Notice You

I notice you,
When I'm not supposed to.
I see you,
When you don't know.

I feel you,
When I'm not aware.
When you're hurt,
I show how much I care.

I'm sorry if I'm bad,
If I go against,
All that you think is wrong.
I'm sorry if you,
Don't think we belong.

This is about a realization I've had. If you want to know what it's about, just PM me

Afraid of Happines...

Afraid to smile,
Afraid to be happy,
Because every time I am,
Everything falls apart.

I was happy before,
When I was with you,
But that happiness was too much,
It tore apart my heart.

Now happiness is no more,
Its only a shadow,
A lonely memory,
Never to depart...

number 2 poem -_-

VAMPIRE She wakes up in room, unaware, of what awaits her, it's a scare, On her elbows, she arises, While dilating- her iris...

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