"Criticism, like rain, should be gentle enough to nourish a man's growth without destroying his roots."

- Frank A. Clark

Hello, and welcome to Critics United*! This is a place for people serious about their craft; people who aren’t content with just being ‘average’ or ‘okay’. It’s for people who may already be talented, but who want to keep getting better. This is a place for artists of all skill levels, whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been drawing for years – the only requirement is a passion for what you do and a drive to improve.

What is Critics United, first of all? Here’s the deal – it’s a community of driven artisans. Whether you’re an eCarder, or a writer, this is a place for you to request constructive criticism, or critiques, from a community of diverse people, all with the same goal as you – improvement.

All right, now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, how does it work? Well, as stated before, this is a community, not a club. If you choose to join, you would subscribe to us, enabling you to receive updates from the Critics United World. You would sign up as an artist, or an author, or any combination of the given categories. You can sign up for other categories at anytime, as well as drop a category. As a member, you gain guest posting privileges, so if you’d ever like critiques to be given on your work, you’d post it up here, and your fellow members would heed the call and offer to you their constructive criticism. But again, this is a community, so everything coexists in a mutual relationship. If you expect members to give critiques on your work, then you have to actively participate in giving critiques on your fellow members’ work. If you fail to do so consistently, your guest posting privileges will be renounced until you can prove that you’re willing to put forth the effort. You get back what you put in, that’s how it goes.

So go ahead, and join now!

*Formerly Critiquers United

Terms of Service

Founder ♣ vacuumology
Head Moderator ♣ kisskiss-bangbang
Gallery Moderators ♣ smoking crimson


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Angel ZakuroDriffterHeartkruezFelciexrabidfangirlxTokyo irisSarahPatricianoirassasinsmoking crimsonSaxGirlAnnaKandaAllie ElricswizzledhazelnutSupport KIRA

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♣ ♣ ♣


♣ 4/18/11: New Feature - Tutorials! Be sure to check it out!
♣ 7/16/11: New Site Launch!

Konata, art critics

My first post here and I am actually quite honored for that. This is my latest drawing and one of the few that I did colored.
For this one I used for the first time SAI and it proved to be quite good for coloring, especially mangaanime ones compared to some other ones. Not sure about Photoshop, cause I still don’t have that one.

Anyways, this took me quite a while to do. Drawing it not that much (though thinking how to draw Konata and which pose took some time, but I liked how I added the comp part there :P), but coloring… oh yeah.
So yeah, I want to hear your guys opinions.^^ Special note on the advices on signature, could you help me a little by that, cause I am not really sure how or where or in which way to put them on fan arts and which one is the best.
Thanks in advance guys! :)
