Hi! My name is K.D., although most online know me as misachan83. I'm 32, and am an author and anime lover. Welcome to the shadows of my creative and sometimes odd mind
Hi! My name is K.D., although most online know me as misachan83. I'm 32, and am an author and anime lover. Welcome to the shadows of my creative and sometimes odd mind
So I've been a bit frustrated creatively lately. Although I've been trying to make wallpapers and all, it just hasn't been coming out. Yes, I'm complaining, but I just need to let it out. I've been working on an Iphone wallie for the last few days and I just can't seem to get it to come out. Here's what I have so far:
I have the idea to make it look like he's broken the glass and all, but I just feel like it isn't coming out right? Any chance anyone can offer any input or advice??? I really wanted to to make this work out