My *Not so sweet* Sixteen

So this saturday! On the 16th! My girlfriend is coming down for my birthday! :D

*explodes* I am SUPER EXCITED!

So lets go through everything.

I come home, and my family says we are too poor to buy my a birthday cake. XD And which that means not very many presents. but hey, all I really want for my birthdays is just to hang out with the people I care about. Which is why every moment I am a little closer to being with zen. *smiles.
So maybe it's good karma. but After i told my friend that I can't have a cake, she told me her landlord makes cakes professionally and that she will get me one. And my otehr friend Meredith who we call ichigo says she's gonna make me a lady cake, with like...boobs... XD GO ME!
And in other good news, I finally got my Silent Hill : DownPour game paid off so it is mine when it's released! :D


On Writerscafe, i am nearing the end of my first book which is a FullMetal Alchemist fanfiction so I am pretty excited. And I am 100% sure there will be a second book. So If you have an account, please, do go and friend me, and read.. I write about everything. ^^

