Greetings and Salutations my good little minions!
I hope all of ye had wondrous holiday festivities and giftivals! If not, well, never fear, we all have less than satisfactory gatherings with our relatives every once in a while..or always…not all family is good family. T 3T If that be the case then find joy in the fact that you are free of its momentary tyranny and now you can partake of my funs, something any nonexistent beings should be pleased of. XD *manic giggles*
I must first express a necessary warning that this will be a long post, but never fear for there will be visual aids to assist in your memory retention and interest levels. So you ADD stalkers *snaps* yes, you, be pleased in the colorful photos :3 sssshhhhiiiiiiiinnyyyyyyy o,o
*leisurely lowers into my high backed armchair, rubs butt down in an obnoxious manner of situating myself comfortably, then shaking out my limbs I reach within my finely made, deep crimson smoking jacket and slip out a quite thick, fabric encased tome with embossed calligraphy of silver on the cover and spine…exhaling a heavy ‘ahem’, my fingers nimbly pinch the edge of the book’s front and pull it open, lightly licking my index finger the pressing grip shifts me past the first few pages, to the true beginning*
My holidays began on the night of December 23rd, when still with my father, my sibling and I opened his gifts as the following day would filled by the joining of family at my grandmother’s. *crunches on Christmas cookies* Oh, would you like to partake of my merrily decorated snackery? Well, you can’t. So “naaahh”. :P Returning to the story. The moments were really quite simple and bland, we had no reason to do anything special as all would be done the next day. I received exactly what I asked for, a rarity in the way of me knowing what is what I wished for. My presents were as follows, and please direct yourself to the lovely image for an additional aid of visual reference.

• Canon Canoscan LIDE 110 scanner
• Futurama Volume 3 DVDs
• Futurama: Bender’s Big Score (Movie 1)
• Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs (Movie 2)
• Futurama: Bender’s Game (Movie 3)
• Futurama: Into the Wild Green Yonder (Movie 4)
• Chocolate Orange
I don’t know about you kidnapped listener, but them chocolate oranges are quite the tasty treat. Yes, yes indeed. *takes a moment to appear in deep thought, blows on a piper that appeared seemingly from nowhere, bubbles expel from its bulbous, well-crafted opening* As you can imagine, …I have no idea what I was intending to say.
The remainder of the evening I spent lazying about my sites and working on a Christmas gift for my mother, awaiting the hour in which I needed to begin my tedious and long preparatory beginnings of getting ready to leave for grandmother’s by 9 am. That early morn time being 3 am, which I purposefully awaited by staying up through the night and sleeping away most of the prior day of Friday. I showered—which includes face washing and tooth brushing—, dried my hair marginally and wrapped up into soft curlers, then I lotioned all over as one must take care of one’s skin, it is your largest organ. Yes, it is. Yessssssss. This entire process takes somewhere between 2-3 hours. I then hunted down a bit of a morning breakfast, thing, which wasn’t anything like a breakfast and more of a ‘I grabbed a few things to munch on’ and whilst doing so perused my sites a bit more and worked upon my mother’s gift. Another 2 hours passed. With two hours left, I began on my makeup and deciding what I would wear that was around an hour and a half and with the last half hour I dressed and took down my hair. And somehow, I was still late. Only ten minutes, but all that time to prepare and I lazyed about it and ended up late. Now you may be wondering, why on earth am I telling you this? How is it even remotely pertinent to anything of the general theme of my dramatically told holiday events? Nothing, nothing at all. But I’m telling you anyways and YOU.ARE.GOING.TO. LIKE. IT. T 3T
Once at grandmother’s, the very grandma who I do not get along with much nor care for particularly, we have a bit of breakfast and linger about for a bit until we open our gifties. I do not have a lot, nor have I for the past few years as there is rarely ever anything I can specifically name as a want and the few things I may are not ones I would tell her. The only item I knew of was some boots I have chosen from a catalog she had given my sibling and I to search through in the hopes of finding something and possibly some picture frames for two prints I bought at a con two years ago and have been lying pitifully on my floor ever since. The image I lowerly post to you all whom I pretend exist but probably don’t does not contain all the gifts I received. A few were items which I already regifted, one, surprisingly, to mother, three to friends gift boxes I have been creating and filling for a while now, and one mother will try to give to a friend who has a young daughter. Much was candy, I have a few there but others were lost among the many in my candy drawer. And lastly, the picture frame I did receive, only one, is left at my father’s with its print where it belongs, oh also a gift card and lots o’ cash >:3..about $100! When you only get a few gifts she then gives cash so that we may get whatever, whenever it is we find something we do want.
Without further ado, the listing of items and imagery. OH CRAP! I just realized, a ring she gave me I forgot to put in the pic…oh well, it wasn’t actually a gift just something she gave me later in the day if I wanted it…it’s alright, though I don’t know whether I would ever wear it…I keep feeling like I am forgetting something..oh well.

• Two Brown Sugar Cinnamon Poptarts (stocking stuffer)
• Chocolate Orange
• Several pieces of candy
• A Puppies Calendar ( I don’t know that I will use this but…*shrug*)
• An amazon gift certificate (an amc giftcard came with this, it was already put away in my I forgot about it until afterwards XP)
• A lovely pair of boots (which I picked out)
• A gingerbread man themed nutcracker! (the best gift..cause nutcrackers and gingerbread are AWESOME)
The rest of the day we spent there, had a little lunch and some punch. My sibling, cousin, and I played some card games. Egyptian war—always a quite humorous game, of course it is always better with our mutual friend Mero…so funny—, my own created game of Mystery—3 way, and a double deck round of Bluff. Sometime I know me and my father helped my grandparents with their computer a bit, and some talk with my cousin, a good deal of hanging around and doing nothing or eating stuff and things. Yup. Left around 6 pm. I don’t know how we spent 7 hours there o-o Once we returned home we packed all our things and returned to mother’s where she and my sibling played some Lego Harry Potter while I watched…SO FUNNY. My sister speaks as a potterpuppetpals version of harry…tis so humorous..hehehehehe XD The rest of the night I spent working on my mother’s gift…a task that was not completely until a little after 12 pm Christmas day. Once finished I joined my mother and sibling for gift opening. PHEW *takes a moment to recall the toil*…took me so long to get that gifty completed.
Here is a few images and list of the loverly items I received, not listed were two gifts from relatives on my mother’s side, $50 from my grandfather and a $50 amazon gift certificate from my aunt and uncle.
Full image:

Close ups:

• Chibi-like Christmas mini Darth Vader
• Infectious Disease Stress Ball “Zombie Virus” (see squeezed close up)
• Digital Camera (NOT ACTUALLY A GIFT…my sister got a new camera, and I took her old one cause there was NOTHING WRONG WITH IT..*eyeroll at sibling* T 3T)
• Clarisonic Mia2 face scrubber
• Futurama Volume 6 DVDs
• Actual Key necklace
• Black Heart pendant (another longer chain next to it)
• Gothic cross choker (made of hemp apparently)
• Gothic rose hand jewelry (see on hand close up)
Lastly, a little thing I chose for myself while we were shopping for new toys for our psychotic, mutilatorious pet puppies. Yes, it is indeed a dog toy..and it is mine. MINE.

And so dear listeners duct taped to my wall, that be the tale of my holiday and those are my wondrous gifts! Mother most always has the best, as she knows me better :3
*flipping quickly to the pages further in the back* Before I leave and completely forget you are still trapped with my firelit den where my pet cannibal has a mouse hole opening to, I shall give you the pleasure of seeing the gift I so painstakingly worked to complete for my birth creature.
Here is the first of my Limited Edition, One of a Kind, Plush Bellie Buddie!

I introduce you to Charlie. He is a calico pony, a feisty but loving thing who is quite proud of his fluffy mane and tail. He loves bananas, and adores his bow. Don’t tell him boy ponies shouldn’t be donning lovely hair accessories, as, if he is even listening to you, he shall kick you. Hard.
Charlie is much loved by my mother and it feeds his ego satisfactorily.
Ahh. *softly shuts the book, flattened palm on the smooth textile covering, brushing in a small circle* Yes my friend, the festal days of joyous gathering, giving and receiving, it finally past and we may once again be gladdened by the fact that we don’t have to endure that again for at least a few months, depending on your family’s celebratory standards. Luckily for me, it shan’t be for a great while. *taps fingers happily on the hard surface*
*the faint sound of a chime echoes in the hall beyond the heavy wooden door* That is my cue, must be off. *replacing the great book back within my jacket, mysteriously no lump of its presence evident, I straighten the sleeves, pulling out the flowing lace at the wrists which was oddly not there before as far as you’re concerned* I have many more strangers to terrorize and bore, possibly molest. I don’t know, it’s always a tossup on what the owners of homes you break and enter are going to be. *pauses briefly then returns to preening* Don’t worry though, my widdle purry kins shall keep you company…for a bit. *points offhandedly to small hole in the wall with fancy, perfectly crafted sign above its entrance, reading, oddly, “carl” in a neat, steady hand*
So long now *tugging at my collar with a slight wrinkling of my nose, the bold grey mustache, it’s curled ends extending far beyond the sides of my pale skinned, yet rosen cheeks, twitching in response* Toodles!
*sashays across the floor, utterly naked lower half passing before you, high socks up my unshaven calves and polished dress shoes glowing in the flame dimmed lighting, with a small heave of the oak door, the bronze latch clicking, you are now alone…duct taped to a wall…awaiting the presence of some mysterious pet..thing, aren’t you glad you don’t exist? XD*
Falalalala lala la la!
Actually..really…I am confused as hell still about whoever you all are that keep viewing this little old world of mine o-o *blinks* Every day I find that my views go anywhere from none to a few hundred! You are either all wayward travelers who mistakenly got sucked into this entropy or insane creatures hypnotized by my stunning virtual charm o 3o …..PFFFFFBBBTTTTT AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA, no no XD XD XD *sniffs* ahh, ha..well, so, I don’t know whether to thank you or pity you. Either blessed by my onions. Or..whatever the hell that is supposed to mean.
Till we meet again. If that meeting is in any way sock related, I apologize in advance. Maybe >:3