Hey! This is were your host Asagi, posts her fanfics, fanpoems, and life posts! So go have a lot of fun! Feel the IchiRuki!

And to be clear, here are the couples I write for: Ichigo and Rukia (Bleach), Momo and Toshiro (Bleach), Uryuu and Orahime (Bleach), Youraweichie and Kiuske (Bleach), Kagome and Inuyasha (Inuyasha), Sango and Miroku (Inuyasha), Ayame and Koga (Inuyasha), Kagura and Seshomaru (Inuyasha), Seya and Haji (Blood), Winry and Edward (Full Metal Alchemist), Roy and Riza (Full Metal Alchemist), Naruto and Hinata (Naruto), Sakura and Sauske (Naruto), Rachel and Jimmy (Case Closed), Harly and Katie (Case Closed), Ren and Kyoko (Skip Beat!), Kenta and Karin (Chibi Vampire/Karin) Maki and Winner (Karin),


NOTE: My first Twilight peice! It's from Edward's POV

She's very breakable,
Very fragil,
In every possible way,
She tries to be strong,
To be brave,
But she has no reason to be,
Wen I am perfectly capable of doing it for her,
And I listen to her sleep,
The words she says,
The tears she cries,
And it pains me every night,
The worest part,
Is that she never remembers those words,
Those tears,
But I do,
If I acted on my urges to pull her close every night,
She would never sleep,
She dosen't need to be as strong as she wants to be,
Isn't it enough that she's throwing it all away for me?
It really hurts,
But I understand that it hurts her too,
But she's just so breakable,
And even if she can't break phisically anymore,
Her heart is too easily shattered,
She's just so breakable



Happy Ending

NOTE: A little quicky, and yes, the book she was reading was from the Twilight series

There she sat, in the floor of his room, her heart quivering, her entire body shaking uncontralably, her tears streaming from her eyes, down the sides of her pale face, she was the great Rukia Kuchiki, nowen for being able to stay stern wen no one else could, to never cry, no matter wat, but there she was crying, because she couldn't hold back her tears, and also because it was safe to cry, because he would be gone for a little wile, but wat had caused this noble Kuchiki to throw aside her preciouse pride and break? Snap, after all the times she should have? That thing was so stupidly simple, it wasn't even real, it was a stupid romance novel, she had gotten through the first of the four book series, but the begining of the second made her heart tear to shreds, she shut the book with a slam and held her nees, but it wasn't the romance novel that really had her in tears, it was the simalarity that broke her heart, that simalirty between her life and this book, at first there was nearly no simalaritys at all- save for the fact that the lead male's sister looked remarcabbly like she could be her twin- but all of a sudden she was pulled into a swarm of memmories, somehow, she felt like it had happened to her, no, she new that it had, she understood how painfull that goodbye must have been for him, if it hurt the girl in the book so much, and then she realized something that made the dagger in her heart dig an inch deeper, she hadn't even had the curtosy to give him a warning or a goodbye, like the boy in the book had, funny, how her role seemed to be the boy in the book, the one to leave out of self-hate and the intentions of protecting the person she loved, and how he, Ichigo Kurasake I mean, resembeled the girl, a dear stuck in the headlights, not understanding really wat was going on, but just waiting to die, laying in the pouring rain unable to do so much as think, and then it hit her, something she hadn't understood before, it made her think, made her wince, how simaler she could be to this fictional charector, (an odd sentence yes indeed) met their true love by fate, check, wanting to avoid contact and being rude to said love for a time, check, somehow being stuck with that love, check, being hundreds of years old but looking like teenager, check, having atleast one unaproving sibling check, changing that love's life forever, sadly check, leaving and erasing every trace of your existence, check check check! And it made her feel guilty, and then remembering how much she absolutly loved this fictional charector's younger sister, and thinking that she resembeled her as well, mostly in looks, but also, in other ways, not remembering wat it was like being alive, was a god example, but still mostly in looks, and then it happened, the worest thing possible, he walked through the door, "Rukia? Why're you crying?" he sounded worried, stupid tears! Agh! Stupid human emotions! (oh, that was another thing they had in common) "Nothing! Why do you ask?!" "Because you're crying, and would you stop being so defensive all the time?!" he looked down at the small pile of books at the ground, "Oh great! Ya' no, my sisters read these, had them in tears a few times too," "That's diffrent! They're human! I'm-" "Human," "No, I'm a Soul Reaper," "You," he couldn't hold back a smile, "You don't learn much from books, do you?" "Huh?" "Think about it, that guy, whoever he is, despite the fact that he's, wat? A vampire is it? Ain't he still human in some ways?" "Yes," "Because he acts like it, right?" "Yes," "Then why are you diffrent?" "..." "Exactly!" "But their story sounds like our story," Somehow the words "our story" sounded right directed at him wen they fell from her lips, "And we've had hard, rough, patches, but have you finished reading?" "No," "Maybe it has a happy ending," "And our story?" "Do you want a happy ending?" "Yes," his mouth was next to her ear as he wispered, "Then we'll have a happy ending as well," and then he kissed her, "How are you sure?" "Dosen't love get through everything?" "Are you saying that you love me?" "Yes, I'm saying that I love you," "That's wat he said before he left," "Do you love me?" "Yes, I love you," "Then, there's no problum, I'll follow you to Soul Society, because, if I'm not mistaken, in the book, there was a reason that she couldn't follow him?" "So?" "Well, keep reading, there may still be a happy ending, don't you think?" "Yes, a happy ending," and she picked up the book, and started again


Alright, I wasn't on yesterday because I was reading the last Twilight book-that has been released- and my freind Neccy had her birthday! Congrats Neccy-Chan! Ok, the Bleach Club will probbably be started, to clear up everything, it's really just an open site to discuss anything about Bleach, I seem to tend to ramble about random Bleach stuff on this world, and it'sgetting pretty clogged up, It's also were I'll post contests and stuff, although I don't seem to have much luck with contests, huh, anyway, last thing, tomorrow is the premeire of the Bleach movie in English!

She Wears A Fake Smile

NOTE: Yes I did write a poem thislong, it's from Ren's POV, it's pretty old

She wears a fake smile, many times everyday, during the day she tries to smile, during the day she hides her true self, during the night she cries silent invisible tears, ones that no one understands, no one, but me, She acts like she's happy, she acts like she's fun, but behind it all, she couldn't be filled with more tears, Few times she actually smiles for real, and wen she does it is only for a few seconds, those few seconds, I charish, what I honestly despise, is when she puts on that fake smile for other people,she acts like there is nothing to be sad about,she acts like nothing in her life could be wrong, but the truth is, that's the farthest thing from reality, people ask how it's possible,for her to be happy all the time, but she never answers them, the reason is, that behind closed doors, that seemingly bright aura, fades to a deep, deep, black, I didn't no her as a child, but from wat people say, I've created a false memory for myself, back then that fake smile was real, back then she never cried at night, back then she never cried at all, I can't explain her, It's too hard a task, She has a bright violet aura of purity, but at the same time she has such a dark blue aura that it's sometimes black, how is it possible that a girl with such a pure aura has one that is also so lonely and depressed, so filled with sorrow, that any moment I think she will forever fade into the darkness of the shadows, how could it be with an almost black aura, that this girl posseses such purity that she can hold it in her hands and light up a room, the two colors merge to create Indigo, at once she posseses the look of a pure wite Angel with that purple glow and all of a sudden, it turns to a black color, the one that of an angel of sorrow, how can she be both at once? She wears a fake smile, yet that purity is forever real, at any moment she can lift off the ground, wen she thinks I am asleep I will watch her lie there thinking for an hour or more, the purity in her soul is enough to let me see in the dark, to see the look on her face, to see the look that she is at once about to, and not about to, to...CRY I above all people should no her pain and suffering, I above all people should no her heart, and I above of all people will make this smile the one I charish, the real one, reappear everyday, yet she has one more smile, a cross between the two, she'll be on her nees hands cupped over them, tea~ceromony style I'll touch her shoulder and she'll tilt her head letting her hair drop to her arm and she smiles a fake meak smile that anyone could see through, she has long flowing hair and a gown to match, she wears a fake smile but I love her anyway, some day I promise, I will make that fake smile forever go away
This is her trueself, the one she tries to hide, even though she hates shields she admits, she needs one to survive
This is her fake smile the one she uses to hide her sorrow, wen I lie in bed at night I hope I don't have to see this one tomorrow
This is her meak smile the one you can see through if only she would realize sometimes I wear a fake smile too
This is her real smile the thing I love about her most of all I hope someday I can make her other faces plunge into a fall
I promise you my love, that no matter wat someday, I will make your fake smile forever go away