A roleplay forum, eh...?

Me: -thoughtfully eating ramen- You know, I had an idea to get an FMA roleplay forum on proboards. They're free, you know.

Sakura: Would anyone actually come?

Me: -shrugs and turns to you- Hey, you. Yeah, reader. I'm talking to you. If I made an FMA RP forum, would you come and RP? Leave your answer as a comment, please.

Zakuro: Don't you feel like you should warn them that you'd also talk about us?

Me:....no. I don't feel that way at all. o3o But think about it! A forum for RP...there'd be some threads for posting fan-fictions and fan-art and even a place to post videos people make on YouTube! Oh, it'll just be AMAZING!!!! So please.....PLEASE leave a comment and tell me your answer.

Sakura: Pwease....-shimmering eyes-
