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Hi, I'm ForeverOtaku and you can call me Ri-chan for short. ^^

september 26 | unicorn | otaku | 14 | ouat & pll ♥
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Last updated: Jan.3/15

Grad + Last Day of Middle School BP #72


If I sound weird while you're reading this post, sorry. I'm still in an emotional mood.

Grad was pretty good (it was on Wednesday). I was walking through the halls to find my class and everyone looked so gorgeous & the guys wearing suits; I seriously couldn't have imagined them looking actually nice. xD I sound mean.
My self-esteem and confidence went down just looking at them. When I came, this is what happened:

This guy in my class (J.G): Hey F (me)?
Me: Yeah?
J.G: You look really beautiful.
Me: *Smiles* Aw, thank you! ^///^ (No guy has ever called me that in my life, so it made my day)
J.G: If my mom saw you, she would like you instantly.
Me: Whoa xD
J.G: Are you wearing a sari?
Me: No, this is another type of Indian dress.
J.G: Ohh, you're not old enough to wear one, right?
Me: Yeah lol
J.G: Haha, sucker
Me: Yo, shut up. XD
*M.T (mangaandanimelove) comes*
Me and some girls: YOU LOOK SO PRETTY OMG
*All the guys start clapping*
M.T: *Laughs*

Then the whole ceremony happened, and the second it was over, it started to rain. Wonderful. A lot of the graduates went to this dinner in a banquet hall but I couldn't go cuz my parents weren't going to pay $45 for me. T.T I heard it was fun too.

Anyway, the next day, we had this party. Then on Friday (yesterday), it was the last day of school. The last day of middle school that is. The dance in the afternoon was so boring in the beginning but then so emotional at the end.
Everyone, including me, were bawling our eyes out. Like wow, I got the award of being the biggest emotional wreck of the year yay. Yesterday was one of the saddest days of my school life.
Which is why I'm still being emotional today.
On the plus side, A wanted G to hug him and they hugged and he was happy. Good for him. x)

Qotd: What do you do when you and your friends are going your separate ways?

