Hey! This is were your host Asagi, posts her fanfics, fanpoems, and life posts! So go have a lot of fun! Feel the IchiRuki!

And to be clear, here are the couples I write for: Ichigo and Rukia (Bleach), Momo and Toshiro (Bleach), Uryuu and Orahime (Bleach), Youraweichie and Kiuske (Bleach), Kagome and Inuyasha (Inuyasha), Sango and Miroku (Inuyasha), Ayame and Koga (Inuyasha), Kagura and Seshomaru (Inuyasha), Seya and Haji (Blood), Winry and Edward (Full Metal Alchemist), Roy and Riza (Full Metal Alchemist), Naruto and Hinata (Naruto), Sakura and Sauske (Naruto), Rachel and Jimmy (Case Closed), Harly and Katie (Case Closed), Ren and Kyoko (Skip Beat!), Kenta and Karin (Chibi Vampire/Karin) Maki and Winner (Karin),

Irrisitable Bliss

She new he hated her, that was undoubtable, she new that she wanted to die, and she wanted him to be the one to kill her, wanted him to be the one to have her blood stain his sword, so that dieing would be like a painless bliss, but wat she saw in his eyes that night certainly wasn't hate, it was an emotion that she couldn't put her finger on, but hate, not even anger, shined in his amber eyes that night, wen he saw her unpure skin
This wasn't right, it couldn't be right, the first day back was simaler, but no were near as bad as this, how could he help her? He didn't even have any clue why she was acting this way, he just new that it had to stop, he couldn't bare it anymore, espically not after wat she just did, it made him sick, and made him hurt, his fists clenched and unclenched, he didn't even no how to talk to her right now, he had tried being rough as usual, but it ended up hurting HIM not HER, not that he ever wanted to hurt her, he would never do that, he would never be so cruel and heartless, but this had gone too far, he glanced at the closed closet door, and refelcted on wat had happened only moments ago, he had tried to get answers out of her, he had said in a rough voice, "Talk to me Rukia!" and then she looked at him with broken, amythest eyes and wispered, "Ichigo, please, please leave me alone, please," it was more of a breath than a wisper, and she then climbed back in the closet and shut the door, that made his resolve flare in his eyes, in only a few steps he was at the closet door, wich he slammed open, before he could speak, he was shocked to find her like this, she wasn't weak, she was far from it, more than strong, so seeing her curled up like this made him ache, she looked up, her eyes were tired and held the same empty sorrow that they had held for the past few days, "Yes?" she asked, he cleared his thoughts and said, "Rukia, come here," she looked at him for a moment, "No," she said, almost soundlessly, he tugged her out of the closet and told her, "Come on Rukia," "No! I don't want to!" she cried, he held her arms by her side and sat her down on the bed next to him, "Rukia, please, talk to me," he said sweetly, she looked away, "Please Ichigo," she breathed, "don't make me do this, please, don't make me, please!" it hurt him so badly to hear her begging him like this, but he had to, he had to keep pressing, because he new that if he didn't something would go wrong, he new that wen Rukia acted weird- not even as bad as this, just being a little too quiet one day- it meant that something was incredably wrong, so he had to keep going, "Rukia, please tell me," Rukia's small fists gripped the sheets and then ungripped, and the process repeated a few times, as if she was having a mental war
The things going on inside her head were so painfull, the one side of her, the side that she never showed and tried to keep bottled up, was screaming at her, begging her to tell him everything and let him work his magic on her, let him heal these battle scars with his soothing powers, let him help, how she would love to give in to that side, to let herself sink into the feel of his soft, soothing reiatsu, to let his hands work every cell of her to relaxation, and to just be with him and become his ragdoll, she never got to do that, but she wanted to, to just sleep there, curled up with him, to let him protect her, to just let him, but her other side was telling her not to tell him anything, he dosen't need that burden, that was the main reason, and the thoughts of his reaction were going to decide wich side won, he hated her, she was sure, absolutly, it all depended on his reaction, if he was going to act sweet, then she wouldn't be able to NOT go with the first side, but if not, if he would be angry at her like she was sure he would be, then she would go with the second option, so for now she would test him, "Ichigo, if I ask you something, will you tell me the truth?" the question caught him off guard, "Ofcourse I will," he replied honestly, "Do you hate me?" she asked, just under a wisper, that caught him off guard even more, "Wat?! No! Ofcourse not! How could you think that?!" "Do you mean that?" "Ofcourse I do!" "Thank you," she got up, but felt his grip tighten around her rist, "Theres more Rukia, please, tell me everything," he pleaded, she sat down again, he brushed a strand of hair out of her eyes, and then he noticed it for the first time, "Rukia," he wispered, and she new he saw it, she bit her lip, "Im sorry," she wispered, she was afraid to look at him, but wen he didn't speak for a few minutes, she turned and saw how broken his eyes were, "Ichigo I'm sorry!" She pleaded, begging for him to understand, but the next thing she new, his arms were wrapped tightly around her, "Why are YOU sorry?" he asked,
"Because, because,-" "No, there isn't a reason, you just put the blame for everything on yourself, Rukia, are you ok?" she had to think about that for a moment, was she ok? True, she had a small scar by her eye, true that it got there wen that thug had punched her and his ring had dameged her skin, but she didn't care about that, the question was, was she going to break? Was it too much? Could she handle his delayed reaction? "I'm fine," she lied, "You're lieing Rukia," she didn't respond, "Does it hurt?" "No," that was the truth if nothing else was, "Are you ok, Rukia? Please tell me the truth, please," hearing him ask that, those words, she couldn't do it anymore, she couldn't keep up the act anymore, that hidden part of her was going to speak, it was going to be released, and she was too broken to care, "No, I'm not ok," Ichigo finally let go of her, but caught her rist and pulled her forward, laying her on his chest, "I want to change that," Ichigo told her, "Ichigo, sometimes I want to die," she admitted, there was no escape now, once she stopped fighting, and that flood gate opened in her heart, she couldn't stop untill all the water had drained, but how could she not tell him? He had trapped her, it had started wen he embraced her like that, his reasitu was surronding her then, but she was strong enough to hold up, untill now, wen he drapped her upper body over him and she felt the cloth of his shirt under her face, and the thunping of his heart under her hand, and his soft, soothing reasitu engolfed her, it was if she was drowning, but it was a nice kind of drowning, the kind that you don't want to escape from, it was a sweet, soothing kind of drowning,
"Rukia," he said, his vioce was so shoccked and broken, she didn't want to see his eyes, those beautifull amber crystals full of pain and brokenness, she just couldn't bare that, it would hurt her too much, "Rukia, why?" was all he could manege, she wanted to die? How could she feel like that? Was she really that miserable? He felt devistated, like the earth had stopped spinning, but he was somehow able to ignore that feeling as soon as she spoke, "Because I've caused too much pain, Ichigo," his arms instinctivly tightened around her, "No you haven't, Rukia, you don't understand, you haven't caused any pain," "Yes I have," "No you haven't," Rukia wiggled her way out of Ichigo's arms, she stood in the middle of the room, "Ichigo! Don't you see!? I've caused too much blood to be spilt! Too many tears to be shed! It's all my fault!" Ichigo leaped off the bed and embraced her, smothering her head in his shoulder, he stroked her hair with his free hand, "Stop it Rukia, you aren't to blame for any of it," "But-" her voice was muffled by his shirt, "No," Ichigo said simply, lifting her face from his shoulder, "Ichigo," she wispered, "That's enough now Rukia, no more," "But-" he stopped her, pressing his lips firmly against her's, he pulled away all too soon, Rukia was still waiting for the blissfull kiss to continue, but it didn't, he embraced her tightly, "Who hit you?" he wispered, hit? Oh yeah, she had been hit, she had forgotten, "Don't no," she mumbeled, that was ok, he recognized the ring mark, kinda, he took Rukia's hand and lead her to the bed, were they layed down together, he kissed her hair, "I'm tired Ichigo," she said, "Me too," Ichigo got up for just a moment and turned out the light, it had started raining outside, Rukia couldn't see in the dark but felt Ichigo's hand gently pressing her head back down on his chest, she felt him bury his lips in her hair, and heard him say, "Goodnight Rukia, I love you," and she suddenly felt that overwelming bliss take control of her, "Goodnight Ichigo, I love you too," she replied, and she new he heard her, because she felt his lips search her face, she finally turned and allowed his lips to find her's, and that night, and from then on, she was filled with irresistable bliss

Feeling Of Comfort

"Rukia just let me protect you!" Ichigo yelled, "But why should I wen I can protect myself?!" Rukia protested, standing up, "Rukia! Have you ever considered that I just want to protect you because I can?! Or because I want to?!" "Wat do you mean?" "I mean, yeah, you CAN protect yourself, but, I want to protect you, and, you're hurt right now, so can't you just let me protect you?" Rukia sat back down on the bank, "Fine, do wat you want," Ichigo grinned and Rukia smiled, before he took off to destroy the hollow,
She was in pain, the chains were tight, she saw a man suddenly standing over her, he seemed familar, but she didn't really reckognize him, then he took out his sword, 'Must be my exicutioner,' she thought, she saw him steady his grip and swing his sword down, she closed her eyes, waiting for the swift pain of death to take her, but it never did, she opened her eyes, one at a time, she wasn't dead? She wasn't in pain anymore either though, the man smiled and nelt down to her level, she sat up, noticing that the chains had been broken, he reached his hand out to her face, she flinched slightly, the man chuckled softly, "Did you really think I was going to hurt you?" he asked, his voice was deffinatly familar, she watched as he undid the chains around her neck and then hestarted the rest of the cains that entangled her body, she watched him with curiouse eyes, as he worked, he seemed happy to be helping her, she finally gathered the courage to speak, and asked, "I don't understand, why are you helping me?" the man looked as surprised as she felt wen he started smileing again, he had a pretty smile, he had pretty eyes, he was a very beautiful man, "That's a pretty stupid question," he stated, working at the chains on her ankles, he was fast too, and apparently strong, "Why wouldn't I help you, Rukia?" she looked at him curiously, "Well, who are you? I mean, do I no you or something?" he looked at her again, like she was being really weird or something, "Are you ok? I mean, did you hit your head or something?" he was still smileing, he was laughing a little bit, "Um, no, I think I'm fine," "Well you must have amnesia then," he said, "Why? Do I no you?" the man finished undoing the chains and petted her head, stroking her hair, "Uh-huh," "Who are you?" "Figure it out on your owne," he said, finally removing his hand from her hair, he stood up, "Well come on," he said, "Um, I no this sounds kind of crazy but, I still can't get up," he smiled, "So I can help you then?" "Um, I guess so," his smile grew and he offered his hand, she hesitated, but slipped her hand in his, and stood up, they started walking, he still hadn't let go of her hand, "Um, this is sort of strange, it seems that you help me just by touching me," "Yeah, I no," he let go of her hand and curled his arm around her, she suddenly felt stronger, and suddenly her wite dress changed into her Soul Reaper robes, she looked up at him and realized something, just all of a sudden she realized who it was, "Ichigo," "Hey ya' finally figured it out," he said, pulling her closer and walking with her, she could feel his strength flowing into her,
It was dark outside, it was almost raining, but not yet, Rukia climbed out of the closet, "Hey Midget," Ichigo greeted from his bed, he was reading his manga, in his Nice Vibe t-shirt and jeans, Rukia walked over to him and sat down on the bed, he looked at her for a moment before returning to his manga, then she layed down on his chest, he looked at her for a wile longer, "Hey, uh, wat'cha doin'?" he asked nervously, she didn't respond, her upper body draped over him still, "Rukia?" "I had a weird dream last night, I liked it though," she said, Ichigo put down his book and curled his arm around her, "Yeah? Wat was it?" Rukia giggled a little, "I was trapped and in pain and you saved me," "Oh," "Ichigo? Do you hear that?" "Hear wat?" "That, thump thump, thump thump, thump thump, it's your heart, I like it," Ichigo stroked her hair, "Thank you Ichigo," "For wat?" "For being here, for comforting me, thank you," Ichigo smiled, "No, thank you, Rukia, for changing everything," Rukia rose up and steadied herself on her hands, he felt the heels of her small hands dig into his chest , it didn't hurt, it actually felt kinda good, she moved her hands to grip his shoulders and kissed him lightly on the lips, he wrapped his hands around her and pulled her down on top of him, he played with her hair, weaving his fingers in and out of it, she held onto him, and wen breath became neccecary and they had to come up for air, they smiled, "I love you Rukia," Ichigo said, "I love you too, Ichigo," Rukia replied, and layed her head on his chest, he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her close to him, both of them feeling soft comfort in eachother

The Rain Has Finally Stopped

'My chest hurts, it hurts so much, no, it isn't my chest, it's my heart, it hurts, I new wen I started feeling like this that making it go away would hurt more than keeping it, but I thought that it would go away on it's owne, and I had no ideah that it would be this painfull, that's why I have to leave now, I can't stay any longer because it'll just hurt even more, so I have to leave now, I can't tell him, it'll only hurt him more, but I wounder, will it hurt him more if I tell him I love him, then it will if I lied and said that I hated him? I don't no, but, if I lie, then the pain will eventually stop and I'll go numb, but if I tell him I love him, and he rejects me, then I'll always be in pain, and the same goes for him, so this is better, it'll be so much easyer on him if I leave now, the only reason that he's putting up with me now is because he promised that he would always protect me, but he only did that because he felt responsibe some how, so this'll be easier right?' Rukia thought, sliding open the closet door and getting out quietly, she opened the window, then felt something tightly grip her arm, 'I didn't even realize that he was behind me!' she thought turning around, "Ichigo," "Were do you think you're going?!" "I- I'm leaving Ichigo!" "Why?!" "Because I, I can't stay! I can't keep doing this! It hurts too much!" "Wat are you talking about?!" she took in a deep breath, and pulled his hand off of her arm, then, with all the strenth she had, she looked up and yelled, "Ichigo! I hate you!" and jumped out the window, she didn't want to see his face, she didn't want to see the hurt painted all over his face and stained in his eyes, her legs were trembeling and she could only run a few blocks before they gave out, she crawled into an alley and pulled her nees to her chest, her body was shaking, she was actually trembeling, normally she would've been mad at how weak she was being, but right now she hurt just too much, it all hurt now, not just her heart anymore, it was her hole body that ached and she suddenly craved the comfort of his arms around her, she new it was the only thing to stop her trembeling, she hid her head and cryed, yes, Rukia Kuchiki was crying, but she didn't care, right now, it all hurt too much to care, and it hurt more than any sword or any hollow could inflict, the pain was so much worse, her shoulders shook as she went into slow hystariea,
Ichigo felt himself trembeling, she hated him? It was true? It was his worest nightmare, only this time, she really hated him? But if she hated him, why did he see such hurt in her eyes? There was something wrong with this picture, she looked hurt wen she said it, did he do something wrong? Wat had he done? He wished he new, he watched the rain as it began to fall, and then he made up his mind, he was going after her, even if she did hate him, he had to no if it was something he did wrong, he had to no, so he left to go get her,
She was still shaking, but this time it was because she was cold, she ran out of tears, she couldn't speak, she couldn't move, she just layed in the alley in a curled up ball, waiting, waiting for something, but she didn't no wat, she was too tired to keep crying, she suddenly felt someone standing over her, but she didn't bother to look up, she wasn't that weak that she had to, "Hey Midget," he spoke, she wanted to run, wanted to avoid him, but she was too tired, and right now, she just craved his touch, and that craving overwelmed her, "You alive?" he asked, "Yeah," she wispered, her voice quiter and much weaker than she had intended it to be, she felt him pick her up and start walking, she leaned her head against his chest and listened to the soft, steady beating of his heart, felt his warm breath on her neck, and his soft hands under her body, she breathed in his nice scent, he smelled like strawberries and some kind of spice that she couldn't put her finger on, but it was a very nice blend, "That was a really stupid thing you did Rukia," he stated, she loved his voice, it was soft and it was like a smoothe stream, even wen he was angry or upset, his voice still carried a sweet, soft, gentleness to it, and she loved it, she glanced up at his strawberry hair, she grinned a little bit, she traced her finger (wich was already pressed against his torso) and traced the muscels of his body through his wet shirt, she looked up at him, and there was worry on his face,
"Well, talk to me Rukia," she glanced up from her cup of hot choclate, she was in her jammies with a towel over her head, and she was sitting at the foot of his bed, she wasn't going anywere tonight, he made that obviouse, he was sitting opposite her in a simaler state, "I'm so sorry," she had regained her voice, "I don't hate you, I didn't think it would hurt you that much if I told you I did, I'm sorry," she didn't look at him, "Why would you think it wouldn't hurt me that much?! It's the worest pain I've ever felt! A million times worse than your brother's sword!" "I'm sorry," "Rukia, why do you want to leave?" "Do you really think I want to?!" "Wa- no, are they making you?!" "No, but, if I stay here, it'll just hurt more," "I don't get it, aren't you happy here? Did I do something wrong?" "No! But, Ichigo, I'll hurt you if I tell you why," "You can't hurt me anymore than you already have," "Ok, I'm in love with you, happy?" "Very," "Wat?!" "Rukia, you idiot, I love you too, so why do you want to leave?" "Because, being in love with you, I was so scared you'd reject me," "Rukia," he smiled, pulling on her hand (their cups were on the night stand) and laying her ontop of him, he kissed her lips gently, "Why would you think something so stupid?" "Because, why would you love someone like me wen you could love someone like Orahime? She likes you alot," "Because, there's a dier diffrence between you and her and every other girl, no wat it is?" "Um, you call me Midget?" "That too, but Rukia, you see, the diffrence is, wen I scowel, Orahime is upset, scared sometimes, but you think it's funny and laugh at me, I don't have to put on an act to make you happy, I can say anything and everything and you'll respond accordingly, responses come naturally to you, I'm me and you're you, it's that simple," Rukia smiled, and gripped his shirt tighter, "Look at that, the rain has finally stopped," he said,

Do You Trust Me?

She was here, she was safe, that's wat mattered, as long as she was within his reach, as long as he could touch her, she was safe, but as soon as she was no longer within his grasp, it was danegerouse, there was no gurantee that he could protect her, and that scared him, it scared him alot, because there was no gurantee ounce she left, that someone wouldn't try to kill her again, it's happened far too many times, and he isn't perpared to let her die, it wasn't her fault ofcourse, it was their fault, not her's, because, weather she liked it or not, she had to trust them, all of them, she had no choice, and that was why she wasn't going back, not for a wile, not untill he was sure that she didn't have trust anyone she didn't want to, not untill she was of higher rank, not untill they were both ruleing together, but that was a week away, and untill that very moment, she had no choice, and he hated that, he hated wat they had ounce done to her, and he still refuses to forgive them, he hated the way that pure wite dress looked somehow darker against her pale skin, showing just how very pale she is, or how it shocked against her beatifull black hair, he hated that red collar that was wrapped around her neck like some sort of captured animal, red really wasn't her couler, he hated the look on her face, the fear and amazement in her eyes, he hated it, how the orange embers licked her face and threatened her life, how she cryed ever so slightly, he hated it, he hated how she shook in his arms, even though she tried to hide it, he hated the fright and shakeyness in her voice, he hated the weakness that was painted on her, he hated it all with a firey passion that made him want kill the people that did that to her, but he restrained himself, for her, but wat he hated most was how willing she was, to die, how quickly she exepted it, and how it didn't seem to bother her at all, it made him absolutely sick, the way she held such concern for his life and such little for her owne, and it was all because of THEM! They were the ones that told her she was no good, treated her like trash, and filled that little head of her's with crud that made her believe they were right, he hated them! And even though it was a trick, and she new that, and it wasn't her fault, and she new that as well, she was still much too willing to die, and it made him sick and he hated it, but wat could he do? How could he change her mind? She wasn't that kind of girl, he loved her strenth, it was the best part of her, but her life had been so hard, and he could see a type of tiredness in her eyes, and it was horrible, the fact that she never ounce was able to look through innocent eyes, or blurred vision, from the time she was born her eyes have been tortured, she's been dameged in too many ways, it was never for her, she was never meant to be innocent, she was always meant to live this way, her eyes were always wide open and her vision clear, she never was able to see through innocent eyes, she always saw the blood, and the pain, and everything else of it's kind, and it wasn't fair, it wasn't fair that she was never able to see things with an unseen vision, everyone should've atleast ounce seen things with innocent eyes and blind vision, and she never could, but that's why he loved it wen he could show her something new, because for a moment, she had it, for a moment, she saw with blind vision and innocent eyes, and he loved it, and he loved this site, wat he saw right now, it was a preciouse image, because it was simple, and there was no blood and no pain, just her, sitting there on his bed starring out his window at the night's rain, in that pretty baby blue dress of her's, it loked right, and that dress was beautifull on her, and he loved it,
She woundered if he hated her, he certainly had every reason to, in fact, if he didn't hate her, that would be strange, very strange, she finally looked away from the rain, she crawled off of the bed and started walking towards the closet, "Wat'cha doin'?" he asked, "Changing into my night gown, does that concern you?" "Tch, would ya' stop bein' so sarcastic?!" "Not likely," "Ofcourse not," he mutterd, and she turned back to the closet, he didn't pretend to go back to his manga, he heard the rusteling in the closet, fabric being torn off and throwen on, a zipper zipping down and up again, and then the door opened and she slid out, making her way back to her spot on the bed, that cute wite baby-doll night gown fitting nicely to her figure, a small sigh escaping from her lips, "Wat's wrong?" he asked, "Nothing," she replied, "Rukia, I no wen something's wrong, now tell me wat it is," Rukia turned to look at him, "Nothing," she said, overprounouncing each syllabal of each word, he gave her a look, "Ichigo," she started, but was cut off wen Ichigo spoke, "Geez Rukia! Why can't you tell me wat's going on?!" "Because nothing is!" "This isn't the only time this has a been a problum ya' no?! It's all the time! Including the night before they took you! You were acting weird then too and if I had realized why sooner I could've-" "You could've wat? Stopped them?" "I could've been perpared, I could've trained untill I was ready to face them and then show 'em who's boss! It wouldn't have been hard to keep you outta sight for a wile!" "Ichigo," her voice was softer, "There's nothing you could've done, even if you had defeated Renji, you couldn't have defeated my brother without the things you learned in Soul Society!" "Even if you're right, they still wouldn't've taken you, I could weaken them enough to were they couldn't-" "Ichigo, please, it wasn't your fault," Ichigo thought about that for a moment, before speaking,
"Rukia, you no I trust you completely right?" Rukia turned back to watching the rain, assuming that she had won the argument, "Mm-hm," she replied, begining to tune him out as usual, "And, do you trust ME completely?" she snapped her head around, "Yes! Ofcourse I do! Wat a stupid question!" "If you trust me completely, then give me your hand," "Why?" she asked suspicousely, "If you trust me completely, then there's no reasn to ask why," he actually had a point, well, ya' no wat they say, there's a first time for everything, Rukia hesitated, but drew out her hand for him, he sat on the foot of the bed and felt her slender fingers slide across his hand, he locked her soft hand in his and pulled her forward, she obliged, he teased the skin on her hand with his finger tip, and grinned at her, "Come on, you no I would never hurt you, right?" she raised an eyebrow, "Oh, but throwing me off a scaffold wen I very well could've hit a tree is fine?" Ichigo chuckled slightly, "Wat? I don't get it?" he smiled slightly, "I just wanted to make sure you trusted me," Rukia looked at him a moment, "Are you feeling ok?" she asked, reaching her hand out to touch his head, her other hand still under his, he smiled again, interlocking her fingers with his free hand, and keeping her that way for a moment before slowly bringing her hand down, "Ichigo, wat're you doing?" "If you trust me, there's no reason to ask, do you trust me?" "Yes," "Then, close your eyes," she closed her eyes, and then felt something soft and warm brush against her lips, she opened her eyes as Ichigo leaned up, "Sorry, you no I would never hurt you, but I just had to try that," "Ichigo? Do you trust me?" "Yes," "Then close your eyes," Ichigo smiled and did as he was told, then he felt the unmistakeable feeling of her lips aganst his, he didn't open his eyes as he deepened the kiss, then he moved his mouth genty across her cheek, and heard her giggle slightly as he did so, as soon as he got to her ear he wispered, in the softest voice, "I'm in love with Rukia Kuchiki," and then he returned to kissing her, and felt her lips trace his face, "I love you too, Ichigo Kurosaki," she wispered in his ear, she leaned back, "Ichigo?" "Hm?" "Does the name Rukia Kurosaki sound pleasent to you?" "It sounds extremely pleasent," "Really?" "Do you trust me?" Rukia laughed, and shoved him playfully, watching the rain out of the corner of her eye

New Rain

It was raining, not an abnormal thing, but wat was happening WAS abnormal, wat was happening you ask? Nothing, nothing at all, and that was abnormal, it was strange, it was just weird! They were both safe and dry and here, they were here, home, it's were they belonged, it was safe, it was nice, it was, just too weird! It was even sort of disturbing, no one was crying, everything was peacefull, too peacefull, and it was grateing on her nerves, "Ichigo?" Rukia asked in an annoyed tone, "Hm?" "This is weird, don't you feel like something's wrong?" Ichigo looked up from his Manga and swirved around in his chair to face the girl on the bed, she looked out the window again as she spoke, looking at the rain, "Wat're ya' talkin' about?" "I mean, well, everytime it rains, our worlds seem to crash," "You mean like, Soul Society and-" "No, your world and my world, wenever it rains something always goes wrong and they crash and then we rebuild them untill the next rain," "Oh, I get it," "..." "Well, maybe we need to change that," Rukia turned her head to look at him, "Say again?" "I just mean, well, maybe the rain something to hate, I'm just saying that we should try to find a reason to like it, that's all," she turned her attention back to the window, "Mm-hm," she replied, the night was silent for a few more minutes, "Wat were you thinking?" she asked after a moment, "Huh?" "Wen you rescued me, wat were you thinking?" "Uh, 'scuze me, have we met? I think your brain just died or somethin' 'cause that's a really stupid question, I was thinking that I wanted to save you," "No, I mean, tell me wat you thought exactly, wen you saw me," "Wich time? The first or the second?" "Both," "Why do you want to no?" "I'm just curiouse, very, curiouse," "Are you really just curiouse?" "Well, sort of, I mean, looking at this rain, having nothing on my mind is annoying because then my thoughts wander to unpleasent things, 'wat if', just, talk for a little wile, talk about things that will keep my mind busy," "And you chose this rather then the age old question of my favirote couler?" "Well, it can't be something mindless or I'll have a tendensy to tune you out," "Gee thanks," "Just, tell me," "Well, wen I first saw you I was worried that you weren't the same, you looked so much more vunerable than usual, that's actually why I proveked you, to see if you were the same Rukia, you were, also, red isn't your couler, my first priority after rescuing you was gonna be gettin' that coller off!" "Yeah, I remember your attempt, you told me to be absolutly still and close my eyes, then I asked why and you took out your sword and your exact words were 'Don't move, I don't wanna accedently kill you,'!" "Yeah, then you started squirmin' around!" "Because you came at my throat with a 6 ft. sword!" "Well, it worked didn't it?" "If you had waited someone else would've gotten it off! Ya' no, in a way that WOULDN'T kill me!" "Watever!" there was a short pause, "The second time a saw you was better, you snapped at me more," "Why did you throw me off that scaffold?" "Was there another way down?" "Yes, you could've taken me with you!" "Well, we would've risked getting caught more," Rukia didn't respond, she did however, lay down on the bed, "Does it still hurt?" she wispered, "Does wat still hurt?" "Your scars, do they still hurt?" "No, do yours?" "I don't have any scars," "Oh," "Besides, you got those scars for me," "So?" "So, that makes a diffrence," "How?" "Well, do you, do you ever regret rescuing me?" "Nope, not at all," "Not even a little bit? Ever?" "Nope, never, not even a little bit," "Why? Why don't you regret it? Why don't you hate me?" "Rukia," "Why did you save me?" "Rukia, I saved you because you needed to come home, you don't deserve to die, you never did and never will," "But, didn't you trust that if I was really that good someone else would rescue me?" "No, I didn't think anyone else there had a heart, except you ofcourse, besides, I didn't want to abanden you, I wanted to NO that you were ok, not just hope it," "Why don't you hate me?" "Why should I?" "I twisted your life around," "And I like it, Rukia," "Why? Why don't you regret saving me?! Why?" "How could I? Because, Rukia, I'm in love with you," "Ichigo," "I no it sounds a little crazy but, I am, really, truly in love with you, Rukia Kuchiki," "Ichigo? Do you no why I kept trieing to insist that you leave me alone to die? Or alone in general?" "Because you're a suicidal midget with the insane ideah that you're a bad person and have the mind to kill" "No you idiot! It's because I was scared, I was scared that you didn't love me, and I didn't no wat to do, because I am so in love with you, but, I didnt want my heart to break again, it was selfish, I no, but, I was just so scared," "Rukia," Ichigo was now laying next to her on the bed, "there's no reason to be afraid anymore, I'm right here, I'm not going anywere," "I love you Ichigo Kurasake," Ichigo grinned, "I'm really glad that you chose me, no why?" "No," "Because you'll get to keep the same initals," "Wat do you mean?" "Well, wen we get marrried your initals will still be RK," "Why wouldn't they be?" "Well, if you had chosen some other guy, say Renji, or someone, your initals probbably would've changed to RA or something," "Why?!" "Well, because, wat are the chances of marrying someone with the same last initial?" "Why does that matter?" "It dosen't but, I mean, I just think it's cool, and Rukia Kurasake fits you very nicely," "Wat?! I'm not changing my name! You're changing your name!" "Wat?! Why would I do that?!" "Because I'm nobility! It's my job as a Kuchiki to keep the family name going!" "Well too bad! There's no way I'm gonna change my name to Ichigo Kuchiki, that has a really nasty ring to it! Rukia Kurasake however sounds nice," "Wile I DO agree with you, we'll still have to name the kids Kuchiki," "No," but before she could retort, he leaned down and kissed her on the lips, "We'll sort it out later," he mumbeled against her lips, the rain was no longer such a bad thing, it had become something diffrent, something else, something safe, it was a new rain