number 2 poem -_-


She wakes up in room, unaware,
of what awaits her, it's a scare,
On her elbows, she arises,
While dilating- her irises.

The feel in her throat signals thirst,
She stands up, needing blood first,
Before she starts her searching quest,
Yearning to find who knows her best.

She lost her memory, where'd it go?
She needed to search, high and low,
Someone must have it, her buried treasures,
But she has to hunt, for good measure.

She found a guy, with blood so sweet,
She drank and drank, not missing a beat,
Thirst satisfied, she then stood,
fulfilling her quest, she sure would.

She searched and searched, 'till she was through,
Finally exhausted, she then knew,
Recovered not, her memories shall remain,
A dark abyss, not a thing gained.

A beautiful girl, wandering the night,
Her lone silhoutte, a shimmering light,
Not sure where she's going, or who she is,
She gives to men, the most deadly kiss.

She's a vampire, one with no soul,
Drinking blood, her only goal,
A princess of night, you could name,
Hunting guys, her midnight game.

Heed warning of the Princess of Night,
Botton of the abyss, there's no light,
She may be nice, may have a goal,
But remember, she has no soul.
