OtakuOni: Chapter Three: 3 Paths

Path One- Kiki and Mocha

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Kiki led Mocha up the stairs to the piano room, since she knew where it was. Mocha’s eyes wandered around as she went. This mansion…it was so big. Kiki stopped when they reached the piano room.

“You’re right…This room is really strange…” Mocha said, looking around, “and the piano is strange…Look there are numbers on it.”

Kiki looked where Mocha was pointing and nodded, “There are. Is there anything we need numbers for?”

“Not at the moment…I don’t think…” Mocha said.

Kiki poked a few keys on the piano, “Yeah. You keep looking. You are good with these kinds of puzzles. I am going to go take a look at the library across the hall. I’ll be right back.”

Mocha nodded and sat at the piano. She pulled out her magic top hat and decided to pull out something that might help figure out what the numbers were for.

“Jenny…Francis…Why did you two disappear? You two better have not run off to get some alone time…”

Click. Mocha kept digging as the door opened back up.

“You’re already back, Kiki? That was fast. I figured you would be in the library for at least an hour.”

Mocha looked up to see the monster staring at her. She took inventory of what she actually had at the moment. Her hat…and maple syrup. What? She’s Canadian after all!

She quickly pulled out a cloak from the hat and wrapped it around herself.

“Be the piano…be the piano…” she muttered to herself.

Maybe he would not notice her. The cloak should work…she took it from Harry Potter himself…

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The monster walked around the room and paused right behind Mocha. She held her breath.

“I am the piano I am the piano I am the piano I am the piano I am the piano I am the piano I am the piano I am the piano…”

The monster turned and left. Mocha sighed in relief and took the cloak off. She put it back into the hat, “ Thanks Harry!”

“Mocha? Why are you talking to your hat?” Kiki asked.

“…No reason…You didn’t happen to run into the monster on your way here…?” Mocha asked.

“No? Are you ok, twinnie?” Kiki asked.

Mocha closed her eyes, “Check to see if your watch is working. The flow of time…it has to be off.”

Kiki pulled out her pocket watch and opened it up. She frowned.

“That’s strange…It seems to not be working at all…”

“I think that the time flow in the mansion is off…which of course is affecting your watch. My hat seems to be working alright…”

Kiki sighed, “Let’s hope the others are faring alright…”

“Hime and Dante will be ok. They are great fighters. They will probably join us soon.” Mocha said, “Chero and Dino will probably be ok too. I do wonder what is going on with those two…”

“I akin it to being like something out of a musical…” Kiki said, “I can see Chero and Dino prancing along singing some sort of love song…Like…“What I’ve been looking for” from High School Musical.”

Mocha deadpanned, “Sadly…I can see that too.”