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Hi, I'm ForeverOtaku and you can call me Ri-chan for short. ^^

september 26 | unicorn | otaku | 14 | ouat & pll ♥
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Do you want to stalk me? Well, you've come to the right place! Make some popcorn and enjoy my boring life. And bonus, here is my address... lol no. If you have stumbled across this world for the first time, click here to know who I'm exactly talking about in this blog.
PM me anytime, I don't bite. *thumbs up*


My Other Worlds
Quote Crescent
Meme Tower
AN-IMEzing World!

Last updated: Jan.3/15

Friday the 13th BP #32


So today was Friday the 13th. *Mock horror* Oh, my gosh. lol

I'm not really superstitious, but I still have a little feeling inside me hoping nothing goes wrong today or any other Friday the 13th. My legs are sore from Gym class and my Gym teacher made everyone run at least 4 laps around our school field which is huge. It was really cold outside today and the Gym teacher was just like "It's not cold outside; today is the perfect day to go running outside!"
Hey, are you some mother f-in cold-blooded reptile? Cuz that's what it looks like.
X_X And do these stretches that are literally saying "If you do my kind of stretch, then your whole body will kill. C'mon! What are you waiting for?" T.T Seriously?

After that, everything went normal. But after school, I passed by S at the lockers saying I would meet her at the bus stop and outside I saw her and everyone else, S was like to me "I'm mad at you cuz you ditched me. I always wait for you and you didn't wait for me." What? I just said I was going to wait for her at the bus stop! How is that ditching her? And it was a one-time thing. But the sensitive part of me was all like to myself inside "She's mad at you and who knows if she's going to be your friend again. You always cause problems and inconvenience for everyone and you wreck people's lives" and all that stuff. And then I walked away wiping tears. I made a vow to myself during the summer that I wouldn't cry at school unless it's graduation. I'm not sure if I broke it or not since this happened outside school. :T

Then G stopped me and sometimes, I can get extremely quiet when I'm sad so I just stared at her like an idiot when she asked what was wrong. When I didn't answer, she thought I was ignoring her and said it hurt her. I wanted to say something but I couldn't form the words since I was sad. I get sad over the slightest things, you know? That's how sensitive I am.

And then after a while, S came to me and put her hands on my shoulders and asked me to be on Google+. I asked her "Are you still mad at me?" and she waved her hand like a "whatever" motion and said "Past is past." So then I started talking again and explained to G that I wasn't ignoring her.

Also, T's voice got a whole lot deeper. Did he hit puberty during the summer or something? And he got taller too! I'm not quite sure if he's tall as me yet. Yes, he's shorter than me. lol
I'm still being chicken. UGH. I have to talk to him!! But whenever I see him... I just go speechless and I can't form words and... >/////>



*Gives eraser a dirty look* BP # 31

*Keeps staring at eraser* Ugh... xD

So hi!! The reason I'm making my eraser feel uncomfortable is because it lost its virginity with R's eraser 2-3 days ago. And then today, B's 2 erasers raped my eraser. I asked her why she did that and she said "Because... they liked each other and they wanted to express their feelings. XD"

...No... just no... lol

And there's this girl who sits beside me (this was happening in French class) who's just like o.0. The B stared at her eraser and grabbed it while she shouted "NO!!! XD" and then B tried to take the cover (clothes) of the girl's eraser off but she managed to get it back. Then the girl was like "There's a little one too!" and took an identical eraser and a miniature one out of her binder. B stared at it and said "They just wanted to express their love so much so they could have a baby eraser LOL." Then I took those 3 erasers and showed them to R who was sitting behind me, maybe watching the awkward show. XDDD And she was all "O.O What the fudge"

I randomly started taking out everything that was in my pencil case and B was pairing my pencils and erasers up. Then I took out something and realized it was a derp broken rubber band and B stared at it like :o and said "Omg... this is a rape tool" and started whipping my eraser with it. "I don't think there are any virgins in your pencil case." O.o

This is such an inappropriate post, lol I'm sorry.

Oh yeah, I have something that's nothing inappropriate to tell you guys! So after school, me, G, and S were just hanging out outside of the school waiting for the bus and I forgot how, but we suddenly started talking about French. Then, G was like "Hey, how do you say chicken in french? Le POOLEAAAA!!!!" XD "How do you say cat in french? Le SHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAATTT!!!" I was dying XDDD "And dog? Le SHHHHHIIIEEENN!!!!!!!!" "Fish? POUUUSONNNN" "Green? Vert. And the teacher be like 'No it's verr' and I be like 'No it's vert'." lol

I also had gym first period. I'm so tired! Probably tomorrow when I wake up, my whole entire body will start killing and aching. And I have gym first period tomorrow too! And on Monday! UGH. Oh well.


Possessing Clock Power BP #30


Me and my friends were so high today. Not the drug high, like the crazy high that we usually are. lol

So at lunch, me, G, G.T, and B (a friend of mine) were sitting at a table. B didn't have any lunch so she randomly started stealing G.T's chicken nuggets in her container. G.T gave her a look and grabbed it back. Then B took the whole container and G.T snatched it away and B took it again and then G threw G.T's lunch box at B.

Me: .________. XD

I'm just dying of laughter and then B started G's pizza pocket (this food thingy lol) and I'm leaned back and slowly started to eat my lunch and staring and laughing at the three of them. I had an omelet roti thing. So G noticed and she grabbed my lunch and it teared the roti. Then B noticed after and both her and G were attacking my lunch as I tried to save it. And then G.T took my pencil case (I was going work on something that's why it was with me) and my cap. Then G threw G.T's lunch bag at B again and B's reaction was to punch the lunch bag. And it went over G's head and to another table and hit a kid's back. XDDD Then we got the lunch bag back and G threw it at A who was at the next table (his back was to us). But she missed and it fell behind him instead. And then R who was behind him gave us back the lunch bag. My lunch looked like it was attempted to be cut by a shredder. lol

And as for the title, yesterday and today, my core class's clock stopped at exactly 1:30 pm and 30 seconds. Then when it was almost 2:00, the minute hand magically went up to where the actual time was supposed to be and the speed of it going up was like the second hand. Like o.o and it happened in the clock for Tech class too. Creepy.

R.I.P to the 9/11 victims. We will never forget you and you'll always be in our hearts. <3




Today was absolutely insane. I went by car to school today and when I stepped out of the car, all I see is girls running around screaming. I was really confused and I walked toward my friends... then I started screaming too. lol

There were bees and wasps EVERYWHERE. I'm not even exaggerating. Like legit, all the f-in bees were stalking everyone. So the whole time I was outside, I was being hunted down by a whole hive.

It was really scary. ;_;

Also, last night I was on the laptop and my window was open. Then I heard these really loud sounds from outside. I thought it was a firework but then I realized it sounded kinda off and not quite like it. And the sound happened again and again, multiple times. It echoed. Very loudly. Like a gunshot.

My eyes widened and I went to the window and looked around. The sounds stopped. But then I saw an ambulance and a firetruck coming near. So I think it really was a gun shot. *Is scared*

AND... IT WAS SO F-IN HOT TODAY I WAS DYING OF BOILINGNESS!!!! And my stupidity actually got me to bring a sweater to school. Yes, I'm so smart.

So that's basically what happened today. Nothing else really. :T


Myspace BP #28

Second post of the day!

How the heck do I use Myspace? I'm so damn confused! I made an account there not so long ago but I have no idea what you're supposed to do there. Can you guys help me?

I'll put a link to my profile once Myspace stops having technical difficulties.


EDIT: Here's the link to my Myspace profile