KSR: So, Meh-Eh-Au, tell me a little about who you are.
Meh-Eh-Au: I'm an... Outsider.
KSR: What does that mean?
Meh-Eh-Au: Master Saesh says that means that I don't fit into any particular species. I don't know what that means.
KSR: So, who is this "Saesh" person, anyway?
Meh-Eh-Au: He's my Aadaurot master. Every Outsider has an Aadaurot master to train them.
KSR: What are you trained to do?
Meh-Eh-Au: I'm being trained to fight. I'm getting better at it, too.
KSR: Do you like fighting?
Meh-Eh-Au: I don't know. I guess it doesn't matter; it's just what I'm good at.
KSR: If you're not sure you like it, why do you do it?
Meh-Eh-Au: I only fight when I'm ordered to. If I'm not ordered to, I don't need to. But when I do train, I always give it my all so that I can find my purpose.
KSR: Got anything else to say to the people out there reading this?
Meh-Eh-Au: Something to say... something to say... uh. H-hello?
KSR: I guess that's always good to say. Thanks, Meh-Eh-Au.