KSR's OC Interviews


KSR: Hi, Naomi. Let's start this interview off with you telling me a little about yourself.

Naomi: First and foremost, I am one of the Children of Terra. We're a very small religious group. Earth, or rather Terra, is our Holy Mother and creator of all things.

KSR: So I guess I could say you're a very down-to-earth person.

Naomi: ...

KSR: Sorry. Bad joke. Um, so, what are some of the things you like?

Naomi: My favorite hobby is gardening. I also like reading. Mostly I read history books. I think that the stories that history teaches us are more captivating than fiction.

KSR: So, no fantasy and magic stories for you then?

Naomi: ...

KSR: Oh, I must've struck a nerve again! I'm so sorry!

Naomi: No, no, it's fine. I just... well, I guess I'll tell you: I'm able to do magic. I hate that I can do it. If I knew how to stop it, I would.

KSR: Why is that?

Naomi: Magic is forbidden among the Children of Terra.

KSR: And yet you can do it.

Naomi: I don't want to do it, but it's not really in my control. It comes out when I'm sleeping. Marshall tells me that I glow and float in my sleep. And every morning, I wake up with a headache.

KSR: So, who is Marshall?

Naomi: He's my friend. I ran away from home so no one would find out that I did something forbidden. Marshall found me and let me stay with him.

KSR: At his house?

Naomi: At a warehouse. I guess he ran away from home, too.

KSR: I'm afraid our time's almost up, Naomi. Anything else you want to say?

Naomi: Th-thank you.