Karra Lee

Sakura was sitting on the stool between Naruto and Sasuke just finishing her bowl of vegetarian ramen as Naruto was finishing up his third bowl. She smiled when Kakashi came in and sat down next to Sasuke. “Kakashi sensei are you eating here with us?”

“No thanks I already ate...so how’s your training going? Did you do what I told you to?”

Naruto leaned forward over the counter. “You call that training? I have pickers all up my legs!” Sakura pulled him down hard smashing him against the countertop.

“Stop whining Naruto!” She growled.

“The point of your training is to accustom your bodies to different environments so that on a mission you can be prepared for every situation Naruto.” Kakashi sighed as Naruto began his usual arguing.

Then Sakura interrupted smashing her fist hard down on Naruto’s head. Then in a sweet voice. “Kakashi sensei what is up with Guy sensei he’s acting strange?”

“Yeah, bushier brows was weirder than normal.” Naruto grunted agreeing while rubbing his head.

“Well,… his sister is coming home tomorrow.”

They all gasped with their eyes wide. “What?!”

“I didn’t know bushier brows sensei had a sister!” Naruto shouted.

Kakashi staying cool as always sighed again. “She’s been gone for ten years on a special mission.”

“Ten years…that’s pretty long... even for an infiltration mission.” Sasuke commented and Kakashi nodded noticing his student’s catch on what kind of mission it was.

“After five years I led a small contingent to make sure she was still alive. We found her when the mission was close to completion.”

Naruto frowned thinking of what the sister of Guy sensei would look like. He pictured a bowl cut black hair woman wearing the green jumpsuit like Guy and doing a pose just like him letting her teeth shine in the sunlight. He shivered. “She must be quite a looker.” He mumbled.

“Well…I should get going.” Kakashi said suddenly getting up and he left without even noticing Naruto’s question about his training tomorrow.
The next day Guy was standing at the main gate of the village with Lee and Tenten standing beside Neji. A stranger was walking cloaked with a hood over her face she walked in the gates as Guy watched smiling bigger and bigger the closer she got. When she got in front of him she stopped taking off the hood and smiled. Guy wasted no time and hugged her twirling her around making Neji and Tenten cringe embarrassed at their sensei’s lack of control over his emotions.

“Karra!” Guy yelled as he put her back down, her expression matched his student’s.

“Hello Guy.” She smiled big and leaned in to kiss his cheek. Her long black hair was tied back into a thick braid and it swung in front of her shoulder as she stepped back looking at Lee and the rest. “So this is your squad?”

Guy stood back and smiled. “Karra this is Lee.” Lee stepped forward saluting.

“It’s an honor to meet the sister of Guy sensei the most splendid master in the leaf village.” Lee almost shouted.

Karra laughed and shook her head looking over at her brother. “He’s just like you when you were his age Guy.” That made tears well up in Lee’s eyes and he covered them with his arm.

“That’s the most wonderful compliment ever Karra sensei.”

She turned to Neji and Tenten. “Well you two seem normal.” She smirked and winked at them making Neji’s cheeks turned red and Tenten just giggled at the joke. Karra lifted her head and looked over when she sensed Kakashi come his team behind him.

“It’s been along time Karra.” Kakashi said calmly.

She walked over followed closely by Guy who then stood beside her. Lee came up beside her as well. “May I take your cloak miss Karra sensei?” He saluted.

She took off her cloak in one smooth movement and draped it over Lee’s arm then kissed his cheek making his face turn red. “Thank you Lee.”

She glanced at Kakashi’s team and looked back at Kakashi. “I can see why the third chose these genin for your team.” Kakashi scratched his head and smiled under his mask.

“This is Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura and finally Uzamaki Naruto.”

She bowed her head as Sasuke and Naruto blushed red and Sakura clenching her hands together asked. “Oh how do you get your hair so shiny?!” But then she blushed at her outburst.

Karra’s face sobered as Guy looked away and she looked at Kakashi. “I will let you know my secret sometime Sakura.” She looked back to her then looked over her shoulder at Guy. The smile returned. “Brother, I need to go to the Hokage now. I'll catch up with you later.” Guy was about to argue when she disappeared and Naruto and Sasuke along with everyone but Kakashi looked around amazed that they missed her movements.

“She’s fast.” Sasuke commented as they all walked away back to training. He glanced at Kakashi and narrowed his eyes.

“I hope she’s staying around.” Naruto said picturing her in his mind after she took off her cloak. She was nothing like Guy sensei…she was beautiful and graceful, he wondered if he needed to do more research for his sexy jutsu.
Standing in the Hokage’s office Karra waited for him to speak up. “It seems your mission was a complete success. Karra you did well.”

“Thank you lord Hokage.”

“You’re on leave until further notice.”

“But lord Hokage!” She protested standing, her face unreadable but her voice urgent. “I am ready to resume my responsibilities.”

The Hokage smiled faintly. “I know, but you have been away for a long time Karra…take time and get to know your home again. It’s standard procedure to be put on leave for a while. When I believe you’re ready I will call you again.” His voice broke no argument so she bowed.

“Yes sir.”


She bowed again and walked slowly out of the room.
Kakashi put his hands holding the scroll down. “Summoning jutsu!”

Pakkun appeared in a puff of smoke as Naruto Sakura and Sasuke stood by watching. “Alright, your training today will be to catch Pakkun.”

“That little pipsqueak? Kakashi sensei shouldn’t this be hard?” Naruto pointed and asked laughing at the diminutive little pug. Pakkun glared at him.

“Watch it kid!!… you couldn’t keep up with me, let alone catch me.”

“Go!” Kakashi shouted and Pakkun took off into the forest leaving Kakashi standing there. The three of them took off after the dog and Kakashi smiled knowing that his students wouldn’t be back until later that night.

“How are you enjoying your time off?” He asked turning to see Karra leaning against a tree. Her hair was down and she wasn’t wearing her Jonin uniform. Just a simple black outfit and net shirt over a sleeveless ambu.

“The Uchiha boy is just like you were.” She said ignoring his question and walking towards him. He didn’t say anything and she sighed putting on a small smile for him. “Guy hasn’t changed.”

“No,…I guess he hasn’t changed much.” They began walking back towards the village slowly.

“Thank you for putting up with him.”

Kakashi shook his head. “He’s a powerful shinobi…and a good friend.” He glanced at her. “You can’t protect him forever.” He said thinking of how she always put on a smile for him whenever he was around, now her expression was as passive as his own.

She shot him a glare and looked away. “He’s my big brother, the only family I have left I will protect him as long as I need to.” She glanced back at him and looked him up and down. “You didn’t tell him about five years ago did you?”

Kakashi cleared his throat remembering that night, he stopped her in the middle of the forest and after a heated argument about finishing her mission, things got out of hand between them and they ended up in each other’s arms. “No.”

Her laugh was sharp. “You haven’t changed… still trying to tell me what to do.”

“And you still think Guy needs to be swaddled like a child.” He kept his voice smooth as she turned to him stopping.

Her green eyes pierced through him. “I was capable of being someone else for a mission that lasted ten years. I can be what he remembers for as long as he needs me to.”

“You shouldn’t have to be.”

She put on a mocking smile and came closer to him. “Why Kakashi, it’s almost as if you care. I remember the way you insisted that I finished the mossion even though I knew I was in danger. You left me unsure and vulnerable!” Her eyes blazed.

“The mission was too important to leave undone.” He argued keeping his expression blank. She harrumphed and turned around crossing her arms, then stalked away.
When she opened the door to her apartment she saw it was filled with daisies. She put on a smile. “Guy.”

“I remembered you love Daisies.” He said coming around the corner of her bathroom.

She laughed a little and walked in turning taking in the scent of her old favorite flower. “It’s wonderful but.“ She pouted just slightly like she used to. “I’m kind of tired would you mind if I rested?”

He frowned. “Awe, I wanted to spar with you in the exercise yard.”

She patted his shoulder. “I’m suppose to be taking a break remember?” Then she saw his face and nodded. “Tomorrow morning, sunrise.” He grinned from ear to ear and left promising to see her there. When the door shut her face lost the smile and she looked around shaking her head. She laid down on the bed and closed her eyes slipping two kunai under her pillow and putting her legs in just the right position to strike at anyone that tried to come at her. Then she let herself fall asleep.