Karra Lee

The Hokage waited patiently as Guy and Kakashi appeared before him, each was summoned only moments ago. He looked at each of his best ninja, this would be a dangerous mission and one normally he would send others because of their personal relationship with the victim but there was no other choice. He cleared his throat. “There is a mission, and I can’t spare any others to accompany you.” He stood up and shook his head slightly walking around his desk to stand before them.

“There is a group of rogues from the Ice Rogue Faction camped out to the east about forty miles.” He glanced cautiously at his ninja when he saw Kakashi blink he coughed motioning his personal guards to leave.

“That‘s the way Karra was heading.” Guy said looking over at Kakashi who was staring out passed the Hokage’s head.

“It seems they are looking for revenge, it is only twenty rogue ninja but it is more than enough to complete their mission.”

“Karra.” Kakashi said almost to himself.

“If you both leave now you might get to her before they reach this camp.” He turned and they both saluted and were gone, he went back around and sat down.

Sarutobi sat down when another scout came kneeling in front of his desk. “Lord Hokage, we found a body of a merchant floating down river to the south. He’s been dead for over a month. He had residue of heating oil on his clothing sir.”

The Hokage stood up and looked out the window knowing that Kakashi and Guy were already gone. “If anyone comes back from their mission early send them to me right away.” He ordered.

“Yes sir.”
A cold feeling was creeping up her back as they rode into a thick part of the forest. She looked around at everything opening her senses for danger.

“Something wrong?” Hake asked slumped holding the reins to the horses.

“Something’s wrong.” She repeated putting her hand under her cloak.

“Relax, we’ll be there soon.” His voice changed making her look over and she screamed jumping out of the wagon. Asai jumped down in front of her, his blue hair and blue eyes pierced through her, she pulled out the kunai she had in her vest.

“I thought you were dead.” She growled remembering him slitting the throat of the young boy who she saved from the fire.

“After you run me through with the spear you didn’t check to make sure it was a vital spot or that I had no one to help me. Traitor.” He spat and moved quickly. She dodged repeated attempts at her but then suddenly she looked around and saw forty paper bombs and felt the explosion rock the ground. She didn’t feel anything as she fell, everything went black.
All this time she never suspected. He was right all along, he told her. Part of her wanted him to be jealous but he wasn’t. Everything was the same, and now she was going to die because she left the only place that would keep her safe and Guy, the only person who cared about her. She blinked opening her eyes slowly, she was tied so tightly her blood was seeping out from the many wounds she had all over her body. Asai saw her and walked over gripping her cheeks tightly.

“Now that we are all awake, how about we begin our long and painful conversation.” He motioned to his camp showing her the small group of rogues that were left. “They are all anxious to speak with you.” He grabbed her arm and pressed into her wound, she gritted her teeth trying to hold in the scream. He came close to her ear. “You will scream, I promise you.”
Kakashi sat on the tree branch watching the camp as Guy scouted around trying to assess their strength. He lifted his headband as a scream echoed through the forest. He could see her chakra, she was severely wounded but the man who was torturing her was keeping her just alive. Another scream rattled him as Guy returned appearing next to him.

“Basic defenses, it doesn’t look like they were expecting us.”

“Good. Are you ready?” Kakashi asked looking over and Guy nodded. This wasn’t time for joking, this was personal for both of them. He was about to go when Guy caught his arm.

“Kakashi, after she’s safe, you and I need to talk.” The silver haired ninja nodded and they dropped down silently into the bushes to begin the mission.
Her breath came hard and fast as an explosion shook the air. “That was the east defense trip wire. Go check it out.” Asai shouted as the other’s scrambled from the surprise. A large man she remembered his name was Taica came up to Asai. “It was probably just a deer but keep an eye out.”Taica nodded and disappeared.

She couldn’t help but hope just for a second before Asai came up again to continue their “conversation”. A sudden yell stopped him again as another yell came he growled turning around. Everyone was gone, his eyes went wide as smoke filled the empty camp he took out a kunai and put it to her throat. “It doesn’t matter Asai, slit my throat you’re still going to die.” She said spitting out some blood.

“I disagree, isn’t that right Kakashi? You don’t want me to spill this pretty thing’s blood do you?” Asai screamed into thin air.

She laughed sharp as if Kakashi would care, as long as Asai died, the mission she bungled would be fulfilled and the land of snow would be safe. “You over estimate my value.” She said bitterly. He glanced at her then two shadows appeared in the smoke.

“Guy.” She said astonished as he stood beside Kakashi.

He gripped her hair tightly and just started sicing into her throat. “I’ll have my revenge first.”

“Lightning blade!” Kakashi said from behind and his arm bathed in lightning came bursting out of the chest of the former leader of the Ice Rogue Faction.

She didn’t know how to think as Guy cut her free and held her as she dropped unable to hold herself up. The pain hit her as they jostled her body Guy cradling her like a child in his arms. Kakashi came around and looked her over. “Hold on, we’ll get you home.” He said and she saw his eye swirl and herself falling.
Running as fast as they could without putting Karra’s life in danger Guy and Kakashi flew through the trees. Kakashi tried not to look back at Guy, as he carried her. She was bleeding badly, Asai was too overzealous and she wouldn’t have lasted long if he had kept going.

“We have to hurry.” Guy said increasing his speed passing him out, he noticed her skin was paler and Guy’s green bodysuit was coated in her blood.
When she opened her eyes it was dark, she took a deep breath and regretted it grunting. Her hand felt the bandage as her memories flooded back to her. Her arms were stiff and her head was pounding. She looked over as she hear a low snoring sound and smiled faintly a her brother slumped sleeping in the chair beside her bed. A low shuffling sound caught her attention and she looked over. Kakashi stood beside the window, his silver hair glowing in the moon’s light. She never wanted to see him again and here he was, her heart pounded in her chest as it always did, when he was around. “How long have I been asleep?” She whispered so she didn’t wake her brother.

He walked over and sat down on the side of her bed, his expression told her he was battling with a decision. “Karra.. I..”

“Don’t.” She whispered. He gripped her hand tightly.

He growled irritated. “Do you really think it’s only the village I fight for?“ She didn’t know how to respond. After a moment he sighed with a quick glance to Guy he pulled down his mask looking down at her with an intensity that made her blush. “Karra, this is your home. Guy needs you, the village needs you…and I need you.“

Her body was trembling as he bent down letting their lips touch. She remembered that night in the forest, it all felt so perfect, she never wanted to leave him. Then the next morning he left her alone and vulnerable. She pushed him back to look at him, afraid he would leave again wondering if she could survive it if he did. His dark eye wasn’t cold or placid, she saw vulnerability. Despite herself she pulled him in kissing him back, she knew she was damning her heart but she would enjoy burning for now until the coldness came again.
It was morning when Guy woke up, she was sitting up with a stack of pillows behind her back. “Good morning big brother, I thought you were going to sleep all day.” She smiled and he hugged her tightly. “Hey wounded remember?” She grunted and he let her go scratching his head.

He took her shoulders and stared at her. “Don’t ever leave again.” He ordered. She put on a serious face.

“Yes sir.”