, her husband, she's married, she's deeply in love with him, and she will soon have a baby, I haven't told her yet, but I think she'll have twins, Rukia, to be cared for so much that Ichigo would risk his life to, not only become a Soul Reaper again, but rescue her, and protect her, to become stronger, beyond the binds of a mere substitute Soul Reaper, to become the Captin Commander of all things! To leave school, and home, and a normal teenage boy's life, and do you no, wen I asked him why, do you no wat he said? It wasn't just me who asked though, it was quite a few people, who asked wen they got married, and he said, "Only one reason, so that I will never lose her again" to have someone who loves you that much, and then to have been adopted into one of the most noble familys ever! And to escape- albeit just barely- exicution, to be the one girl out of every girl, not just Soul Reapers either, the one person out of every person to posses the hogyoku! Even though she had no clue it even exsisted, but still! But every time I get even just a little jealouse of her, I remember all the things that made her jealouse of someone, no, Rukia is too cool to get jealouse, well, maybe not, I don't no really, I mean, she was abanden as a baby, then, wen she finally had hope, she was taken in by nobles, wich isn't really the glitz and glamore everyone thinks it is, and then, to see her leitenit, and her idol die right before her very eyes, to have his blood stained on her face, that must be some sort of greif, then, to be sent on a mission, expecting to come home again, just another day, expecting that soon she'll be laughing with Kiyone, or, teasing Renji, just, being back home, but she didn't get to go back home, she was trapped in an unfamilar place for two months, not noing anyone or anything, or wat to do or were to go, having to completely rely on instinct and someone you just met, who, frankly, dosen't really like you that much anyway! Well, not for a little wile, and then, be sentenced to die in a matter of days, only to find out, that the person you love most is probably going to die, just to save you, to be thrown into aganizing emotional rollercoasters with, "I'm about to die, no, he just saved me, now he's about to die, no, someone else, no, me, no" for days on end, then learning in a matter of hours that you poses this magic crystal that everyone wants, and that you not only have a sister, but that she died, and that she was married to your adopted older brother and that was why he adopted you! And that's all in less than three months! Not to mention everything that follows all that, I'm personally surprised that she didn't go crazy! Although, Ichigo did mention something about bordering on suicidal, but, still, and then to be best freinds still with your child hood best freind! Toushiro and I are as close as ever, but I woundered if we could ever have wat Ichigo and Rukia have, if that's possible, if I were in Rukia's position, would he really be like Ichigo? Would he ever say "Only one reason, so I will never lose her again"? Would he ever fight impossible odds to see me again? Or to exceed his abilities so that I would always be with him?
That night, I remembered everything, and comparied it to Rukia and Ichigo, starting with the time that Toushiro woke up screaming, it was raining then, that I remember, it was the middle of autum, I awoke too a loud scream, wich scared me so badly that I rose up and my head on the back of the wall, ounce I got out of the short stupper, I remembered why I had waken up to recieve, a now growing, headache in the first place! I glanced over at the boy across the room, his eyes were wide, his breath unsteady, "Lil' Shiro?" I asked with concern, "Are you ok?" "Momo, it's my sister, I don't no were she is just that she was there wen I died!" I walked over to him, we were only little kids, I personally was quite happy that wen I died my family hadn't tailed behind me, not that I no of at least, I found it pleasent that they were happy in the world of the living and that I was happy here, they would join me someday, although, I guess not everyone can understand that sort of happiness, the older we got, the less we remembered about wat it was like in the world of the living, that's why I became a Soul Reaper, so that people, like Lil' Shiro, didn't carry that burden, I gripped him in my arms, and he started to cry, it was the first, and probably last, time I had seen him cry, I let him cry, I new he must have been close to his sister, I new he must have died tragically, and that there was probably some reason that he felt responsable for the two not remaning together, weather it was for her living or for him dying, I really didn't no, I didn't want to no, I had a feeling that no matter how he answered it, it would just leave me feeling worse than I did not noing, all I new, was that it was a tender open wound, that hadn't healed yet, "Wen you need to talk about it, I'll be there to listen," I wispered, and wen I said that, I felt the wound close up, just a little bit, it healed, just a little bit, he still has that wound, it isn't open anymore, it's been treated and dealt with, so it dosen't hold him back, 'That,' I thought, 'was exactly wat Rukia said, wen Ichigo told her that he lost his mother, and that, she was able to heal over time,' I was quite proud of myself, considering that I new how to do something at that age, but then, so I was able to comfort him, that's still on my part, right? So wat have I proven to myself? Well, as expected, since the World Of The Living team's triophth, we had all become very close and did nearly everything together, so, that night, before Rukia's wedding, she sat down with me, and a few other girls, and we talked untill late, actually, that's how I was able to smuggle this golden information out without acting suspicouse, and that's wat I compared my memories to, like this one,
The next thing I had to compare to was wen Rukia was taken back to Soul Society, well, I had never been kidnapped, but someone tryed ounce, as expected though, he was some old bafoon and all Toushiro had to do to "Rescue me" was spit some watermelon seeds at him, then, grab my arm and run, Rukia and Ichigo hadn't kissed untill they had said their "I love yous" although neither had we, then, there were all the injuries that were to be healed between the two, cuts to be bandeged, bruises to be healed, scrapes to be covered, nearly everything to be of some sort of medication, Rukia said that she had used up so much kido in two months on Ichigo alone that it was rediculouse! She said that somehow out of those two months-except before the first night ofcourse- she had somehow escaped seriouse injury, but wen she WAS hurt, Ichigo was able to heal her, after that she had always been healed by Orahime, I asked why she sounded so disapointed and she said, "It was nice, being healed by Ichigo, I didn't realize then how much I wanted those moments not to end, regardless of the pain, there were these moments, with Ichigo, the ones were he looks at you, and no's that even if he's mad, he must be gentle and soft, and calm and quite, Kido however holds no such rule, so, I got to expereince that, and it was very nice, seeing his soft side, although it didn't last long," I felt so special, and a little sorry for her, she only got a few of those moments, but me, those times that Lil' Shiro and I expereienced that were wounderfull, now that I look back on them I relieze that I wouldn't give up those moments for anything, like the one time wen we were kids, how he was mad at me for spitting watermelon seeds at him, even though he did that to me, so I climbed up a tree, he looked so funny! All mad and frustrrated, I couldn't help laughing, and sure enough, I ended up tumbling backwards and right out of the tree, well, I had a cut leg as you can imagine, but wen I saw me, lying in a heap on the ground crying, I could see the anger in his face melt away, "Momo," he spoke softly, "I'll be right back, stay here" and he took off, returning moments later with medicine and bandeges, and a wet cloth, he cleaned up the wound, the water felt cold on my skin, then he took some of the medicine, "This'll hurt a bit" he warned, as he put the anticeptic on my cut, I woundered then why they made medicine that hurt? Then he covered it neatly with a bandege and smiled at me softly, years later wen we became Soul Reapers I hurt my arm in a simaler fashion, only the wound was bigger and deeper, before he left to go get someone from squad four I asked him if he would treat it the way he did back then, "Momo, I can't use kido" he warned before rolling up my sleve, that's why he carrys that pack of medical supplies with him, I didn't care that it hurt, I just wanted that moment back, because Toushiro was trying to drift away from me at the time, I wanted him back, and so, it amazeses me still that I'm going to have a baby, most likely with Lil' Shiro's wite hair and green eyes, maybe not though, I relize now that those moments I wanted so badly that I was so jealouse of Rukia for, were actually right here beside me, with the moonlight shining on us both

Because I Can

The thought entered his mind about why he was making this decision, and then it came to him, because he could, but then, his entire life depended on the actions that took place in a matter of mere seconds, weather his life was filled with bliss, or was dropped and could never be a recovered, was that not the craziest thing you've ever heard? His entire life, anything and everything that he's ever had or loved riding on a 30 seconds at best! Yeah, it was stupid and reckless, but so was he, but then, it really didn't depend on that so much, no, it depended purely on her, how would she react? Wat she would say, do, feel, before and after, it occured to him that she might even laugh at him, now that was pure horror, but still, he hoped that wouldn't happen, he was nervouse and excited at the same time, he couldn't wait for tommorrow to come, then he heard it, a sound that made him want to yank his heart out and smash it against the wall, her soft cryes escaping the closet, he jerked off the covers and approached the closet, the cryes were small, nearly silent, he slid open the door, she was asleep, she was crying in her sleep, his heart pounded harder and it hurt more, he stroked her face sweetly, "Don't," she wispered, he started to retract his hand but then she continued the sentence, "leave me, please, don't leave me," she cryed, he shook her softly wispering her name, "Rukia, come on, wake up, I won't leave you, just wake up," she opened her dark tear glazed eyes, his hand lingering on her face, she swatted it away, "Wat? Why did you wake me up!? I was asleep!" "So?" "I was in a peacefull sleep and you just barged in and woke me up!" "Really? Peacefull aye? Then wat do you call this?" he sweeped the tear from her soft cheek, "Rukia, you were crying in your sleep," "Maybe I was laughing! Ever think of that?!" "If you were laughing you wouldn't be asking me not to leave," she was silent, "Idiot," she finally said, ah yes, normally this would make Ichigo feel very proud of himself, but not wen he was right about something like this, "Come on," he said, tiredness dripping in his rough voice, he turned around and went back to his bed, "Come 'ere," she sat up and began closing the door, "Don't you dare Midget!" The door clincked shut, he leaped up and crossed back to the closet, "Rukia open the door!" no answer, he slid the door open, "Wat?!" she said, he grabbed her rist and pulled her out of the closet, he sat her down on the bed and then sat next to her, she leaped up, his grip on her tightening, he pulled her back down, "No," he said, she glared at him with dagger like eyes, "You are not leaving this spot untill you tell me," she could hear the steadyness of his voice, he was seriouse alright, he would easily pin her to the bed rather than let her go back to sleep, but she had to try anyway, "Watch me!" she tried to leave, but his grip on her was steady and tight, not that it hurt or anything, he was actually holding her quite softly, although it was still a tight grip that would not losen, she new that he would rather lose that arm than let go of her, so, she would humor him and sit back down, after a long time of not speaking he finally said, "Rukia, tell me, sooner or later your legs are gonna go numb and I still won't let you go, so just tell me!" 'Can I really trust him?' she thought, and as if reading her mind, he said, "Let me tell you about my mother," it came as quite a shock to her, but she smiled sweetly and nodded lightly
Some were in the middle of the long story he found himself staring up at her, his head in her lap, her fingers in his orange hair, "Ok," she said, "I trust you completely, thank you," and she began diving into the long story of Kian Shiba, he sat up and pressed her head gently on his lap, stroking her hair as she had done his, listening to the words she spoke, he wanted to make sure that those tears never clouded her eyes again, after she finished her story they found themselves laying in the bed, neither one speaking for a wile, "Hey," she said softly, "why do you blame yourself for something that you couldn't control?" "Why do you?" she smiled, he had backed her into a corner yet again, "It was my fault, there's a diffrence," "Oh, if Kian's death was your fault, then my mother's death was mine," "Ichigo! That's just stupid!" "Then you no how you just sounded," "Ichigo it WAS my fault!" she sat up, "Look, wat did you tell me just a little wile ago?" "That death is uncotolable, and you shouldn't blame yourself for something it is clearly unavoidable," "Well, I think you should take your owne advice," "Ichigo," his finger pressed itsself against her soft lips, "I was going to wait untill tommorrow, but I think it would be more meaningfull if I did it now," "Did wat?" she mumbeled against his finger, "This," he pressed his lips against hers, withdrawing his finger, "Why were you going to wait untill tommorrow?" she murmmered against his lips, "Mmm dunno," he wispered, "Why?" "Mm," he drew back, "I wanted it to be perfect," "Wat did you have in mind?" "Mm-mm," "Tell me," she sang, slow and deep, and he started to wounder if she could sing, "Tell me," she sang again, longer this time, "Tell-" he cut her off with his lips, "Hmmmm hmmmmm," she sang, her lips vibrating against his, he smiled, actually smiled, he leaned back, "Mm, I was going to kiss you by the lake at sunset," his face was pink and he was thankfull for the lack of light, "Romantic!" she shreiked, "Yeah? So wat!?" "It's you! You hate romance!" "No I don't!" "You border on it," he shrugged, "Why?" "Why wat?" "Why were you going to be romantic?" "Mm-mm," "Tell me," she sang again, he just couldn't take that sweet voice, "Because," "Because why?" "Because I could," she smiled, kind of, "And?" "And, because I love you," he braced himself for the impact of rejection, but he felt her lips on his, "I love you too," she wispered, "Why?" "Because I can,"

Don't Cry

The rain was soaking her clothes, but she stayed there anyway, her hands gripped and ungripped the fence she was leaning against, it was a repeat, it was the same, there were few diffrences, but those diffrences, were everything, there were no sounds except for the gentle rain fall, no metal scraping against leather, no rapid footsteps, no screaming, no breaking bones or spilling blood, no evil laughing, no voices, there was nothing there, just her and the rain, but she could still see his face, how utterly hurt it had been, how shocked and betrayed and-, that's why she did it, maybe if he was that hurt he would hate her? Maybe if he hated her, he wouldn't try to save her? And he would be ok? Maybe, not likely though, that wasn't the kind of man he was, she heard it, sloshing of water, soaking of shoes, stepping and splashing of puddles, "I figured you would be here, can't we do this tommorrow? It's raining, you'll catch a cold," he said, she didn't even look up, keeping her eyes locked on the indent in the ground, "You figured right, no, we can't do this tommorrow, don't state the obviouse, and no I won't," "Talk about in seqence," "Well, did you expect diffrent?" "No, I didn't," "Do you to try to come earlier?" "No, it would've been weird like that," "As if this wasn't aready weird?" he laughed slightly, "Yeah, I guess you're right, this is weird," "Are you worried like you were the first time? Are you scared?" "I wasn't- no, I no you're safe," "Were you scared of dieing then?" "No, I was scared of you dieing, and yourself?" "Cheater, you took my answer," "Rukia, you should've been more worried about yourself," "That's wat you said the first time you tried to rescue me, and the second, and the third, and how could I worry about me wen you were laying there bleeding in front of me? Your blood is actually stained on this pavement, Ichigo, did you no that?" "Yeah well, that was the first time, wen I was weak and bleeding, how do you explain the other two?" "You were all cut up, I could see the blood, even though the bandeges covered it pretty well, how much blood do you even have? You certainly lost more than I ever thought possible and yet you STILL have some to spare, you should really consider donating blood, you'd make a foutune," "Is that so? Well to answer your question, Ms. Rat, I have no clue, it might be because of my spiritual pressure though, and really, I could never donate blood no matter how much I have," "Why not?" "I'm, uh, scared of needles," Rukia giggled, "That's so stupid! Needles scare you but going through a city of professinal warriors with yourself, a young woman, a young man, and a cat, ok?! You're just stupid!" "Well that's diffrent!" "Oh it's very diffrent!" Rukia still didn't look up, "Do you think this is really that weird? Visiting our owne graves and all," "Rukia! This isn't- we aren't- I wish you would shut up with that, we aren't visiting our owne graves," "Then wat do you call it?" "This isn't a gravesite, we aren't even dead, and don't get techinical," "But, part of us died here, right?" "Did it?" "Yes, a part of you, a part of me, and a part of US," "Don't we have it back though?" "Ichigo, wat's dead can never come back to life, you should no that as well as I do," "Then, do you atleast mind reminding me wat it is that we lost?" "Ichigo, there was a time full of simplicity, don't you remember it? A time that you were a Substitute Soul Reaper, it was temporary, it was safe, and I was eventually going back to Soul Society, it was all simple, it was all temporary, I guess that's why it was so much easier then, easier to look weak, easier to not care, easier to talk but say nothing, it was all so easy, and it could've been SO easy to,- never mind, we lost that easyness, that part of the relationship, it can't come back now," she lifted her hand to the air, starring to the sky, she clenched her hand in a fist like she was trying to grab something, but couldn't, "And you lost the possibility of having things normal again, and I lost that heartlessness that I had tried to devolp, it broke as soon I met you, but I had had hope of regaining it, but I couldn't, I broke the cardinal rule of being heartless, I cried for you," she looked over at him, "I still feel it, that aura is still here, that drop, that... suffocating feeling, it's still here," "Yeah, I no, I still feel it too, it feels awfull dosen't it? Let's go, no need to stay here and feel depressed and catch a cold," "Just a little longer," "Why?" "I don't no, I just feel like it I guess," "Ya' no, we should be happy," "Happy?" "Yeah, this day celebrates one year of being alive since the real begining," "That certainly is a way to be positive about it, wat happened to your negative outlook on everything?" "Tch, who nos," "...Yeah, that's true," "Rukia?" "Hm?" "Come here," she looked up a bit surprised, "I'm standing right next to you Dumbmy," "Rukia," but before she could say anything else, he had her rist in his hand, he was pulling her into him, holding her close, holding her tight, unwilling to let her go, unwilling to let anyone have her, just, so unwilling, "Ichigo, why-" "Rukia? Can we go home now?" "Is that all you wanted out of this?" "No," "Well, fine, we'll go home,"
"Ichigo, do you still hate the rain?" Rukia asked toweling off, "Yeah, kinda, why?" "No reason, but, do you, still hate me?" "Wat?! I don't hate you and I never did!" "Come on Ichigo, you have NEVER hated me? Not even ounce? For one second? Never?" "Never! Why on earth would you think that?!" "Because if you have any sense you would hate me," "Yeah, and if you had any brain you'd stop going suicidal," "I am not!" "Listen Rukia, there's no reason for me to hate you, only for me to-," "Wat? For you to wat?!" "To love you," Rukia sat down on the bed infront of Ichigo, and she, was she crying? Was the great Rukia Kuchiki actually crying?! "Hey, don't do that! I mean, um-" Ichigo protested, "And all this time I thought you hated me!" she sqeaked, rubbing her eyes, Ichigo twisted his arms around her waist and pulled her down, "And all that time you were being stupid, Rukia, why would I save you, if I hated you?" "Temporrary insanity?" "No," he leaned his head down to her face and wispered, "This," and kissed her sweetly on the lips, her hands reached up and started to play in his hair, his hands had to support his weight so that he didn't fall and crush her, wen they finally both ran out of breath and had to come up for air, Rukia smiled and said, "By the way Ichigo, I love you too," "Ok, but, just don't cry anymore,"