Robin Goodfellow

She didn’t look up right away. New kids were something she normally would avoid. You try to be nice and when they are accepted finally into normal society they dump you and act as if you were never there. “Call me Rob if you please.” The boy said in a borderline mocking voice making the class giggle. His voice was high, almost screechy. She glanced up just to see him since she was going to escort him around the school. He was tall and thin, his bleach blond hair did nothing for his pasty complexion. His nose was way too big for his face and his lips were big. All in all he wasn’t handsome, in fact he was ugly. His shoulders were wider than his waist making him look like a upside down pyramid and his ears stuck out. She could almost imagine points on them. He ambled down the aisle with an arrogant saunter that didn’t belong on someone who looked like him. He flopped down into the seat beside her and relaxed tilting his chair back.

He noticed her looking and gave her a wink making her look away immediately. No eye contact! As the teacher turned around to get her roll call papers it started.
“Hey geek.”
“Lookie here we have a giraffe.”
“Nah giraffes are cute.”

Everyone in class was putting their jibes in. Suddenly she felt bad for him. So far this was the worst a new kid had ever gotten and he wasn’t even in the halls yet. But he didn’t say anything back. Maybe he was too scared or embarrassed. She couldn’t blame him. And the worst part was. She had to escort him around the school. So she was going to take fire for him too. Home room went by slow even though it was only fifteen minutes. When class was dismissed everyone practically ran out the door. She stood up slowly wishing she’d gotten sick. Maybe malaria, yeah that would be good. She glanced sideways at him and tried to smile. No use taking it out on him.

“My name is Olivia, but you can call my Liv.”