Hey! This is were your host Asagi, posts her fanfics, fanpoems, and life posts! So go have a lot of fun! Feel the IchiRuki!

And to be clear, here are the couples I write for: Ichigo and Rukia (Bleach), Momo and Toshiro (Bleach), Uryuu and Orahime (Bleach), Youraweichie and Kiuske (Bleach), Kagome and Inuyasha (Inuyasha), Sango and Miroku (Inuyasha), Ayame and Koga (Inuyasha), Kagura and Seshomaru (Inuyasha), Seya and Haji (Blood), Winry and Edward (Full Metal Alchemist), Roy and Riza (Full Metal Alchemist), Naruto and Hinata (Naruto), Sakura and Sauske (Naruto), Rachel and Jimmy (Case Closed), Harly and Katie (Case Closed), Ren and Kyoko (Skip Beat!), Kenta and Karin (Chibi Vampire/Karin) Maki and Winner (Karin),

Take Me Home

(Title: We were......
We were different back then
We stood are ground and didn't pretend everything was all right when it wasn't
Now we pretend everyday that nothings changed, that we're still okay
Tell me why everythings changing and leaving me behind
Tell me why I don't matter
Why is this world going a stray
Please don't cry
Don't waste your tears on this
It won't change a thing
Time isn't on our side any more
We were different back then
Tomorrow has changed and so have you
Tell me why you think it doesn't matter
Tell me why you have fallen so far
Tell me why you have that look on your face
Tell me why
We were diffent in that time
Everything faded and then came back, now nothing is returning
You walked away as I stood in the dark
Waiting for the light to shine again
It won't happen again
In this world I stand, fighting my way through it all
Tomorrow won't ever be the same
So I watch the rain fall, and set out on my own, leaving you behind
I'll remember that look on your face as I gaze at you one last time
Before thay leave you here, before I say good-bye
Your image will haunt me through the blood, sweat, and tears
Forever is forever, it stays here
Tell me why you fought so hard and then let it go so easily
Tell me why....
We were different way back then, you were you and I was me, and now its over
You've changed and so have I
Just another change of pace
I can see, your slowly merging into the crowd that's passing by
I'm still standing in the rain, its almost like nothing has changed
We were different way back then, but that was then, THIS IS NOW
And I am alone)~ SparklingWave

(Rukia's POV)
My head was begining to hurt, the wounds were small and shallow, but there were many, just as the hollows were weak, but there were many, my sword was safe in it's sheath, I was tired and hurt and wanted to go home, well, I wanted to go to HIM, he was home, atleast, he used to be, weather we were in Soul Society at our soon~to~be house, or in his room, I was home, because I was with him, but that didn't matter any more, none of it mattered anymore, that was then, this was now, and everything had changed, and I won't lie and say everything was better, in fact, everything was worse, much worse, there was a time were lies were useless, and no one used them anyway, there were times wen, if something was bad, we wouldn't lie about the extent of the damge, but that was then and this was now, and I was cold because the rain had started again, not just the rain in the sky, but the rain in my heart as well, it had started all over again because somehow, aparently wen I wasn't looking, that time were lies were useless had passed, and the little laugege we had developed was being distroyed, and I hated it, I hated it all, there was a time that must have skipped me, becuse used to there were no secrets, but nw, there are still no secrets, it's just that some people won't admit to certain things, not anymore,
(Ichigo's POV)
I won't let her do this, I jumped out the window and started looking for her, this was all so stupid, I swear she gets worked up about the dumbest things! There were times were she would trust wat I told her, but those times had disapeared and I didn't get the memo, no one told me that wehad changed, not more than I already realized, and wen she used to look at me, back a long time ago, I could always laugh, or atleast smile at her stupid expressions, she was either disgusted with me, or mad at me, or smirking at me, or semi-concerned, or, happy, yeah, there were times wen she was actually happy, and those were the times that we hid nothing and told everything, I took those expressions for granted, and starting that night, I saw a new expression that I had never seen before, hurt, she was hurt, and I new that it was my fault, she was hurt and she was crying, and it was ALL my fault, and after that night I saw that hurt expression more and more often, and that hurt ME, it made me want to yell and scream and, dare I say it, cry, it made me want to hold her and console her and, why should I hide it? It made me want to kiss her, just softly kiss her, and murmer comforting stuff in her ear, but that night, the way she looked at me, it was diffrent from the first time I saw her hurt expression, this time, this time she looked absolutly shattered, a deer in the headlights of life, and apparently this time, I can't say it, but she looked like she wanted to run crying, but that just isn't her, atleast, it wasn't
(Rukia's POV)
My body ached, but I was no were near a place to rest, so I sat in the rain, ontop of the hill, by the river bank, no one could see my tears as they blended with the rain, the rain, by the way, made me look like I was bleeding more than I was, but I didn't care, I reflected on the day, he had been reading a regular Shoujo manga and some guy hated this girl for no reason at all, that made me think, I was thinking about how Ichigo had a reason to hate me, and that made me think more, so I casually asked, "Ichigo? Do you hate me?" wen I asked that he dropped his book, (luckily the shounen manga had a nbookmark in place,) he looked at me as if I had two heads or something! "Rukia wat the heck?! Did you just ask me if I hated you?!" he was acting like I had just asked him to show me the propper way to french kiss, "Yes," I said slowly, "Rukia wat are you thinking?! Ofcourse I don't hate you Midget!" It made me mad that he was lying to me, I mean, he told me the truth even if it upset me, (for example insulting my drawings) but he could obviously tell that I expected a yes from him, so why lie? After a long argument about it I was more than happy to go out and fight the nearby hollow, (now plural) although, I started to consider during the fight, that perhaps I shoudn't come back, perhaps I should make my THIRD attempt to escape Ichigo out of self-hate, after all, third time's the charm, right?
(Ichigo's POV)
I kept looking for her, I can't believe that all this was because of a stupid question, I mean, why does she think I hate her?! It's really stupid! So why was she acting like I was being weird wen I stared at her like that? Well I finally found her, in THAT place, wen I yelled out her name she turned and had a completely angry look on her face, I sat down next to her, "Hey," I said, she looked away, "Wat'd'ya' want me to say?! That hate you?! Because you're obviously mad that I don't!" "I'm mad that you're lieing!" she shouted, "Rukia I'd be lying if I said I hated you!" "Shut up! You aren't telling the truth and I'm sick of it!" and that's wen I noticed the blood, "Are you ok?" "Don't change the subject!" "Rukia I wouldn't come after you if I hated you! I wouldn't have gone through Soul Society and back to save you if I hated you! And I sure as heck wouldn't be sitting here in the rain if I hated you!" "Yes you would!" "Why?!" "Because you're an idot and do stupid things!" "Do you ever regret my saving your life?!" "... Yes, sometimes I do," "Well I don't, do you ever regret saving my life?" "No," "Sometimes, every now and then, I do, but then I remember that you're next to me and I'm thankfull again," "Ichigo, you're really, really stupid! And I want to no why you always come for me," "Because I don't hate you, because I like you, because I love you," "Why? Why don't you hate me?"
(Rukia's POV)
Well, aparently after years of being said the phrase "third time's the charm" was twisted, because it most certainly is NOT! He came alright! And he sat down next to me and tried to talk to me too! I looked away wen he spoke, he asked if I wanted him to say he hated me, no, I didn't want that, but, "I'm mad that you're lying!" I shouted, "Rukia I'd be lying if I said I hated you!" "Shut up! You aren't telling the truth and I'm sick of it!" and apparently he had noticed the blood then because he asked if I was ok, "Don't change the subject!" "Rukia I wouldn't come after you if I hated you! I wouldn't have gone through Soul Society and back to save you if I hated you! And I sure as heck wouldn't be sitting here in the rain if I hated you!" he shouted back to me, "Yes you would!" I replied, "Because you're an idot and do stupid things!" "Do you ever regret my saving your life?!" "... Yes, sometimes I do," "Well I don't, do you ever regret saving my life?" "No," "Sometimes, every now and then, I do, but then I remember that you're next to me and I'm thankfull again," "Ichigo, you're really, really stupid! And I want to no why you always come for me," "Because I don't hate you, because I like you, because I love you," I was so shocked that he said that to me, "Why? Why don't you hate me?" I was so curiouse, how? How could he not hate me?! "Because Rukia, do you see this rain?" I nodded, "This is wat used to be in my heart," he said, "and then Rukia, you stopped the rain, you did the impossible, you stopped the rain, you stopped MY rain," I was shocked, I had stopped his rain? How had I maneged that? "And I want to return the favor, I want to stop your rain," "Ichigo," I said, "You already have,"
(Ichigo's POV)
"Because Rukia, do you see this rain?" I asked, she nodded, "This is wat used to be in my heart, and then Rukia, you stopped the rain, you did the impossible, you stopped the rain, you stopped MY rain," she seemed shocked, "And I want to return the favor, I want to stop your rain," "Ichigo," she said, "You already have," now it was my turn to be shocked, "Then wat's th problum?" I asked, "I don't no," she admitted, I smiled slightly, took her face in my hands, and kissed her, her lips were sweet and soft, and soaked with rain, I pulled away, she smiled at me and said, "Ichigo, I love you," I smiled back and kissed her again, I picked her up and started towards the house, we were both gonna have colds by tommorrow, I just new it! And she would have the worest of it too I bet, but that was ok, because soon she said, "Ichigo, take me home," I smiled and said, "Sure thing Rukia, sure thing,"

Untill You Came

NOTE: Been a wile since I posted a poem! IchiRuki, Rukia's POV

Untill you came,
And took me away,
I used to feel like,
I was a stray,
I only yell,
Because I'm lost,
And only I,
Pay the cost,
I could hide,
My silent tears,
After learning,
Throughout the years,
But that all changed,
The day you came,
And found me at ounce,
And I became yours to claim,
I could yell,
And fnally hear,
Another voice,
From you my dear,
Only you,
Could hear my tears,
For they were silent,
Like my fears,
You let me laugh,
And let me cry,
You commforted me,
And stayed by my side,
It was all so horrible,
Untill you came,


NOTE: For Nanao44! A request for my dear freind,

"Hey, Kagome!" she looked up, "Were's your by cycle?" "That's 'Bycycle'! And, I left it at home, too much to carry," "Oh, well, are ya' studyin' again?" "No, I pretty much gave up on school and resighned to the fact that my life will never be normal," "Well, I'm glad that you finally realized that," she death glared Inuyasha, he was so rude, "So, if ya' ain't studyin', wat ARE you reading?" "It's um, uh, a fighting guide! See! This guy here has a sword! See!" "So? Just 'cause some guy is swingin' a sword around don't mean anything," "Well it is!" "You? Readin' about fightin'? I don't believe it! Let me see!" "Wat?! No!" he took the book away from her anyway though, "Wat the- this isn't about fighting! This is some trashy romace junk!" "Is not!" "Uh, 'I promised to protect you'?! Sounds like it to me!" "Flip through it!" "Watever! I don't care wat ya' read," "Then why take it?!" "Who cares?!" "Uh! You are a jerk!" he payed no attention to the wines of the young archer, and continued walking,
"Boy I wish things were that easy," Kagome mumbeled to herself, Inuyasha's ears twitched and he woke up, "Wish things were how easy?" "Oh, sorry, I didn't wake you up did I?" "You did, but I don't care," "I was just reading and, well, in this book injuries are healed by some magic called 'Kido', I wish things were that easy," "Why? Don't you like healing?" "I do, but sometimes it nearly rubs my hands raw, besides, this s much cooler than using herbs and stuff," "You just live in your owne little world don't ya'?" "Hey! I take offense to that!" "Wat's your point?" "Why you-" "Just shut up," "I will not!" Inuyasha grunted, Kagme hissed, this was going to be a long day
"INUYASHA!!!!!!!" Kagome screamed, his body slammed against the wall, blood hit the dark sky and coulered the clouds red she felt numb, as if SHE were dieing, and the more life drained from his eyes, the more it drained from her heart, she would never accept that HE would die, it was impossible, something that couldn't happen, even as she saw the life draining from his perfect face, it still wasn't possible, 'You just live in your owne little world, don't ya'?' his words rang through her mind, 'So wat if I do?' she asked, 'I do too,' the answer was unexpected, as if it were really him, but it sounded too much like him, why couldn't it be? 'Sometimes, I wish the world I dreamed about were real, that the dreams I had were more than dreams, ya' no?' 'How can I NOT no?' 'Tch, yeah, you think that you can imagine something and it will become true,' 'No, if that were the case, you and I would've been together along time ago,' 'Yeah, that's the world I dream about too,' 'Then, why aren't we?' 'Do you expect an answer? After all, that's up to you, I'm not REALLY telling you this, right now, I'm imagining that I'm talking to you, the voice you hear is in your head, don't confuse this for the real thing, it isn't good,' "No, it really isn't good, is it?"
The cycle repeated again, it was nearly a routeine, sick really, how close to a routiene it was, he got injured, she healed his wounds, he slept, she waited, waited for him to wake up, waited for him to start yelling again, waited for the numb feeling in her hands to fade, waited for the numb feeling of her heart to continue,she felt pathetic, not being able to do anything but wait for those puppy dog ears to twitch to life, it felt wrong even, to do nothing but wait, but that's all she could do, because right now, she was numb
"Inuyasha!" she yelled, he turned around, "Wat?" "Aw don't be like that!" "Be like wat?" "I wish things were that easy," "Wat are you talking about?" "You no, healing," he shrugged, "You no I'm waiting, don't you?" "Waiting for wat?" "For you to wake up," "Wat?" "Open your eyes, wake up,"
Inuyasha woke up, Kagome's smile greeted him, "Inuyasha, I-" he leaped up and kissed her, pressing his lips roughly against her's, but then losening his hold and allowing the possibility of her lips to return his affection, she did, "Inuyasha," she sqeaked, "Kagome," "Inuyasha, I love you," she wispered, "I was hoping you'd say that, I love you too," they kissed once more, the numb feeling draining


Alright, I don't no wat happened, but I posted a vote 'till July 10th, do you, or do you not want MomoxShiro, I did this a long time ago, but some of my new freinds like Momo as much as I do, I agree with MomoxShiro, if the vote ends up being a yes, then for Momo haters, please don't hate me, personally, I don't like Gin Ichimaru, but I don't hate Gin lovers, some of my freinds like him, they apparently see a quality or two that I don't, like we Momo lovers see qualitys that you don't, I also don't agree with GinxRangiku, so I don't read them, that dosen't mean I don't read the IchiRukis done by the same writer, so please, don't be upset if the vote dosen't go your way


Ok, I have no votes for the MomoxShiro post yet, if no one votes I will post them, but iff my new Momo~fan!~freinds don't either I'll be kinda sad