- Created By AyumiShukketsu
What's Going On
Well, if I am right the last time I updated was a couple weeks ago. I don't know i don't keep track of what i do on here.
Basically my grilfriend came down for my birthday aproximately last Saturday and I had such a good time with her. And i could tell she had fun too. ^^
we laughed, so many memorable things happened. Like the drive taking her to my house, my uncle goes, "HOLY SHIT! Is that a dead lion on the side of the road" She was laughing a lot. :)
For my birthday my friends came over being Rika, Meranda (Midori), meredith (Ichigo) and Kayla (Kiki). And of course my guy friend Dakotah (Emono). We went PuttPutt Golfing! :D Which I found out later bowling would have been so much better cause it was hotter than hell!
Ichigo made my birthday cake which was a naked lady XD Which was made to look like my girlfriend Zen >w> It tasted delicious!
Lolz, I censored it!
I got a wallet, a clock, andddddd a Zen :D Woo!
But I dropped her off at the airport today and I am very...down T^T I miss her so much. BAHHH! it was aweful seeing her walk away. but I know I will see her again someday. ^^
LOVE YOU! Thanks for reading :D
I don't know but ever since I left my moms place I have been up to 6 o'clock in the morning everyday! I mean, I try and lay down. I even turn my cell phone off and turn out every light and still cannot fall asleep. Like tonight. And i wind myself back on here, updating my world when only a few people actually read what i have to say.
^^ Anyway, whats up?
Tommorow being Saturday 16th is the day I go and pick up Zennyxchan (aka MY girlfriend) from Kansas City's airport and road trip back home with my uncle and maybe possibly Poppy.
Now Poppy knows about Chloe and I. But my uncle Shawn however hates gay people. I mean, not hate, but you know what I mean, typical 'he's a faggot' and 'she's a dyke' Kind of person, but don't get me wrong, he is a great guy, funny and awesome. I mean. He knows my friends are gay and he doesn't have a problem with them but still. I am afraid to tell him because...I don't know. Poppy says I should cause we are family and we shouldn't keep things from each other but hell! I can be a little paranoid. Especially if we are gonna spend a 4 hour car ride home together.
The only reason why I would tell him asap is so when i see Zen I can greet her with a kiss. >^//w//^<
Okay so pshhhh what to say.....
OH! So I finally got my Sony Vegas working so now I can start making videos. I have already put up one for Zen that was a Soul Eater amv with the comedian pablo fransico. :D
Check it out and along with the other lame ones.
The channel is ShukketsuStudio
I am inching day by day to my 'Sweet' Sixteen and I am kinda sad. Only because school starts up on August 18th. WTF! I remember a time when you got out in May, and went back in September. WHAT IS THIS CRAP! I GOT OUT IN JUNE AND I GO BACK IN AUGUST! &*@$&*%^#(^#%^*(&#!
Sorry, just frustrated. But oh well. At least when school starts back up I can be with friends everyday again. *finds a plus* But that means high school teenie bop drama *thumbs down*
Wow. I can hear my grandfather snore all they way downstairs in my room, and he's upstairs. XD
Now here is some ZenAyu! :D Enjoy!
My *Not so sweet* Sixteen
So this saturday! On the 16th! My girlfriend is coming down for my birthday! :D
*explodes* I am SUPER EXCITED!
So lets go through everything.
I come home, and my family says we are too poor to buy my a birthday cake. XD And which that means not very many presents. but hey, all I really want for my birthdays is just to hang out with the people I care about. Which is why every moment I am a little closer to being with zen. *smiles.
So maybe it's good karma. but After i told my friend that I can't have a cake, she told me her landlord makes cakes professionally and that she will get me one. And my otehr friend Meredith who we call ichigo says she's gonna make me a lady cake, with like...boobs... XD GO ME!
And in other good news, I finally got my Silent Hill : DownPour game paid off so it is mine when it's released! :D
On Writerscafe, i am nearing the end of my first book which is a FullMetal Alchemist fanfiction so I am pretty excited. And I am 100% sure there will be a second book. So If you have an account, please, do go and friend me, and read.. I write about everything. ^^