Continuation of my Day BP #37

Ok so I'm continuing here:

In the morning entering the doors, I had NO idea that T was behind me. So when I held the door without looking behind me, I didn't realize that the voice saying "Thank you," was him. DX And I didn't say "You're welcome." I know this sounds like I'm making a big deal about this but he actually TALKED TO ME AND I DIDN'T REPLY CUZ I'M A FREAKING IDIOT WHO HAS DREAMS AND DOESN'T FULFILL THEM! UGH!!!

Then, at L's locker just before going to the cafeteria for lunch, T was nearby and was talking with M.V and R while I was talking with L. And idk... I noticed that he was there but I suddenly felt extremely shy to take 3 steps to the front and join the conversation. See, I'm an idiot. But in class, R said "While me and M.V were talking to him, he kinda glanced at you in the middle of the conversation." I replied "He was probably just looked at thought 'Oh, that's the girl who likes me... bleh, ok'" :T

Then at lunch, outside, I couldn't find S and A.S because I didn't want to go alone and ask if I could play basketball. So I'll try tomorrow.

My dreams... are so far away... from being fulfilled... so far... away...

