OtakuOni: Chapter Three: 3 Paths

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Part Three- Hime and Dante

“Looks like everyone got away safely,” Dante said.

Hime nodded, “Yes…Let’s work together to defeat this thing quickly, and meet up with the others.”

“Right,” Dante said.

Dante fired one of his guns at the monster to distract it. Hime leaped at the monster and slashed at it with her sword. Dante took the large sword off his back and covered Hime’s blind spot. The monster seemed un-phased by the pair’s attacked and reached for Hime.

Hime weaved a few hand signs and sent a blast of fire towards the monster. It stepped back. Dante took this opportunity to slash the monster from behind with his giant sword.

The monster faded away. Hime caught her breath, “How do we even know if we won…if it keeps vanishing like that?”

“We don’t. We just hope it stays away for a little while,” Dante walking around the room.

“It seemed stronger than before. I probably would not have been able to beat it alone, thanks Dante.”

“By the way…Why did Danni’s clothes have tomato stains on them?” Dante asked.

“Err…Well Chero used some of her magic to bring some pasta here. When we went to clean up Chero tripped, which made Dino fall with her…which sent a plate flying.
Danni caught it, but fell over…getting sauce all over her hoodie. The smell was bad…so we threw it into the fire.”

“…That sounds just like them.”

Dante frowned and picked something up. He dropped it onto the ground. Hime turned when she heard a breaking sound.

“Sorry.” He said, “This clock was ticking and it was driving me crazy. I hope it was not important.”

“The clocks have been weird in this building anyways. You arrived here before us…
But we spent the night here. Also, our watches do not even match up.”

Hime walked over and joined Dante.

“Mine says 7:00,” Dante said.

Hime looked at hers, “…Weird. Earlier mine said 12, but now it says 7 too.”

“Maybe breaking the clock set time right?” Dante asked.

“Most likely. Maybe if we break all of the clocks in the mansion time will flow properly.”

Suddenly the opening theme for the DMC anime started to play. Dante dug through his pocket and pulled out a cell phone.

“It’s an unlisted number…”

He put the phone on speaker, “Hello?”


“It must be a weird phone bug?” Hime questioned.

“Or a piano…weird,” Dante said.

“Let’s head upstairs to meet with Kiki and Mocha. Maybe Chero and Dino will also be there.”
Sorry for not many pictures. More maybe next time? XD Hope you enjoyed this part. <3