Hello, and welcome to Cuteness Killz. This is your host, Rishi. Nice to see j00, and welcome!
This is a site for HANI, an OC that inhabits the Naruto world. Here people will post stories on Hani, pictures of Hani, and their thoughts on Hani, since comments can only go so far. XD
Hani's Story~sadsadsadsaaad
A Hani Christmas Story
The Hani chronicles
Yeah! So, if you wanna be a guest poster, just ask Rishi. Rishi shall let j00 post lots.
So! Go wild, and remember--cuteness can kill, but we don't mind. Cause it's just too freaking cute.
Rishi wants to see more pictures of Haniiiii >>whinewhine<<
And moar pooosssttttsss... >>whinewhine<<
Rishi's impatient, j00 know. Rishi wants to see moar Haniiiiiiii. >>whinewhine<<
Psst. Rishi's dissapointed in you all.
Of course, this may not be Rishi, but then again, that's the way Rishi wants it. So wonder in awe if this is Rishi or Squee--Rishi still can't come back yet.
BUT, for all those who want to see Rishi's new art, she's currently in refugee here She's not abandoning you guys, she's just making sure that you guys know she's alive.
By the way...
Where's all the Hani posts you promised her? Just saying. She wants more Hani.
Aagh! Rishi doesn't know how to put up links...this bites...
EDIT: Thanks, Chibi-anna-chan~j00 help lots~
Another Hani story
It's another Hani story that got published. It'd be nice if you hugged it~ casue, d00d, it's Hani~
Why doesn't anyone ever post in here? It kinda...bites.
Anyway, today's Hani's birthday. Rishi's sad that she can't post anything for her today. D:
A special thank-you to Sakura Kokoro, who made an adorable picture of Hani and gave her a bear~ which Rishi named Sakoro~
So, if you could give Hani a present, what would you give her?

(if u can´t see the pic here´s the URL)
just a question,
haven´t you ever wondered how absolutely, adorable hani would look as a baby?
(i do!)
so, i drew this pic ;3
I Totally LUV Hani i think she´s one of a kind. so sweet and cute, ya just wanna eat her up! ...mhh... that´s it! i know what i want rishi to draw 4 my contest prize! HANI IN A CUPCAKE!it´s genius!