Hey! This is were your host Asagi, posts her fanfics, fanpoems, and life posts! So go have a lot of fun! Feel the IchiRuki!
And to be clear, here are the couples I write for: Ichigo and Rukia (Bleach), Momo and Toshiro (Bleach), Uryuu and Orahime (Bleach), Youraweichie and Kiuske (Bleach), Kagome and Inuyasha (Inuyasha), Sango and Miroku (Inuyasha), Ayame and Koga (Inuyasha), Kagura and Seshomaru (Inuyasha), Seya and Haji (Blood), Winry and Edward (Full Metal Alchemist), Roy and Riza (Full Metal Alchemist), Naruto and Hinata (Naruto), Sakura and Sauske (Naruto), Rachel and Jimmy (Case Closed), Harly and Katie (Case Closed), Ren and Kyoko (Skip Beat!), Kenta and Karin (Chibi Vampire/Karin) Maki and Winner (Karin),
- Created By AsagiTaichou
In My Dreams
Ichigo scoweled, "Wat kind of cheesy manga are you reading now?" he asked, Rukia looked up from her book, "Oh! Well! Delighted you asked! It's about these two best friends that are in love with eachother but they won't admit it, and the girl, Aneko, gets turned into a cat! But she still sort of looks like herself, she's just smaller with a cat tail, paws, cat ears, and can't speak, anyway, so the boy, Ringo, finds her and adopts her as his pet! And he starts showing her off and she's trying to return to normal! It's VERY interesting!" Ichigo rolled his eyes, "It SOUNDS interesting," he replied sarcastically, "Well YOU don't have to read it!" "Thankfully!" She threw a baseball at his head, well that was the end of that,
"Rukia, Rukia, Rukia, wake up, wake up," she heard, she felt someone shakeing her, opening her eyes she saw..'Ichigo' "Hello Princess! Guees were I'm taking you today?" wat had gotten into him?! He was so annoying! 'Shut up!' she tried to say, but all that came out was a small, "Meow!" "That's right!~ I'm taking you to Soul Society to meet everyone! Won't that be fun?" in one motion he had her scooped up in his arm, she glared in horror at her newly aquired paws and tail, and wen they passed a mirror she was able to see that she also had cat ears! Not to mention she was only about three inches tall! Her first instinct was to leave, so she tried to climb over his shoulder, but his other hand came up over her back and she could barely move much less escape, "No, no Preciouse, no getting away," she bit her lip, couldn't he tell that it was her?!
Once they arrived at the car Ichigo set her down in the trunk and opened the door to a small pet carrier, pushing her inside, he shut the door before she could get away, she "meowed" and pawed at the door as much as she could, but he simply picked up the cage and put it in the front passenger seat, "Sorry my little kitten, but I can't let you run around in the car," she hissed at him, he reached in the front of the cage andd tapped her harshly on the nose, "No hissing," he demanded, 'And I thought he was strickt with people!'
Rukia had maneged to sleep through the car ride and the run to Soul Society, much to both of their delights, she was hoping that wen she woke up it would be over, it wasn't, she ended up in Renji's house with him, Ikkaku, Yumichka, Rangiku, and Toshiro all waiting for Ichigo to open her cage, she had felt LESS like a caged animal wen she was about to be exicuted! Finally the door opened and Rukia sprang out, only to be caught be Ichigo, who held her with one hand and buckled a small strawberry-print collar around her neck with the other, she looked up at him pleadingly, "That collar is adorable!" Rangiku chimed, 'Yeah but YOU don't have to wear it!' Rukia complained to herself, all of a sudden she was being picked up again, this time by Renji, who held her like some kind of ... thing that he was admiring, "Hm, well, she's cute, I'll give her that, but she looks mad, wat did you do to her?" "She dosen't like cages, but wat else was I gonna do? I can't keep her in my hands all the time! She'd get away! And leashes don't work long term, she's not fast enough to keep up with me," Renji nodded, "So she likes to scamper off huh? That either means that she dosen't like being in one place too long or she dosen't like YOU," 'Right now Renji, I don't like YOU so put me down!' she tried to glare at him but it didn't work, and she didn't want to get flicked again so she didn't dare hiss, "Oh Renji would you stop holding her like that! It's uncomfortable!" 'Thank you Rangiku!' Renji set her down and she immideatly ran to Rangiku and started to purr, "She likes me!" "Ofcourse she does, she'd like anyone that liberated her," Toshiro replied non-chalantly, "She's so cute Ichigo! I want one!" "I no, isn't she just the most preciouse little thing? She's one of a kind though," "Oh, I'd pay millions for a kitty like this," "Yeah, and get this, I rescued her! They were about to kill her and I rescued her! Isn't that the best stroke of luck?" irritated as she was, Rukia was just fine there....until Rangiku wanted to hug her and nearly smoothered her! "Hey hey hey! You're suffocating her!" Ichigo quickly lifted her up again and cradled her in his arms, his grip was tight enough that she couldn't escape though, he then clipped a leash to her collar and clipped the other end to the cage, she felt like a prisoner again, "Can I hold her?" Ikkakku asked, "No she dosen't want to be held right now," Ichigo replied, cuddling her more, 'How do YOU no?!' he then set her down in a small, fluffy cat bed and tossed her a few toys, carrying on with the other Soul Reapers, "Mew!" "No, no, Preciouse," "Mew!" "No I said," she finally relented, why didn't he no it was her?
"Rukia! Rukia! Rukia! Wake up! Wake up you're having a nightmare!" her eyes fluttered open, "Hn?" "You were having a nightmare," Ichigo repeated, Rukia stared at him, "..I'm not a cat am I?" he looked at her like she was crazy, "No," "Good," she replied, curling up with her fiance', "I think you're reading too much manga,"
Grrrr! Ugh! The last (3?) new anime I tried were awfull! I couldn't get past the mature contenennt, (meaning sex, sexual harresment, and one unmentionable love afair that's considered illegal) so I couldn't get to the story! Were has the decent anime gone?I'm going to check out Trintity Blood, and Ah! My Goddess! Because they were recommended by a freind, seriously, I think I should stick to the "fantisy" anime, along with the ones were angels are good guys, the reason I say this is because I just bought the first 4 epoisodes of "The Meloncoly Of Harhuhi Suzumiya" for $20.00 and since it was at Movie Stop I'll only be able to trade it for $4.00 (at most)!!! And I had bought "Angel Sanctuary" for $10.00 and got $4.00 back, Grrr! That really sucks 'cause I am trying new anime alot and I started collecting the Naruto and NOIR series, there are (29?) volumes of Naruto so far and I have 2, and there are 8 volumes of NOIR total and I have 1, plus, I haven't finished collecting the Inuyasha sereies, and since Bleach is realeased every other month (Mom will buy me the new DVD every other month) I'm ok there, but I have to catch up with my current anime! AND I want to try some new ones too! Thankfully I'm caught up with almost every single manga series I read, except Fruits Basket wich is finished and I can catch up on at will, mormally I'd be running for the $12.00 Inuyashas, but there's a problum, I CAN'T STAND KIKIYO! And in volume 49 (the next one in line for me getting) there's two hole episodes on her! And in volume 9, (I bought the second season with volumes 2 & 3 a few years ago for my B-day, I have vol. 10 so nine is the next one going up) also has a big thing on Kikiyo so I can't get a break!
! And, I bought the seventh volume of Full Metal Alchemist the other day, thinking that Hughes dies in episode 40, well, he dies in episode 25! So I spent $12.00 and only got $4.00 back for the thing! Ahhhh!
! I'm making a resolution, unless I no ALOT about an anme, and or have seen it, and or it was recommended by a freind who has good taste I WON'T TRY IT! Money down the drain! I'm watching NOIR because my freind, Noirassasin, loves it and showed me a clip, I like it too, I'm no longer going in blindly! Agh! Anyway, now that that's out of my systum, one more thing, I generally perfer anime as opposed to manga, but do to recent circumstances, if there is a manga version of something I'm interested in, I will read that first so that if I don't like it I can get a full refund! Thank you for listening, if you have anything to say, (conselation?) feel free to comment or PM me, thank you,