Welcome to my endless enigma of pointless verbal ironies and useless information revolving around the existence of me, Itsu. Yes, I welcome you to Infinity. If you're scared, you needn't worry, I won't bite unless provoked otherwise...usually. Now enjoy your slow downward spiral toward the very core of my innermost being, well the psychotic section anyway.

Have fun.

External Image

if you'd like, my darlings, check me out at one of my other existences:

[dokuga] ---///--- [deviantART] ---///--- [pillowfort] ---///--- [tumblr]


[Happy endings don't exist because the world keeps turning--
but you don't have to have an ending--
to be happy.]

[~We are all a little weird and
Life’s a little weird,
And when we find someone whose
Weirdness is compatible with ours,
We join up with them and fall in
Mutual weirdness and call it Love~
~Dr. Seuss~]

...oh what hell this ill screw has fallen into...


So, yes I am still full of ill...though much less i would say....BUT to top off this illness i have gotten, my sister came home today after going to the doctor to find out that she has caught the infamous SWINE FLU!!!! XD HAHAHAHAHA, we haven't stopped laughing and making jokes about it either ^-^ Ahhh...so she's home sick and tomorrow is the last day of school before Thanksgiving break. SOOOOoooo i have to go and get my makeup work and books as well as my siblings books. UGHS! Poor meh can't carry that much! And on top of that, tomorrow is morning group!! (an optional ensemble for choir) SIGH, so i have to be up even earlier now!! ...my head hurts just thinking about it... *faints*

At least it's just one more day. The only thing that sucks is how behind i am now. Three days of missing school. OH and i missed all the dissection work too! UGHSSSSS I completely forgot!!!!! DARN IT!! *rams head into concrete wall* Just thinking of all the stuff I have missed makes my brain want to commit suicide...twice. Two essays at least, a quiz for sure, lots and lots of notes, the dissection stuff i bet as well as lectures for it, oh and a government project! A GROUP project! Oh my poor partner...plus whatever tests might have appeared during this time. T^T WAHH!

Well, i'm royally screwed. A screw I am. And so as my friend, mero, says "I rape empty holes". HAHAHA...oh.....punny.....*ahem* But yes, so sucky and screwed am I.

That chaos aside however!! I wish to inform you all that I shall do my best to get some new drawings done over break. I have already started something new at least. So far i'm not sure if it's going to be a serious drawing or a partially serious drawing; it's an entirely different perspective for me. SOOOO who knows!? ^-^

Ahhh well....yeah.................0,o.............byebye then dearies....

Check out me and my friend's site ShojoWorld, as well as our podcast for the site Sho-Rant (currently still updating--had a few set backs with school, illnesses, and stupid audacity deletions >:P )!!! Please PLEASE check out them both!! Our podcast can be found on iTunes, search Sho-Rant and click on the one with my logo drawing, not the other one (that one is wrong and we are trying to delete it)!!! We can also be found on podcast alley, supposedly at least...(the search still won't ackowledge our existence T^T) My friend and I would so immensily appreciate any subscriptions, views, comments, critique, votes, emails,...anything!!!!! Please, it would be very greatfully recieved. Thanks again! ^-^

Me, my homemoos, my PElol, and Pierpon are being quite insane during this trip ^-^

My darlings I have come to say that I am currently gone. Yes, my writing here comes to you from a different state as I am on vacation...you know, again. We are currently midway (or partially midway) there with a stop at my grandpa's and then all of us are leaving tomorrow morning for our final destination (or possibly another stop before then).

The MAIN reason I decided to come and post is to warn you all that there is a 30-65% chance that I won't have access to any internet where we are staying. I know, I know! Tragic! How will you all survive without me coming here...despite the fact that you don't even technically know that anyways!! GASP! So sad. *sniff* But if that be the case, then this shall become the caution and explaination for my 10 day absence.

Anyways then, to my updates! I have chapter five of Tewoeklon written and edited and revised...but I won't get it up just yet. I haven't gotten a chance to get back to The Catalyst chapter nine and I sort of want to post one of each at a time. However I do hope too soon so that I can get the chapters posted everywhere! I also STILL have many drawings to finish and get put up. About 1 complete one, 3 in-progress ones, and at least 3-4 ones up in my brain!! Two being lovely BL drawings (hehe, HEARTS them^-^), one a SasuXSaku fanart, and the other a The Catalyst fanart! Let's hope I can get these all done!!! But I'm very excited to keep moving with everything. Oh, yes and my dears I WILL be working on these drawings as much as I can during this vacation. I have already been workig on one of them just now! Praise me, PRAISE ME!

Ah I simply can't wait to get myself all caught up on my works. ^-^ So nice. I just plead that school won't impead to much upon it...and i'm not expecting it to be a big issue anyways since school is generally where I work on things.

Soooooo that's really about all there...OH my, I almost forgot, I recently hacked off my hairs and now they are just about half an inch from my shoulder! The shortest ever for me!

Okay, now i'm shutting up.

you're a donut abuser!!

It saddens me tht I only recieved one comment on my first post of vacation unpdate insanity...I had hoped for at least two, perhaps as I continue the comment count shall increase? I will have to see, I suppose.

Well, back to updates. The first thing we did was go to one of the numerous water park things here, we were there for perhaps 3-4 hours. It was fun, mostly all we did and all that can be done, is go round and round on the lazy river and ride this one tabogon-like slide. Which, of course, two out of three times I got water up my nose while riding...hate that so much!

After that we went back to the room so that we could shower and get dressed, one because we literally just got up and then went to the park and then two is because I HATE chlorine in my hair...hate hate hate...bleh :P We dressed in pants, despite the evil heat, and heading off for an hour of horseback riding on a nice trail^-^ I loved that, it was quite fun really...and my horse was certainly interesting. His name was Chance and he was a bit bigger than the guides or my sister's was. At first he was slow, especially going downhill. Then after a stop to use the bathroom for my and the guides horse, Chance stepped into second. His personality seemed to start coming out then. Every time we went up hill he would go quickly and when we went downhill he was very slow and methodical. Then he trotted once across this down/up hill path crossing thing. Our guide found that fun, because after a guide abused trotting they were no longer allowed to do so...but we still could^-^ HA. A while into it we came to part of a path were there were lots of weeds along the side, I pulled the reins up to have him stop. Then he trotted up toward the guide, and she laughed saying he didn't like having his position changed. We continued that way and such up hill and normal mostly and yet he still continued attempts to eat only one of those did he again trot up from. We moved on and suddenly at one point he turns back and looks at my siter's horse (who was named Blues) as though he simply din't want him to get ahead, or he had just figured out there was a horse behind him. We weren't entirely sure though:P Moving along more, a bug was getting up in his face and bothing him and so he kept snorting and making this weird sound...almost something like I could hear a human make when they're annoyed or something. That was the most peculiar thing to me. Hehehehehe. But I did like him, apparently he's usually slow and my sister's generally tries to get ahead of the guides horse, but they were like opposite. For some reason. Oh well, so that's what happened there.

Next we went again back to the room and decided on a place to eat, going to a place called Monks. It was ok, not great or anything and a bit family style. There was this group of little kids there with there parents and there was this one little girl like maybe 3 years old who making making "monkey" noises at this stuffed gorilla that was placed up high in the restuarant. It was actually very annoying, because it was more like screamign than anything else. :P After eating, we went to the magic show! WOO YEAH! No, but it was nice and funny and good and stuff....we had been there year before last, but things were new and different which was nice^-^ Though I recognized when things were what I had seen before.

Finally we came back adn here we have stayed, up until now when I am typing this for all to read. Cause I can. HA.

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo yeah, you must have enjoyed that...you must. Anyway, bye for now!
