Indiana Jones and the Sacred Bit-beasts

15 years later

“Mom? Dad? You guys home?”
A 15 year old black haired and golden eyed girl walks into her home and sees it’s been ransacked by someone. She sees a package on the table for her. She opens it and sees a new outfit given to her by her grandfather, Professor Henry Jones II, and reads the note.
I’m giving you this outfit because some1 will, or probably already has, kidnapped ur parents in return for this artifact. It may look like a normal bracelet but it has extraordinary powers. Use it well and be safe.
“It’s beautiful!”
*Kairi's POV*
I ran into my room to change into my new outfit and picked up another note that said,
If u ever want to see ur parents again you will meet us in Beycity with the artifact. Be in front of the park in Beycity on noon Wednesday or else.
I grabbed the hat and whip and called my friend, Hilary.
“Hey, Hil.”
“Hey, Kairi!”
“I need a ride to the park where u live.”
“Ok! I’ll have my mom pick u up!”
“L8r, Hil.”
“TTYL, Kairi.”
I hung up and a few hours l8r Hilary’s mom drove up and I got in the car.
3 hours l8r
I got out of the car and now I’m sharing Hilary’s room with her.
“Can we visit a couple people first?”
“I don’t see why not.”
Hilary and I started walking to a friend’s house I assumed. Then we stopped in front of a dojo style house.
“I want u to meet the Bladebreakers!”
We walked inside the dojo and a blonde haired boy greeted us…well Hilary, really.