Robin Goodfellow

Liv managed not to look at Rob who was humming annoyingly bothering many of the kids and having to be reprimanded by Mr. Clint three times.

“Liv why don’t you come on up and read your report out loud to the class.”

She hated this part. Swallowing her breakfast that was trying to come up she stood and walked forward telling herself she could do this. When she turned she was forced to look at everyone. The blank faces of kids she grew up with and almost all hated her. Then there was Rob. His big nose looking more pronounced with is head down his eyes intent on her. She looked away from him immediately. She felt cold all of a sudden as she fixed her gaze on the paper. She read her report all the way through without so much as a glance up hearing the quiet giggles of her classmates.

Mr. Clint came around his desk smiling. “That was good Liv. So who’s your favorite of these mythological creatures? The fairies or maybe Tatiana?” Focusing on Mr. Clint meeting his eyes. After all teachers were usually safe. At least Mr. Clint was.

“No sir. My favorite is Puck.”

“Why is that? Isn’t he a malevolent spirit?” He smirked. “A trickster. Why would you like him?”

“I don’t know. He was able to stand up for himself. He was free and funny and if he went too far he could make it better. I’ve just always liked him.” She realized the class was laughing and blushed hurrying back to her seat putting her head in her hands wanting to disappear. Stupid. Stupid!

The class bell rang and she got up immediately wanting to get out as soon as possible. She stopped outside of the room and waited remembering she was escorting Mr. bad manners around today. This day was turning out to be the worst ever.