Hey! This is were your host Asagi, posts her fanfics, fanpoems, and life posts! So go have a lot of fun! Feel the IchiRuki!

And to be clear, here are the couples I write for: Ichigo and Rukia (Bleach), Momo and Toshiro (Bleach), Uryuu and Orahime (Bleach), Youraweichie and Kiuske (Bleach), Kagome and Inuyasha (Inuyasha), Sango and Miroku (Inuyasha), Ayame and Koga (Inuyasha), Kagura and Seshomaru (Inuyasha), Seya and Haji (Blood), Winry and Edward (Full Metal Alchemist), Roy and Riza (Full Metal Alchemist), Naruto and Hinata (Naruto), Sakura and Sauske (Naruto), Rachel and Jimmy (Case Closed), Harly and Katie (Case Closed), Ren and Kyoko (Skip Beat!), Kenta and Karin (Chibi Vampire/Karin) Maki and Winner (Karin),

Love, Pain, And Desiere

Love pain, desiere, feelings that Rukia Kuchiki and Ichigo Kurasake either felt often or hardly ever, depending on the day, on days they were in so much pain that they craved eachother's love just to breath, but on other days, they were concerned with other things, some of wich were practically irelevant, then there was love, a feeling tht was often felt but never spoken of, never showed, except for the occasional protecting and idiot calling, but sometimes, they wanted so much to admit these feelings, that they acted terrinle all day just to make it go away, deseiere, a feeling that never let go of them, and sometimes, it was so strong, that even gripping their chests wouldn't stop the painfull aching of their hearts, these feelings were very painfull, and ate away at them constently, untill one day the pain became so imense that neither one of them could take it, could the actions of one change the feeling of the other? And how much pain would it actually cost?

Doggies And Fun

Eh, it's 9:45 inthe morning, I ain't usually up this early, espically not posting, but I had to take me little doggie to get groomed at 8:00 AM, so I'm awake, and now I'm bored 'cause no one else is on, eh, maybe I'll post a story for you guys since I'm waiting for a little action and reaction,

Already Promised

NOTE: A sequal for Nanao44,

"Now look!" Ichigo said sternly, "We can't eat eachother's faces during this," Rukia rolled her eyes, "Yeah, yeah, weren't we just doing that to annoy Toshiro?" "Didn't you like it?" "Well, yes, but that was really over doing it, look, we usually don't kiss that much and we aren't ever that sloppy about it, besides, with all luck there will be more crying than kissing," "Oh joy," Rukia drgged him into the room, "Me first," she said, sitting at the desk, "Wait, aren't you supposed to be the first one to have your head shrunk, not the first to do the shrinking?" "First is first Ichigo" he rolled his eyes,

"Oh Captin!!!" Rangiku sqealed, "Wanna come with me?" "Aren't Rukia and Ichigo useing the theropy room right now?" "Yeah, but I meant to get a drink, besides, they'll be there a wile," "I don't drink, besides, there's somewere I have to be," "Were?" "None of your buissness!" "Fine I'll just ask Momo later wen I go in the hot springs with the girls," "And way mkes you think that I'm telling Momo?" "Captin?!" Rangiku gasped, "Are you cheating on her?!" "No!" "Then why aren't you going to tell her?" Great, he was in quite a perdicament, 'Women live in packs,' he thought, "I'm not telling Momo, because she's coming with me," "Ooooh! I little love retreat?" "No! It's stricktly buisness," and he leaped up, and left

"Lil' Shiro!" he snapped from his thoughts, "Is something wrong?" "Sorry Momo, I'm just not looking forward to this," the girl questioned him no further as they walked to the Kurasake house, Karin just happened to be outside, "Toshiro!" the girl was happy to see him, he waved to her, "Momo, why don't you go back to Urahara's, this won't take long," she shruged off the strange request and did just that, "So, who's the chick?" Karin asked running towards Toshiro, "Her name is Momo, and, that's why I need to talk to you," they sat on the curb, "Karin, I'm,-" "She's your girlfreind isn't she?" he looked up, shock spreading over his face, "Not exactly," "But, you love her, right?" "I, I think so," "Well?" "Well, wat do you say, about meeting tommorrow? To do that head shrinking?" "Sure, but you love someone else, I don't no, so I can't make any promises, but, I do no, that you are very special,"he leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, letting his lips linger on her sking for a little longer, he stood up, she was still blushing, "A kiss, can be nothing more than a sighn of greeting, but it can also be a sighn of affection" and he left, without another word

Dawn, Day, Dusk, And Dark

NOTE: IchiRuki, Rukia's POV, mainly starting with episode 15 and going till episode 55

Dawn till day,
Day till dusk,
Dusk till dark,
I'll stay if I must,
At dawn I new,
That I could cry no more,
At day I finally,
Closed that door,
At dusk I left,
And went away,
At dark you came,
And told me to stay,
At dawn I cryed,
Tears overflowing,
At day I gazed,
My love for you still growing,
At dusk I saw you,
And wished you away,
At dark I watched you,
And for you I prayed,
At dawn smiled,
Quite sadly though,
At day you saved me,
And my love for you still flows,
At dusk I loved you,
And stayed with you still,
At dark I kissed you,
And we kissed our fill,


By the way!!! My FAVIROTE Bleach movie is coming to theaters!!!!!!!!!! Two nights only people!!! June 11 and 12!!!! Nation wide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!