This is my vent post world. I wanted to make a separate world for them so that my friends can be warned, as the title states, because few people like to read sad or angry posts. So this is my unhappy world, or as I like to call it, my world of excessive life angst.

Or my world of "Need to scream like Voldemort"

That kind of world.

The kind of world that exists because the world is that way sometimes.

This world isn't going to be pleasant, so BE WARNED.


Oh my God, this. I don't head just exploded a little bit.
So I was on Facebook and I saw THIS thing my friend posted and I mean, wow, I'm REALLY glad I don't shop at Abercrombie and Fitch. Assholes. For those of you too lazy to read the article, basically in a nutshell the store doesn't carry plus sizes because the head of the company hates fat people and only wants "cool, attractive, popular" (and it goes without saying wealthy, given the prices) people wearing their clothes and apparently there are just some people who "don't belong in the world ad don't belong in their clothes".

This really fucking pisses me off. Some of my closest friends have struggled with weight problems and THIS is the recognition they're given for it? These friends, and all the other people who have struggled with weight problems, after everything else they've had to deal with they deserve better than this. That's one place that'll never get my business.

So. With that out of my system...thoughts, guys?
