HI!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm Demon. Well.... My REAL name isn't Demon but for safty crap you all shall know me as Demon! Or the Pirate King.... LIKE LUFFY! XD HA HA! Well anywho. I think I'm gonna be using this place to just rant and post random facts that many people might find pointless, but interesting! I hope to have a world about Gay rights up soon since I;m Bi (90% Lesbian 10% Straigh). YEAH! Sorry, but I don't alow poeple that are Bias against Gay people to bug me. SORRY! ^_^ I have a Girlfriend, too, so she might just pop in every once in awhile, so don't be alarmed by the creepy person calling my sweetie...... I LEAVE YOU WITH ONE LAST THING:



External Image

^^ HA HA HA! I just wanted to put a pic here so I could post from the school and have it there... Even though I can't see it... Oo OH WELL! Big woop! ^___^

So Anyway hi! ^-^ I'm writing from school as I just stated... And... It's my second day! ^__^ really it doesn't even FEEL like I had summer break. I think it's because I actually KNEW where all my classes would be last year. *Shrugs* It's good for getting to class on time, but still.... Not knowing where the hell your classes are is actually part of the fun of just getting back to school, ya know? So it's a little sad, but whatever. The only REALLY new thing I have is Boces. I go on a bus to another building a little ways away and take a class at that building until 2:25pm. ^^ That's the end of my day! I like this class because it's computer informations. I get to learn about computers and how to work them! XD My teacher will be teaching us how to make software and make our own websites and how to use FLASH! Oo YEAH!

Not much else happened. I keep trying to get my schedual changed so that I have Gym first A and C days, but I can't! I went in yeserday and the secritary lady said I should come back later.... SO I did... And then she said come back tomarrow.... So I did..... And there's a BIG line! GEEZE! So I figured I would wait till tomarrow to get my it changed. And I WILL get it changed! I HATE having a small gym class. Since it's so small we all end up doing the same thing. We decide by doing a vote. But I'm not good at anything that requires hitting or catching a ball, so yeah. And EVERYONE hates swimming so I'm outta luck THERE too! *Growl*

Well That's all I have to say for today. Not much, huh? Well I guess I'll check in later... ^^ BYE!

