Karra Lee

“It’s not an exciting life, just simple and sometimes hard.” Hake said looking down at Karra’s hands that were placed gently in his. The booth at the BBQ restaurant in the center of town, was where they had come everyday for the past month.

“My life has never been simple. It sounds nice.” She smiled, he leaned into kiss her, after many failed attempts to do so since their first date. She bit her lip and picked up a drink stopping him in his tracks, he leaned back then stood up.

“Think about it, the invitation stands.” Hake said then left.

Karra sat back, wondering why she couldn’t just enjoy his company. He was nice and honest and obviously liked her more than anyone ever has. He offered her a life of simple honest work with no more fighting or pain. She thought of Guy, he would survive without her, he had for fifteen years. She looked over at the door and saw Sakura. She looked around and then seeing her came over to her booth.

“Karra sensei have you seen Sasuke?”

“No why?”

“I’ve been looking for him all morning, Naruto said he wanted to train alone and I thought..” She stopped and blushed.

“Sit down Sakura.” Karra said gently.

The pink haired girl sat down slowly looking around still for the boy. Karra sighed. “I want to give you some friendly advise Sakura.” Karra leaned forward. “Be careful falling for a boy like Sasuke.”

“What do you mean sensei?” Her face went an even deeper shade of red.

“I mean Sasuke is a lot like Kakashi was when he was young. You should take care on who you give your heart to.” The expression on the pink haired girl told her it was too late for warnings. She laughed softly. “I guess it’s too late huh?”

Sakura shook her head but didn’t deny it, she then slumped knowing she couldn’t argue with her assessment. “Karra sensei, I don’t understand why it’s a bad thing.“

“It’s not bad Sakura, just…“ She sighed. “I don’t want to see you make my mistakes, shinobi like Sasuke only care for duty and becoming stronger, love doesn’t enter into their lives.“
Sakura nodded. “I should go, I hope I’m wrong.” Karra got up and walked out of the restaurant. Sakura sat there for a few moments and thought. She bit her lip and leaned forwards as Kakashi sat down where Karra had been sitting.

“Hello Sakura, something wrong?” He asked. His eyes darted quickly to the door.

“Oh, hi Kakashi sensei. No I was just talking to Karra sensei.”

“Anything I can help with?” He smiled tilting his head.

“No thank you just, girl stuff. “ She stood up and stopped, her mouth hung open for a second understanding what Karra sensei had meant. She walked out frowning and looked back just for a second at her master.
Karra sat on her knees in front of the shinobi shrine as the sun came up. Tracing her fingers over the names of her parents.

“Karra, what is the matter?”

She turned her head to see the Hokage walking smoking his pipe. “Nothing sir, just thinking.”

He knelt down beside her bowing his head in respect to the shrine. “Doubts of your future?” He glanced at her, she nodded slightly.

“Karra, you have done more than your share for the people of this village and if you believe you that you are unable or unwilling to continue, I would understand.”

“It’s not that Lord Hokage, I…” She couldn’t lie, that was exactly what she was thinking. She wanted nothing more than the peace, a simple life with Hake would entail. Thoughts of her parents sacrificing everything for the village passed through her mind. She would as well in a second but now there was a chance she could be away from the tension. Her dreams still haunted her every night of all the things she had done to complete her mission. The horrible things she had done for the sake of her village.

She looked over at the Hokage as he placed his hand on her shoulder. “Karra, it’s your decision.” He said and then stood walking away without another word. She knelt there for another hour until she heard Kakashi come up.

“I’ll go.” She said getting up wanting to leave him to grieve for his friend.


She turned to him. “What is it now Kakashi? Have you found out Hake is an orphan or maybe he has a hidden head?” She snapped sarcastically.

“No, actually I wanted to say I’m sorry. You’re capable of making your own decisions.”

She narrowed her eyes at him crossing her arms, seeing through his attempt. “So the fact that he’s leaving in a week isn’t apart of this at all huh?” She stared at him as he tried to think of a way out of it. “Well it doesn’t matter because I’m leaving with him.” She wasn’t actually sure but she just hated how he could get under her skin. She smirked at his stunned face and walked away but he was there in front of her.

“You can’t go with him, he’s dangerous.”

“I’ll be sure not to light a match around the kerosene.” She said ironically. He put his hands on her shoulders.

She tensed and brought her knee up but he caught it. She growled and pulled away then came in with a punch that he only barely avoided.

“Will you just listen?“ He asked jumping away. She glared at him and every emotion came to the surface, she wanted to make him hurt for how he left her. She wanted to purge his face from her mind, she saw it everyday even when he wasn’t there. She came in again with a kick to the side he caught it and twisted sending her to the ground. In the process she tried a hit but only knocked his headband off and he pinned her to the ground straddling her holding her arms.

“Listen to me.” He snapped. “I have a bad feeling about this.”

She stared at him for a second and relaxed but he didn’t get off of her. “You’re hurting me.” She looked away, Kakashi’s grip loosened and he got off her. She sat up. “I almost died after you left me, they made me prove that I was loyal.” She stood up following him as he walked away, she wasn‘t going to let him get away. “Do you know what they made me do?” She screamed at him and he stopped looking over his shoulder but only looking at the ground.

“I had to burn a village. Everyone in it was….” She fought way the tears. “I tried to save a child but then Asia killed him in front of me.” She growled as the tears won and slid down her face, she turned not wanting him to see them.

She felt his hands on her shoulders gently turning her, suddenly she clung to him. She wanted to hate him, she wanted to stay mad forever, but instead she cried on him letting him hold her until the tears stopped.
They did finally and she pulled away turning her back on him embarrassed for letting him see her hurt and scars. She didn’t expect him to apologize, he was protecting the village, that was what he was. Why he was the best, why she had to leave. She walked away.
After a week of not seeing Kakashi but getting into many arguments with Guy she stood slamming her cloths into the bag, packing for her trip. She wasn’t leaving permanently she would come back with Hake. He promised they could visit the leaf village every year. She looked up. “I’m sorry for breaking like that, I guess it’s just more proof I’m not fit to be a leaf shinobi anymore.” She said glancing back at Kakashi who was leaning in her doorway.

“I don’t want you to go.” He said softly.

“I’m not in the mood to fight you, if that’s what you want.” She mumbled. She felt him behind her and turned to see him standing with his mask pulled down she opened her mouth seeing the look in his eyes.

“Karra are you ready?” Hake asked startling he rout of his gaze. She looked around at him standing in the doorway then back at Kakashi, his mask was back up in a flash. She looked back at Hake. His dark eyes and smile that held so much naïve happiness. She wanted to be happy.

“I’m just saying good bye.” She said lightly and Hake turned leaving them alone. She placed her hand on his chest and sighed. “Protect the village we love.” She pulled her hand back and took her bag. “Goodbye.” She rushed past him not wanting to see him anymore. She ran out and down the stairs to the waiting man with his wagon.

“Is that everything?” Hake asked smiling.

She nodded putting on a wide grin but inside she just wanted to be away from the village and him. She frowned for a second when she heard Guy coming.

“Wait!” He yelled and stopped hugging her almost knocking her over.

“Guy, I said goodbye this morning.” She pushed him back to look at him. Her big brother, goofy as he seemed he had helped her through a lot. He never let her get away without a laugh and his indomitable spirit always encouraged her. But now she just felt like a failure for not having his strength.

“Write me and tell me everything. I just got you back and you’re leaving.” He was trying not to cry but she shook her head knowing it wouldn’t last long.

“I promise, I’ll be back to visit.” She kissed his cheek and pulled away as Hake put his hand on her back helping her up onto his wagon and he rounded it getting up himself.

Guy came up standing close to her and whispered. “I’m not blind little sister, but I want you to know that I’m here if you need me.” The uncharacteristically seriousness of his eyes shocked her but she only nodded and touched his face.

“I love you big brother.”

She waved as they rode away from him and the village and Kakashi.