Setting: SNK Universe
Pairing: Mikasa x Annie
Rating: Language, PG-13
A/N: I have no comment. I am like devastated. Oh my poor babies, I don’t know why I make them suffer so much. ‘FORCED’ is like the most devastating fan-fiction I ever written. It’s incredibly challenging because I invest so much in those emotions. I really put myself in their places. The title is so fitting at this point because I’m literally forcing myself to just type it. But I’m also so fascinated by it. Like ‘wow, is this really happening?’ I know it makes no sense considering that I’m the writer, and I can make up anything I want, but to me it needs to make sense. I need to have justification for why that is, not because I feel like it. To me, this is how the characters would realistically react if they were faced under those situations base on their current personalities. Not exactly making them up just to fit whatever I want. Anyways, that’s just my intake. Thanks to those that still read my drivel nonsense, and all the notes any of my stories may get. You guys make me want to keep continuing them.
It’s your turn to feel it. I promise you won’t like it.
On cue, Mikasa’s resolve was finding its way to her eyes as she started to shed tears out. Her vision was now blurry. She couldn’t see Annie very well, but she felt that Annie hated her. No. That was an understatement. She believes it. Annie’s angry expression soften at this not expecting it. It very much pained her to see her like this but she wasn’t going to falter at her display of emotion. She couldn’t afford to. My world is my enemy, what makes you so different? Determine to not budge with her fists still shaking from before, she was trying her best to gain control of herself once more. Her eyes quickly averted their entire attention to Mikasa who was starting to hold on to her scarf. Her livelihood.
Something went off on her head that she couldn’t make sense of it as much as she tries. Her entire body enrage with sudden anger she charges forward pushing Mikasa hard on the floor topping her as she shouts “He’s not here to safe you! Stand on your own two feet you coward!” Her eyes watered, entire vision impair she was crying her heart out as she let them hit Mikasa’s face like silver bullets who was now also in tears. Annie couldn’t pinpoint the reasons why, but it never cross her mind that Mikasa was sorry about everything. She couldn’t see it in her eyes even if she wanted to. All she needed to know was that she was there, taking everything Annie gave her.
All of these, is painful. Painful, agonizing familiarity.
Annie grabs Mikasa’s shirt, digging her fingers in and she’ll be damn if that’s the last things she’ll say to her. Damn be her blurry vision, damn be her tears overflowing, damn if she was sorry, damn if Mikasa’s in tears. “You expect me to give myself fully to you but you won’t to me? How dare you?!” She cries out looking at her with the most painful expression Mikasa has ever seen. Each and every word were piercing through her skin, forcing themselves into her unwillingly. She knew Annie was right about every single one of them. She was guilty on all charges. Mikasa was cover in guilt, and for a moment felt that she wasn’t even good enough to have Annie crying over her. She simply wanted to die.
Annie hits the pavement with her ball fists and cries out “You had no right to force yourself that way to me!” Pain is quickly shoot up through her hands, and feels it intensify on her wrists forcing her to close her eyes sharply feeling pain take over her. FUCK. She wasn’t thinking at all. With her heart expose on her sleeve, about to burst from her chest, consume with anger, pain and disappointment, she straightens herself up sitting on top of her and runs her hand across her eyes having her sleeves clean any of her tears regaining her vision back.
Annie’s panting softly, her heart still racing trying to let air back into her lungs and pulls her head back adverting her eyes to the ceiling in utter silence trying to gather herself from the headache she was now getting. Her head was spinning. It was pulsating. Nothing seem to be in focus. Her eyes swift to the side and notices that the entire room has becomes more visible. The air is damper. She can breathe some of the dust in her nostrils, she can even taste the wet puddle on the floor that was nearby. Everything look brighter. She can see clearly everything around her. Feeling bias about the choice of location, not forming any real opinion about why Mikasa had picked this room, besides the fact that it was empty, she closes her eyes for a moment allowing herself to calm her sudden heart rate inhaling deeply. Her body started to tune in at the silent echoes of her shouts from earlier. They were very loud to her. Her ears where pulsating that her words were now lingering within her. The fact that it was a dark room with no light coming in eluded her. It just looks brighter to her.
That’s how you know you been here long enough. Everything eventually makes sense then. Eventually. Everything does. Will this too?
Silence. That was all she needed right now. Time to think. Annie’s mind venture to a place it never had before. Not since then, and a part of her desperately wanted to be happy. To be at ease. To not be bother with anything at all. To be free. Annie had allow herself to go numb, she could sense the pulsating fingers that were still in pain from that hit she made, only she could no longer feel it. She started to feel something lift off her chest, something she didn’t had earlier. It was no longer tight. It wasn’t aching as bad. Relief. Perhaps. No. Resolved. Annie begins to really wonder what her life has become. Where it was going. What led her here in the first place? What could make her happy?
Mikasa. Her eyes jolted open and she was back staring at the ceiling; she had honestly forgotten about her for a moment. And for a moment, she was grateful that Mikasa allowed her to be the way she needed to. She was grateful that she didn’t speak. For once. Grateful that nothing broke the silence in that cold dusty room. Annie couldn’t had dealt with any interruptions, she honestly wouldn’t know what she would had said or done if Mikasa had utter nothing more than a word. She honestly couldn’t.
Mikasa was a fright. Nervous. And full of confusion laying perfectly still. Her heart hadn’t stop racing. She couldn’t speak even if she wanted to. Not after that display Annie gave her. She had no right. Mikasa’s tears had faded but the pain was agonizingly present. Annie saw it all over her face.
Silence. Once more.
Mikasa’s heart skips a beat as Annie unexpectedly leans down to kiss her in a swift movement. There was no pause. No hesitation behind her actions. Mikasa was beyond confuse. It actually frighten her. Annie repeats this twice before deciding to slide her tongue in as if testing the waters before going in fully. She merges herself completely into her for a moment, as if the prior events never happened. Mikasa was conflicted. But she wasn’t going to stop her from doing what she wanted. Mikasa could only responded back to it as cautiously as possible.
Annie shifts her head to the left still with her lips sealed against the brunettes, getting a better position for it, she muffles a soft whimper of pleasure. She finally comes to a stop deciding that she got her fill, she retrieves once more hovering her lips above Mikasa’s and whispers “Don’t ever speak again.” Mikasa widens her eyes as she hears this watching Annie pull back finally getting off her with a straight expression. There was no remorse in her eyes, she could see that she finally made up her mind as she made her way to the door. She had little to no idea that Annie was still very much in a daze. That her head was pulsating as she said those words. Most importantly, that she was still numb.
It didn’t matter; inside, Mikasa was broken.
As Annie lets the door close behind her, she has little to no idea, that she’s walking out with Mikasa’s voice.

Mikasa x Annie; romantic; very slight angst; kissing
Annie heard footsteps approaching and looked up.
She wasn’t surprised to see her. Not after she’d seen Annie beat up her precious little friend earlier that day. She’d figured that Mikasa would come to restate her claim on Jaeger or some shit like that.
Annie returned her attention to the straps on her 3D maneuver gear. “I’m not going to mess with your lover boy, if that’s what you’re worried about. But I’m not going to apologize, either.” Her gaze flicked up to meet Mikasa’s for a second. “He was asking for it.”
Mikasa stood in the doorway, fingering the material of her scarf. If Annie recalled correctly, it had been a gift from Jaeger or something. She always had it on, Annie noted with some annoyance.
“I know,” Mikasa said slowly. “He’s my family. I know how…frustrating he can be.”
Annie looked up in surprise before hurriedly lowering her gaze once more. She hadn’t expected her to be understanding about it. “R-right.”
Mikasa took a few tentative steps into the room. “Leonhardt,” she said. Annie didn’t respond; it had seemed more like Mikasa was weighing the name on her tongue rather than actually addressing her. “Annie,” she said after a moment’s hesitation.
Annie felt her pulse speed up ever-so-slightly, but she continued working on the broken buckle of her gear as though nothing had happened. “What is it?”
Mikasa’s gaze was pointed at the ground as she spoke. “I don’t think you’re a bad person.”
Annie swallowed the lump that had suddenly appeared in her throat. “Did you used to think I was a bad person?”
“No.” Mikasa’s fingers tightened around her scarf. “But it seemed like you thought you were.” Her voice lowered. “And like you still think you are.”
“Oh, so you think you know me? Is that it?” Annie’s throat was constricting. She wasn’t even fixing the buckle anymore. Her fingers were pointlessly running over the same parts over and over again. “Ackerman, if you came here to preach to me about friendship and loving yourself and what being a good soldier is all about—”
“That’s not why I’m here,” Mikasa cut her off sharply.
“Then why are you here?” Annie questioned, finally meeting Mikasa’s eyes. “If you’re not here to warn me away from your boyfriend and you’re not here to preach to me, then why are you here?”
Mikasa stared her down, not saying anything for a while.
“I don’t know.”
Annie exhaled through her nose and resumed fruitlessly fiddling with the straps of her gear. It felt like she’d been trying to fix it for an eternity now.
“Do you want some help?”
Annie didn’t look up.
“Can you fix it?”
Mikasa walked forward, eyes on Annie.
“I can try.”
Annie stood and propped her leg up on the bench she’d just been sitting on, giving Mikasa full access to the broken piece.
Mikasa’s fingers brushed lightly against Annie’s leg as she inspected the broken buckle. She bent to get a closer look and Annie could feel the ends of her hair tickling her inner thigh.
“Sit down,” Mikasa said. It wasn’t harsh or demanding; just a simple request. Annie complied, sitting herself back down on the bench. Her stomach flipped over when Mikasa knelt between her legs. “I think I see the problem,” Mikasa said.
Annie made a noise of acknowledgment. Her attention was mainly on Mikasa’s fingers. They were so quick as she worked at the straps, but she didn’t handle her roughly at all.
She loosened the strap and unhooked the buckle before readjusting it. It clicked into place.
Annie examined the buckle. “You fixed it.”
Mikasa nodded and looked up to meet her gaze. Annie wasn’t sure if she should look away. She didn’t want to.
They stayed like that for a few moments. Then, for some reason, Annie’s hand moved up and pulled the red scarf down to uncover Mikasa’s face.
“You look better without it,” she justified. A slight smile pulled at Mikasa’s lips.
“Thank you. You look better without that scowl you always wear.”
Annie frowned, but couldn’t get sufficiently angry. Mikasa was too close for her to function properly.
It was as though Mikasa knew she was unnerving Annie, because her demeanor got more assertive. She straightened so that even though she was on her knees, she was at Annie’s eye level. She placed her hands on either side of Annie’s legs and leaned forward until Annie could feel her breath on her face. And she remained there, waiting in that little moment before lips meet.
Then Annie placed her hands on Mikasa’s cheeks and pulled her that last inch, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. She felt Mikasa’s tongue trace her lips and she parted them for her. Annie slid to the edge of the bench. She felt a slight whimper in her throat as Mikasa pushed forward as well, her hands wrapping around Annie’s waist and hugging her tightly against her own body.
Annie pulled her lips away from Mikasa’s and tried to catch her breath. A thread of saliva still connected their lips and she quickly wiped it away, embarrassed.
“Annie,” Mikasa said, still a little breathless.
Annie licked her lips. “Yeah?”
“I…I don’t want you to be alone anymore.” She found Annie’s hand and intertwined their fingers. “I wasn’t lying before when I said that you always look as though you think of yourself as a bad person.” Her fingers tightened around hers. “I don’t want you to look like that anymore.”
Annie’s jaw clenched. “Don’t try to play the saint, Mikasa—”
“I’m not,” Mikasa said. “I’m telling you that…that I care about you. And…I want to be there for you. Always.”
Annie’s throat felt tight. Although she knew Mikasa would never be able to accept the truth behind why she felt like the bad guy, why she’d never be able to be a hero like the rest of the soldiers, she wanted to believe what she said. She really really wanted to.
So she squeezed her fingers and whispered, “Okay.”
Mikasa smiled and kissed her again.
“You can always rely on me, Annie. Always.”

A compilation of Fics that I riffled through on Tumblr.
IN school life, maybe?
"Annie and Mikasa secretly have a thing. like just a thing where they fuck angrily and stuff, but at school they don’t even talk and when they do its like INTENSE SNARK comments thrown at each other its just like foreplay for them but they are so bad at keeping it a secret like IMPRESSIVELY Annie will come over to Mikasa’s House,she comes through the window or something and they’ll do the thing then Annie will leave and she’ll forget her shirt and then Eren does the laundry and is like “Mikasa isn’t this Annie’s??” “no” “I’m pretty sure IT IS IT HAS HER LAST NAME ON IT” and Mikasa is just the worst liar like “NO IT IS NOT HERS LEONHARDT IS A BRAND TOO” “MIKASA SHE WORE THIS YESTERDAY”"
Or in another case:
"I feel like Mikasa is not only bad at telling lies, but also really bad at pick up lines, and really bad at flirting(unless its unintentionally done) in that AU.
I can just imagine after Mikasa makes it known that she’s trying to woo Annie, Mikasa shows up at the cafe with Petra there to guide her, and she orders her usual. Petra insists Mikasa do or say something because doing nothing won’t help. Finally, Mikasa relents, and writes something on the check. When Annie gets the bill, Mikasa’s written on it
"Mikasa is su kasa" with a little heart at the end and her number.
And Annie not only thinks it’s the fucking stupidest thing she’s ever seen (though she thinks it’s somewhat cute), but she thinks it’s for Reiner (because why would it be for her) and nothing is solved. Mikasa just sips dejectedly at her mocha latte because, to her, it makes no sense why none of her advances are working, while Petra rants to her about how it actually kind of makes sense why none of her advances are working."

Together in a normal world:
"where mikasa has had a hard day at work and she really loves her job but it stresses her out a lot. when she goes home for the day she just melts into the couch and ignores the world but annie comes home and she notices something’s off so she just touches mikasa’s shoulder to let her know she’s there and walks away. mikasa assumes she’s giving her space but annie comes back in a few minutes with a mug of tea and just sits down next to her and gives her the tea. and as mikasa is drinking annie takes her hair tie out and uses it on mikasa’s hair instead and puts her hair off of her neck in a lil bun and massages her shoulders. and annie doesn’t ask her about her day, doesn’t make her talk about it, she’s just there for her. and eventually they end up cuddling on the couch w/ annie’s hair all messy and they’re drinking tea from the same mug.
and they’re just perfect girlfriends who don’t need to talk to communicate or comfort each other. "
How would they be in bed?
"In the morning, just as it begins to lighten outside, Annie sinks down on the edge of Mikasa’s bed as she pulls on her socks and boots. When her weight settles on the mattress, Mikasa always curls toward her in her sleep; when she finally wakes, her eyes will be heavy and blank until they find Annie, and then she’ll reach for Annie, pull her down and kiss her. The intimacy is becoming familiar, almost ordinary, but Annie still doesn’t know how to grasp for it on her own. She waits, instead. "
In the case were Annie were to awake from her crystalized form:
"The defenseless blonde sat in silence. Her back tilted against the cold stone wall. Her arms lifted by the metal chains that were barred to the wall behind. She dropped her head onto her bent knees as she heard the echo of footsteps reach her ears from down the wall. The room was suddenly lit my the single torch the person was carrying outside her cell. She lifted her head slowly, the red of the scarf hitting her eyes like a dart.
"Annie grabs fistfuls of her hair and kisses her likes she’s been starving, aching to kiss Mikasa for every moment they’ve ever been apart, and she tastes like blood in Mikasa’s mouth. Mikasa wants to spit it back at her, wants to call her traitor as if that will finally sever them from each other, but her fingers still find Annie’s hips like they belong there, and she doesn’t make a sound. "
So Annie is like 5’1 and Mikasa is 5’7 and I don’t know just SEEING the height difference even just written is so fucking cute
"Words don’t broker easy between them, they never have and perhaps won’t ever yet that does nothing to halt the way that she stalks up the taller woman who cast in crimson and ebony, an expression of determination etched upon porcelain visage. She cares not for the audience that may surround them or the gawking eyes beholding the scene about to be played out. Too long have they bickered and teased if only to come to a solemn stance and stare, begin and tepid.
“– Ackerman,” she calls out before gripping the other woman by the lapels of her Legion jacket, yanking towards a corded yet lithe form. She gives her no real time to respond, knowing that a whispered tease lingers on the edge of the prodigies tongue like spice. It’s an easy motion to arch on her toes, effectively pulling the other down to reach enough just to crush her mouth against her own.
There is little to no resistance that she meets as her mouth slants across the others, teeth nipping in modest assault of physical demand as callused fingers move to wind into inky tresses. Smoke, jasmine, and lilac overwhelm her senses, lingering on her lips and tongue while a groan rumbles in the back of her throat in wanton way. With breathy notion, her teeth tug at the other’s lower lip, intending on bruising the plump flesh before pulling back with hooded oceanic irises watching the delayed expression.
“That’s for being so damn insufferable all the time,” comes her snort before hands slip from the taller’s hair and back down to smooth the lapels she so rudely gripped earlier. "
Hahahah. I had fun going through these. They make for a fun read, and this compilation is bringing me one step closer to writing my own fiction from the molds of personalities and ideas given. I can't wait until I find the perfect time and feeling needed to do this. (So looking forward to it).